
If you want to know about me….check this…it’s a short book, but a LONG “about”.   CLICK on the link below to buy my e-book.  😉

Buy my E-Book

2,019 thoughts on “About

      1. Glad you liked my blog. Yours is so important. I’d like to send you a cancer prayer that is being circulated, and share a link to your blog with a friend. How can I do that?

      2. You visited my website some time ago and I have not received any further comments.Just to let you know I now do more complex blogs on the other two WordPress sites called Econothon and Econothon II. Please keep in touch!
        Blogdaleup on WordPress

  1. Thanks for stopping by my page. hope you enjoyed it =) looks like you have a powerful blog here. I am sure it is a help to those who read it, and those who are suffering with cancer as well. Peace

  2. Hello! Thanks for stopping by my site…my dad is going through his 4th cancer battle right now, and by the grace of God, he has a good prognosis and an amazing attitude. From looking through your blog, it appears that you have the same optimistic and pro-active attitude. Thanks for encouraging and helping others through their own battles or struggles. God is using you. Enjoy your day! 🙂 Lisa


  3. Thank you so so much for dropping by at Thoughtful Thoughts. It means a lot. I lost my grandmother recently to cancer, so I am very thankful to you for mentioning all this for everyone. Even otherwise, it is a noble deed you perform and may you always be blessed.

  4. Dear Anna, Thank you for reading my short stories. Do you find the “Thus Spoke Fred” series more wierd or more entertaining? Any feedback would be good. I do not get as much feedback on these as I do on my other 2 blogs and short story posts.

  5. Greetings, Anna! It’s such a good thing to be sharing your experiences and view of life. Wishing you the very best, and looking forward to reading more of your posts.

  6. Just wanted to stop by and thank you for taking the time to read and follow my “Delightful Local Repast” blog 🙂 Your blog is hopeful, helpful and spirited…like it very much 🙂 Best, Rose

  7. You keep disappearing and reappearing from here! 🙂 Was wondering what happened to you. Glad to see you’re back again and hope you’re sticking around. 🙂 I’m way behind on reading blogs of others on here. Hopefully I’ll back in the groove with it soon. Blessings! Anne

  8. Hi there. Thank you so much for taking the time to read some of the posts on my blog, and for following it. Have just read your post about soup – made me chuckle as I am in a soup-making phase!

    Best wishes


  9. Thank you for following my Boomer Cuisine blog…I believe it is up to each person to honor the temble of their body by putting nourishing healthy real food into it. You wouldn’t put a twinkie in your car’s gas tank and expect it to run great…why put one in your mouth?

  10. How are you doing my friend? Thank you for all likes and the follow. Please make yourself at home anytime 🙂


  11. Thank you for reading and liking my blog, Anna. Wish you a belated happy birthday, my mom is born a few days apart from you and you two are some of the strongest women I can see as examples in my life. Here’s wishing you the best health and love in the years and hours to come ! Take care!

  12. Hi oneanna65,

    Thank you for visiting my blog, and the “like” also. I took a look around your blog. You truly are an inspiration to the world. I hope you will continue sharing your love with all of us.

    Do take care and keep having fun with the years God has given you.

    Best regards,

  13. Anna, thanks so much for visiting my site and deciding to follow. Your work here is so important. What we put into our bodies *makes* our bodies—and our brains—and our energy. When will people figure that out?
    Many blessings.

  14. Thank you Oneanna65 for taking the time to visit me again. I’m pleased that you enjoyed my recent postings. I appreciate it very much.

  15. Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog, it’s much appreciated.

    I can only say that I too walk this path, no more words are necessary x

  16. Anna, thank you for visiting my blog today – I’m glad to meet another 65 year old. (I turned 65 last November.) However I’m so sorry to hear you are battling cancer. Wishing you all the best, for many, many good years ahead!

  17. Hi! Thanks for the follow. Your posts made me smile, I love your determination and positivity. May you see all of your planning come to fruition, and with it, may many beautiful experiences unfold. I wish you good luck, and good health and rosy lips on your journey!

  18. Hello! Thanks for checking out our blog. I’ve read through your posts and thank you for posts full of such high spirits and joy.

    Peace in Christ,

  19. Thank you for liking and following my blog. I have lost many friends to cancer, so it’s good to see someone coming out on top. Just finished a cancer walk in my area, which I do every year, as well as other events. God bless you and best wishes.

  20. HI oneanna65! Thank you for following my blog, means a lot, especially when I’m followed by someone your age. I kinda feel honored. If I may ask, since I’m kinda new at blogging, what made you want to follow my blog?

  21. thanks for visiting (and following) my blog. your fight and attitude are so inspirational, i look forward to sharing your insights and experiences with my family and friends.

  22. thank you for visiting my blog and liking so many of the different things i post–i am enjoying when i get the time to visit others as you learn so much when you step away and out of yourself–i hope i remain young as i grow older and keep learning with the wonder of a child

  23. Hi there! Thanks for visiting purelysubjective and following! Your story is very inspirational and I wish you the all the best. Also, random coincidence…we have the same birthday! What a small world; happy belated birthday. 🙂

  24. I hope that you celebrated your birthday in style! Happy belated to you! And, thank you for signing up to follow my blog! I hope you will find it entertaining! hugs – Barb

  25. Thanks for liking my latest post on my blog (Salt & Pepper). Glad to connect with you through your site. Will pray for your health to get better each day.

  26. thanks for deciding to follow my blog. what was it about the angels and spirit guides that interested you? would like to write more about what interests people if i can? congrats on beating cancer and sharing gr8 info

  27. Your blog is great! Its a wonderful thing to know that this positivity and hope exists in our world. Keep on fighting and we’ll keep reading!

  28. Dear Anna — thanks for visiting my blog and Liking a post! I am very grateful for your time and kindness. I have read some of your blog posts and I like your humor. Blogging is very good therapy for anyone that is dealing with a health challenge. It gives you the opportunity to reach out to others and to share your experience. I am sure you have helped many cancer survivors to better cope with their situation.I invite you to visit my Sustainable Wellness blog on Blogger. I created it so I can save articles that I read about health and wellness. I hope that you are able to find some information that you can add to your knowledge of naturopathic approaches to cancer containment. Here is the link:http://sustainablewellnessbusiness.blogspot.com/. Best wishes and warm regards Audrey

  29. Thanks for coming by and reading my blog. I’m procrastinating from doing an assignment but it was great to go through your blog and read about what’s been happening in your life. All I can say is wow- I hope you keep on fighting and living life to the fullest.

    God bless,


  30. Thank you for visiting my blog, Both my mother and husband died from cancer, so I know personally the devastation of this disease for everyone. Wishing you health, happiness, and continued success.

  31. Its quite cathartic to write about major events that have impacted your life, the good and bad. All I can say is well done and keep at it!

  32. I am so glad you found my blog …. because it lead me to yours!!! Reading from an upbeat, positive person in a land of skepticism and cynicism is such a blessing. Thank you for sharing yourself in the blog world. I can’t wait to read more … and to learn more from you!

  33. Thank you for following by blog! And thank you for letting me camp out in your blog 🙂 Blog camping is the brilliant idea of Russel Ray of the blog Russel Ray Photos. You can read about his idea at http://russelrayphotos2.com/2012/04/03/may-i-camp-out-in-your-blog/

    I find your attitude inspiring. My hubby’s mom has lived through breast cancer and she too advocated healthy eating (she always has some dark chocolate in her fridge, which is nice for everyone).

  34. Thanks for liking my post ..I’m in the same age bracket as you and enjoy each and every day better than ever before ..just like you I look coward to living as long as I can ..each day is such a gift…

  35. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I don’t claim to cook healthy all the time, but I do have plenty of healthy recipes that I plan to share. We have 3 kiddos, and they like good-tasting food, so I try not to cook anything that doesn’t have a phenomenal taste. If you’re interested, feel free to follow me!

  36. thanks for coming to my blog, otherwise i might not of found yours. you have a wonderful and lovely blog here, I’m enjoying so much what I have read so far, I will be back.. : )

  37. Thank you for following my blog – Creative Harmonies – I hope you continue to find the convergence of faith & art meaningful.

  38. Hello! Thanks for the like on my blog, you seem like a positive person! keep up the good work!
    when i get my act together i will do some more vegie patch post
    p.s i like chicken-vegie soup too 🙂

  39. Hi, thanks for visiting and following “In My View”. I read some of your posts and like your outlook on life. Look forward to seeing more of your posts. — Rob

  40. Thanks for visiting my blog! I see you have found my most popular post ever, the Peanut butter cake!!
    All the best to you! Mary ♥

  41. Oh my goodness you have a lot of fans 🙂 Congrats! I am sitting here at work and just popped in to check my blog and saw that you ‘followed’ mine. I clicked on over to check you out and now I’m not wanting to stop reading. I believe God’s timing is awesome and He is using your blog to show how others ideas of perfection is not what He is looking for (I’ve been reading your post ‘My Apology’). I too am so very new to all of this, He instructed me to write and this is the only way I currently know to do it. I tend to put too much emphasis on how many hits I’ve gotten to help me feel successful with my writing, I keep reminding myself being obedient brings its own rewards. Of course, a successful blog like yours would be awesome 😉 What I’ve learned though is that when you follow Him, He brings you to exactly the place He wants you to be. I’ve begun following your blog and will use that as my daily reminder to stand with you in your faith on healing. He is after all our great physician. I believe that sometimes He likes to show off…..not for attention or pride but to draw more people to Him….you are a perfect vehicle for that!!!

  42. Good evening,

    Thank you for being the first to like/follow my blog (I was beginning to wonder if anyone would notice it)! I didn’t get to finish the post you had liked until a few moments ago, so if you want you can read the rest! My first impression of your lifestyle is one to be ceaselessly happy about your good fortune and ability to overcome all obstacles. Keep up the good work! People like you change others.


    Zach Brokaw
    “Philomath in training”

  43. Your blog is inspiring – I’ll be sharing it with my Mother and Grandmother, who both battle caner, as well. You’re putting good stuff out there 😉

  44. Just checked out your about section. Sheer awesomeness! Funny how you left the default WordPress text there. I laughed out loud when I saw it. Did you do that on purpose or did you just get lazy? 😉 Either way, it makes you look like one hilarious lady. Thanks for the “like”. Your personal story is amazing. You could help a lot of people.

    Wishing you the best…

  45. Thanks for the like! Enjoyed your blog. I am a cancer survivor – 12 years. God is showing me how to live without fear and instead to look for treasure in every trial. Praying you are victorious and keep blogging! Keep planning until you reach 100, at least! 🙂 Blessings!

  46. Happy Birthday and thank you for visitiing my blog….Following the Lord will get you to the places you want to go and take you on a happy trip going there….When I lost my daughter recently, He picked me up and carried me for two weeks…. He is holding my hand and I know He is holding your’s tooo!!!!! God bless you.

  47. Thanks so much for your recent like of my post on Thai street food. You’re doing great with the blogging! It’s a learning curve for all of us. keep it up!

  48. Hi, CKR! Welcome to the DiabeticRedemption.com family of readers. I’m glad you’ve joined us! If you’d like, please find my Friends Page, and tell me and my readers a little about yourself and your blog, and please be sure to add the URL. Again, welcome! I can’t wait to hear what you have to say!

  49. Hi and thanks for stopping by my page!! I hope you’ll enjoy reading more. Your “follow” is just perfect timing, a friend has just been diagnosed with colon cancer, so I’ll recommend your blog to her!

  50. I see you have a huge following here! 🙂

    I just wanted to pop by to thank you for following my blog (No Holds Barred) and for liking my most recent post. You are clearly an old hand at this but in my modest traffic I get a kick out of it every time. 🙂

    Thank you!

  51. Anna, you are an inspiration–attitude is everything. My dad had cancer once, but he didn’t die of it. Happy belated birthday and I wish you many, many more. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and following my blog.

  52. Just wanted to say thank you for stopping by “Healing From Jesus” and clicking the ‘like’ button on Ted Pavloff’s article “Healing Is Yours.” Glad you found it a blessing. It looks as though you are putting a great deal of effort into helping and encouraging people in this site as well. And, by the way, I agree with your plan to live another 5 years and then decide on a new plan at age 70. You can keep deciding for 5 more years for a very long time that way. God bless you as you plan to live a long time. You might enjoy this article about how it’s God’s will for you to live a VERY long time, so I’ll include the link here:

  53. Anna, thank you for reading my crazy travel blog. We are blessed to still be healthy, so our goal is to “do the best we can in the time allotted”. An, that, my friend is all any if us can do. Keep on keeping on! The techteachrtravels

  54. Hey Anna, thank you for reading my post and following my blog. I am glad you liked my ‘Can I still be ‘A Little Princess’? blog, and I hope to write more that you will enjoy. I can’t wait to read some of your blogs.
    – Alexandra Whittle ❤

  55. I sense a theme here…
    Like the others, I want to thank you for visiting and following by blog. I found yours rather interesting, too!

  56. Hi Anna! Thanks for visiting and liking my blog. I hope you’ll find it encouraging and inspiring. I enjoyed reading through your posts…and look forward to more in the future!
    Blessings, Sharon

  57. Thanks for liking my post on Mindful Travel. I’ve often written that travel should be more than a “show and tell tour”. I’m inspired by you to see there’s more to living than a “show and tell life”.

  58. Thank you for liking my post, Sicilian Street Food: Arancini di Ragu! I enjoyed reading your posts, keep on fighting with that attitude and you’ve got it beat!

  59. Hi and thanks for the follow. I’m impressed with what I’ve read of your as well. I hope this year…and the next, and the next, and the one after that, etc., is blessed with phenomenal health and well-being for you!

  60. Hi Anna! I haven’t thanked you yet for following my site. Thank you so much! You were actually my first follower and it really pushed me to continue blogging since I’m very new to this activity. Again, thank you!

    I’m also impressed with your motivation in fighting cancer and promoting healthy living. I can very much relate on your daily ordeal since my mom also had cancer. Keep your spirit high and more power to your site!


  61. thank you for visiting my blog! and a bigger thank you for bringing me here to your own… what an inspirational story you are writing!


  62. Your “like” is very much appreciated, thank you! Cancer, huh? Boy, does that disease suck, or what? Don’t know your story (obviously), but I hope everything’s going well, and you’ve got it licked!

  63. Thanks for visiting and following my blog. When I hopped over here, I landed first on your post about your 65th birthday. Intimidating math! I turned 69 on April 8 (great month for a birthday) and there’s no way I’m going to attempt the math conversions. Too exhausting!

  64. Thanks for taking your time to read one of my posts, it means a lot to me. Happy belated 65th birthday and I wish you nothing but the best health for years to come. Stay strong.

    The Fellow Yellow Brother Down the Block

  65. Thank you for following my image blog. My aunt also has been battling with cancer and I’m praying for her. Best of luck to you, too.

  66. Hello,

    Thank you for following my blog. I hope I don’t disappoint you and that your visits in my blog will always be a joyful ride.

    Thank you again and have a nice day! 🙂

    Subhan Zein

  67. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have a family member who is battling cancer right now and he is very particular about not being defined by his illness. I want to send a shout out his way for good health!

  68. oneanna65, thanks for visiting my site. I hope you enjoyed it and will visit again. I went through a fight with cancer at the age of 59 (I am 70 now). I am an atheist, so I can’t say that I prayed much (or at all) but I did research the situation and chose a doctor at Johns Hopkins. Things worked out well for me. I am hoping that you do as well as I did, and with the sort of attitude that you seem to have, I truly believe that you will. Ron

  69. Thank you for liking my blog: I too am a believer in God. My name is Sam and I’m 14 years old. I start in a television show for little boys and girls to help them learn about God’s truths. I hope my work will encourage your grandsons to be strong and courageous. Sam

  70. Very inspired to read your blog! And thanks for liking my post, so happy you do 🙂 🙂 🙂 God bless you with abundant blessings and a very long and joyful life!

  71. Hello Anne, thank you for stopping by and liking my blog. I’m finding your blog incredibly moving – your positivity is amazing and I really hope that your fight against cancer is successful.
    All the best, Liz

  72. Thanks for “liking” my post! Did you see our sanctuary for prayer and healing? My husband is a cancer survivor who became obedient and created the House of Angels, an outdoor sanctuary for prayer and healing. We’ve seen many miracles! Go to http://www.annrichduncan.com and then click onto the button that says “about Don”. It’ll bring you to it. By the way, how long have you been blogging? I’m impressed. Wish I could get that many responses. My agent says I need 50-thousand clicks before she can get a publisher to look at my books.

  73. Thank you for checking out my fashion and lifestyle blog fashionflood.com. I am happy to see you liked my post. After browsing your blog I am impressed with your story and list of healthy foods. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work.

    Make A Splash,


  74. Thank you for checking out my blog today. I read a few of your posts. Excellent information. My father died of acute myeloid leukemia last year–a fact I actually edited out of the piece I posted today. Prayers for your continued good health!

  75. Thank you for visiting LightWriters and for the like of my article ‘Saving Seeds’…I’m so glad you did, because it led me to reading your many great articles on living healthy! Awesome! 🙂

  76. Thank you for stopping by … it is unreal there are only 400 sumatran tigers left … a movement to save and repop is needed

  77. Your blog is inspiring and instructive. Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog today and click on the “Like” button to my most recent post. I hope to see you back again soon. Cheers!

  78. Hi Anna. thank you for stopping by my both blogs and liking my “anyelir” and “kering tempe” posts. Your blog is so inspiring. thank you for sharing your life story with us all. Please keep your good and positive spirit up high to stay healthy. You’re such an inspiring soul. Sending you all positive energy from here. God bless you!

  79. Thanks for liking my post ;Nuclear Radiation Dangers ….”
    Good luck to you with your health and blogging.
    You have many friends following your blog.
    You may have already had a general look at my blog but there is much about health either in posts or linked on sidebar or in posts.
    ‘Natural Health’ is a good general source.
    Maybe not a lot on cancer so much, but I hope it is some help to you.

  80. It shows that God can use us in all types of different ways, Sometimes we dont even know. Through blogging and facebook, twitter,Myspace, We can really use those to spread the positivity, Our words. You are a wonderful blogger and I think you are helping so many and giving great adviced and postive words. God bless

  81. Thank you for visiting my blog, and clicking the like on my post. I’m glad you found something worthwhile on it. You are truly inspiring. Blessings to you and yours, and continued success.

  82. Thank you for visiting my blog! I appreciate the attention you have shown it today! I just got started with this and you have help build it with me! Thank you for the support!!

  83. got your blog’s add via mine (thanks for visiting) and what do I discover? A great woman, full of courage and also a sense of humour! Am inspired by your attitude. Bravo!

  84. Hey!! Thanks for visiting and liking my blog… Still trying to get a handle on this whole blogging thing but loving it!! Hope to see you again soon!

  85. Ive looked over some of your posts and find them to be concise and informative. Thank you for visiting my blog because it helped me discover you 🙂 keep up the great work and thank you for the support on mine!

  86. Thanks for “like”ing my post “Depression. Mine is……well, Depressed – pt.1”, I appreciate your reading it.
    I can see a very powerful spirit in your posts. Keep it up!

  87. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my reviews. It means a lot I write them for my own edification and for fun, but I am happy to share them with readers around the world. I too am a cancer survivor, breast cancer. Free now for 12 years. Luckily mine was gotten with a lumpectomy and with careful monitoring I avoided the chemo. Now I have MS – at least it won’t kill me! Keep it up, and I’ll be back to check on you. Kristin

  88. Thank you for stopping by … i enjoy the info that UCS provides … a better way to steward the earth. You have a very powerful energy …

  89. Thanks for stopping by our post on Black Bean & Garlic Chicken! Hope you enjoyed the recipe… next time you’re in Hong Kong, be sure to look us up. Until then, come on back for more stories about our adventures. 🙂

  90. Hi,
    Thanks for visiting our blog. Congrats on being cancer-free! We’ve also read testimonials of people overcoming cancer after changing their diet to a plant-based one.

    If you’re ever in the area, we invite you to visit our restaurant 🙂

    Wishing you continued health!

  91. Hi Anna…..thanks for stopping by “Unwalled” and liking my post re: tips to help protect your marriage against adultery. Thanks for being a light in spite of the challenges in your path. May peace, strength and health be yours……….Shalom, Kim

  92. I get confused about if oneanna and cancerkilling recipes is the same person, my dashboard satys im following, you-hope you will follow me. Yhanks for the comment on my reent blog, i read and enjoy yours as well

  93. Thanks so much for stopping by & liking our post at ‘Memories on the Journey’ today! We hope you’ll come back soon & find more encouragement in our stories about this adventure we’re having in Hong Kong!

    I recently watched a video about how wonderful Coconut Oil can be for Alzheimer & Parkinson patients, I’m wondering if you have found it to help with Cancer treatment as well?? Another thing you may know, is it true that high levels of protein intake can have a negative result for Cancer patients? Since moving to Asia, I have heard more than once about this & had never heard it in the States… They tell me the protein helps the cancer cells to grow… Your thoughts??

    Blessings, JK.

  94. Thank you for stopping by my blog and “liking” my post. I hope you enjoyed your visit enough to come again soon! I looked over your site, but for some reason they are not in date order? The one on the top is about the Ensure from several week back. You should look into Glucerna, great everything and it balances out blood sugar so it does not contribute to diabetes and is in fact approved and recommended for diabetics. Just a little tip. 😉

  95. Thank you for liking my blog posts and I am glad that you enjoyed reading them. You have some great content here that is very informative.

  96. Hi Anna, thanks for liking my Father’s Day post…..my dad was terrific person to many. It’s been 19 years since his passing and I am still meeting people she speak of acts of kindness that he deposited in their lives. Blessings to you!…..Kim

  97. Hi again Anna, thanks for liking my post re: tips on how to protect your marriage from adultery – tip#5. I am a strong believer in marriage and I believe a spouse should do all he/she can to make a marriage work because it is a covenant and also because if for some unfortunate or unforeseen reason the marriage does not work out, at least that spouse can rest in the fact that he/she was the best spouse they could be and not have to deal with regret on top of everything else. Blessings to you and yours!….Kim

  98. Hi! thanks for visiting my blog as well. I enjoyed reading about your healthy foods and your inspirational thoughts and story. I am fighting a less scary(than the “C” word) medical condition that is not well-researched and I figure a healthy diet can’t hurt! Keep fighting and eating lots of plants! 🙂 Julie

  99. Thank you for the like and follow … i love NMAAHC and google does some good things … putting the Amazon tribes plight in the news , helping and investing in sustainable living where possible is what i like pushing … very informative great blog, i will be back

  100. Thanks so much for “Liking” my post on Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary!!! I’m really grateful when people “like” my posts, as it hardly ever happens! It’s all that mush more special coming from someone like yourself – a survivor. I, too, am a survivor of ravaging diseases. It is by the sheer grace of God that I’m even here right now!!! Praised be Jesus and Mary!!! Please be assured of my prayers for you, your intentions and your health. Pax Christi!

  101. You seem like you have a lot of strength, that’s amazing! Thanks for visiting my blog 🙂 Wishing you all the very best.


  102. Thanks for liking a post on my blog I look forward to reading some more of your.
    Wishing you health and happiness

  103. Thanks for checking in with my blog and I hope I gave you a smile. You’ve given me inspiration to keep the posts going (as a bit of a newbie blogger). Keep fighting and sharing your journey; you have lessons to pass along to all of us!

  104. Thanks for stopping by on Sweet Honey Tree. You are an example of a strong woman. Never give up. All the best x

  105. This is one heck of a blog you’ve got! And beyond that your spirit is what is more admirable! Keep enjoying the fabulous journey of life and inspiring many around you.

  106. Thank you for stopping by My Hmmm Collection and clicking the Like button. I’m curious to know how you found me.

  107. Thank you for visiting our blog and liking Hemingway’s post. Our Mom is the same age as you so she thought that was pretty cool. We’re not that old yet but we figure age is just a number and we like humans and fur people of all ages. Keep inspiring others with your blog.

  108. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking some of what I wrote about my summer reading list. I like what you’re doing here and will be stopping by now and then. All the best! 🙂

  109. Thank you for liking my blog. And yours is very, very interesting. Keep up the blogging. There are many people online who need the information. Prayers and good, healing energy to you….

  110. Anna, thank you for stopping by and “liking” my blog “The Weapon of Binding And Loosing”! May the Lord continue to bless you and enable you to help others through your blogs!

  111. I – like everyone else – wanted to recognize and thank you for visiting Geek Democracy/Just Jim. From the energetic and upbeat way in which you write I can tell two things: that you must be thanking God for being a cancer survivor and thus being able to see life after age 65, and that you’re attempting to share your wisdom with others. Keep up the good work and it’s nice to see that there are those who use the tools available to them to be a helpful and positive influence to others.

    Have a great day.


  112. thank you for reading my blog and “like” it..I think you are an inspiring person..
    will keep coming and reading your blog. Cheers! 🙂

  113. Thank you for the like on my post!
    This is an incredible blog and you are such an inspiration! God bless you 🙂

  114. I don’t know if I ever properly thanked you for following my blog and I would be very remiss if I did not express my appreciation. Thank you also for the “like” communicated today. It is of great encouragement.

  115. I look forward to following your blog…a treasure of information! Thank you for sharing your knowledge!!! I am so glad you stopped by my blog so now I was able to discover yours. Happy Blogging! S-

  116. Thank you for taking the time to visit me again. I was growing up with a sister who got brain cancer when she was four. No one thought she would survive. She did. Never forget the power of your thoughts, never give up. Wish you all the best

  117. Hi Anna, thank you for a visit to my blog & liking the post. I reckoned that you are a cancer patient. My mom is also patient. Getting to know other people’s story making me feel connected. I am wishing you the best in life for whatever you do. If one day you decided to visit Malaysia, please contact me : shuhadaa.hasim@gmail.com

    Thank you again…

    Shuhada Hasim

  118. Anna, thank you for liking my post “Dealing With The Seductress – Addiction”, I appreciate your time and hope to see you back again. Blessings to you on your journey…

  119. Thank you so much for blessing me with a visit to A.Hutchinson Photography and liking my post “Divine Inspiration”.
    I look forward to reading your blog … on a journey for wellness myself.
    Blessings to you.

  120. thanks for stopping by my blog and checking out the recipes. I think the one I posted today would definitely fit in your healthy department. Best wishes to you!

  121. Hi Anna
    Thanks for stopping by my place to read about my brain freeze adventure.
    I hope you’re doing well.
    I’m jazzed about the healthy foods list and the anti-sugar post you wrote!!!
    Cancer is stupid and it’s taken a lot lot lot of people who’ve touched my life, so I’m extra glad to know you’ve tackled it and continue to ward it off with good nutrition and by writing about it.

    Maybe you’ll be getting a shaved ice maker and use organic juice to flavor the ice (instead of using the sugar syrups with chemical colors)?

    Be well!

  122. Hi Anna
    About three weeks ago I switched my website host. Unfortunately in the move I lost all my subscribers! Not good!

    If you would like to resubscribe please go to readingremy.com and enter your name in the subscribe box. Sorry for the inconvenience!

    As a THANK YOU I’m sending out my free e-book “Forgiven…once and for all” a look at God’s unconditional love.

    Thanks. I hope to hear from you soon and get you commenting again!

    F. Remy Diederich

  123. Hi, thanks for liking my blog! I am sorry that you have to battle with something that touches so many of us. I have cancer close in my family and learned a lot about cancer beating diets. My dear friend, who is a scientist all her life, researching this disease gave me a simple cancer beating advice: eat and drink everything red as possible: beets, red wine, red cabbage, tomatoes, whatever comes to your mind. Since you don’t feel like cooking anymore, these are simple tips for eating raw, supporting that immunity system and enjoying life 🙂 Did you look through my recipes on my blog?

  124. Thank you so much for leaving a ‘Like’ on my blog. Your blog is very inspirational. Please visit again, as I will have lots of healthy tips and recipes.

      1. thanks for reading my blog : http://tiggerrenewing.wordpress.com/2012/09/21/books-read-and-still-to-read-reviews/
        I glad you liked it – whilst I haven’t survived cancer they did think once that I had it – luckily it was a false alarm and it turned out I had something else – not life threatening… I am very new to this blogging site as my last site – all about my garden – has now been taken down, so I’m moving over to here and also writing about much more …. will keep looking at what you write as I so agree about organic and try and keep our garden as organic as possible and very bee friendly!

  125. Thank you for “Liking” my posts lately. I have been visiting your blog almost every day for awhile, and enjoying your posts. I have not been taking time to do anything more than read posts because of my circumstances. When these circumstances change, I will be able to take time to “socialize” more. In the meantime, I want you to know that I enjoy visiting your blog. I like your positive attitude.

  126. Thank you for stopping by and liking my post.
    At first I was going to like your post ‘My Apology’ and thereafter follow you quietly, but upon second thought, I wanted to let you know that my mum is 65. Growing up, she was my best friend. I am often worried about her because of my selfish reasons.
    Her name is Anna.

    Thank you is not enough to express what I am feeling. My warmest wishes. God speed.

  127. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I love yours as well. You’re interesting and amazing, and I’m glad we “met”. Now that I follow you, I’ll be able to read your blog regularly. Thanks again, be well.

  128. Thank you for your visit on my blog. I truly appreciated the gesture and I hope you found the messages inspiring. You have obviously been doing some great work with blogging. I pray God that He continues to use your talent to reach the many people who are probably crying for help. Thanks again!

  129. Anna, thanks for stopping by and “liking” my blogs on the Helmet and Sword and Praying Always. I appreciate the time you take out of your busy schedule to read them. God bless you! May you be blessed with good health and long life!

  130. Thank you, Anna, for visiting and liking my blog. I wish you a happy and Blessed life filled with wonderful memories and lots of breathing! ~Kristina

  131. Hi!

    I have noticed that you have liked some of my “business opportunity posts” (Forever Living Aloe Vera) Would you be interested to join my team? Please contact me through my website and we can discuss further! You will find my email address there as well. Believe me its a great opportunity.

    Will be waiting for your email!
    Healthy regards,

  132. Thank you for visiting my blog! My grandmother is also a survivor of cancer, it’s always interesting and inspiring to hear of others stories. Thank you so much for sharing yours.

    With all my care,


  133. I’d like to thank you for visiting my blog. I don’t get a lot of visitors, so it’s nice to know that my voice (no matter how quiet and unrelated to some it may be) is being heard and, at the very least, is entertaining for someone at some point. I wish you the best.

  134. Hi Anna,

    Many thanks for taking a peek at my blog and liking my post. You have an amazing story and I wish you lots of love, health and happiness. What ever comes extra is a bonus 🙂

    Carpe diem!

  135. HI Anna, thanks for liking my post “I Thank God Tonight”. I hope the my writings will be a source of strength and hope to you during this season of your life. May God bless you and continue to strengthen you by the power of His Holy Spirit in your inner man. Never sot believing that God is a Healer……..Shalom!……Kim

  136. Hi Anna,

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the vote which has boosted my confidence. I look forward to reading more from your blog but so far what I’m seeing so far, it is quite an inspiration for us all.

    With kind regards,


  137. Hello, Anna! Thanks so much for liking my post. I read through some of your blogs; you have a wonderful way of saying things in order to help people understand what you have and are going through. You are very inspirational!

  138. Thank you so much for your inspiring words! You are doing so much to help the many who are going through what you are, right now.

    Thank you also for visiting my blog and clicking on “like” frequently.

    Much love, a new friend,


  139. Thanks for your recent “like” on my blog! Seeing that really gives me a reason to keep going. As a new blogger, sometimes it can be hard at first. I really appreciate your push to keep going.

  140. I see you in a lot of places having “like”d all sorts or random blog posts. Do you actually read all those posts that you like?! There are so many!

  141. If you wan to “feel like a million…” please visit my blog. My new health book was published today, “New Life, naturally…the home guide to harmonious health.”

  142. thankyou for liking my post “the power of my love”.
    i really liked ur post abt cancer…
    wel done and really amazed.
    great job done…
    pls do come on my page again..
    i warmly welcome you..

  143. Thanks for visiting my blog (www.lovelyspirit.wordpress.com). I absolutely love your blog! I love the positive outlook you have on life even in the midst of your trials. Only God can give someone a perspective like that. God bless you, and may your light continue to shine.


  144. Hej from Sweden !
    Thank you for viewing and liking my recent post “Goodbye Frida” Today, the day after, I am numb and my herd is traumatized. It was my birthday yesterday and everyone wanted to see and hear a happy birthday girl; it was not an easy task!
    One of my readers said time will heal it all. I know this but , how much time will be needed for all of us?

  145. Hi there,
    Thank you for visiting/liking my blog Little Things and returning to visit my blog too! I love it when others enjoy my posts.


  146. Hello – I’m here because you visited my blog recently so I thought I’d drop by. You definitely have a positive attitude (and good reason for it), so I have little doubt you’ll be making plans at 70. Actually, you’re a couple of years apart from my mother’s age, so your recent posts struck a chord with me for that reason. All the best!

  147. Thanks for visiting my blog again!
    Hope you’re continuing to eat good, unprocessed foods. Ensure is okay for once in awhile but not for always.
    Keep on doing good things for your body 🙂

  148. Hello! 🙂 – I am nominating you for an inspirational blogger award.
    I was nominated and feel you deserve it!!

    There are a few guidelines for accepting this award. They are as follows:
    1. Acknowledge the giver of the award, and link back to their site.
    2. Copy and paste the award to your blog.
    3. List seven things about yourself.
    4. Pass the award to 7 bloggers.

    Congrats! Well deserved! 🙂

  149. Thank you for visiting my blog. My wifes mom passed away from cancer the year before I met her in 1980. She has the fear that it will happen to her. Your blog is very informative. Thanks for having it.

  150. Hey. Thanks for the like!
    I like your blog. If you didn’t say that you were 65 in your blog, I would have never guess because your posts are full of life and hope and joy. It’s wonderful. Keep on blogging 🙂

  151. Happy 5th month of blogging. I hope you have been enjoying your blogging, especially since I’m that your decision to overcome this is an inspiration to many who are battling the same.

    Thanks for taking the time out to read other blogs and encourage others like me (Inadvertently Incorrigible) by liking their posts (Review of The Time Machine). Your decisions on your 65th was inspiring. Maybe you’d like to update your “About” section of the blog, that tells people in a nutshell who you are (though your blog posts are a pretty good window in themselves).

    May God heal you and keep you. Resmy

  152. Hi. Just wanted to thank you for the “like” of my post, The First 662.7 Miles Are Always The Easiest, on Your Dad Did. Please keep reading and I’ll be checking out your blog more, too.

  153. Thank you for the Like and for stopping by my blog. And, thank you for sharing your story! I pray God will fill all of your days, however many more He has planned for you, with His love and presence.

  154. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post Hi Me, Have We Met, I am sorry for taking so long to acknowledge. Thank you for writing your blog, too. I believe it shows real strength and courage 🙂

  155. Hi there, this is Melissa from the blog “Put it in Writing” (of which you are a follower!). I know it’s kind of out of the blue to get an email from me, but I am curious. While I know that some of my friends and family do read my blog, the majority of my followers are people I have never met. It would be really helpful for me if you could tell me how you found my blog. And to ask an even bigger favor, tell me what you like most about it. I would love to expand my list of followers, but first I need to know the audience I am writing for. Thanks for your time, and I’ll be checking out a lot of your blogs today too!

  156. Thank you for stopping by and liking my post about Michigan. It’s wonderful that you are sharing your story and informing others about cancer and other health issues. Keep it up

  157. Thank you for visiting.
    I saw a great film the other evening and thought of you. “The End is my Beginning”, based on the life of Tiziano Terzani. Inspirational, much like your courage. All the best. Take care.

  158. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I so appreciate it. My apologies for taking so long to show my gratitude. I’m a bit technically challenged but I’m learning more and more about social media as I get deeper into it as part of my coaching business Thanks so much. Your blog is very inspirational and we surely all appreciate great inspiration. Blessings to you.

  159. Thank you for liking my blog. I too am a cancer survivor and all because of God’s amazing grace. Keep visiting me! I’m more than recipes. Your prose is wonderful and inspirational. I’ll keep visiting you for sure.

  160. Thank you for taking he time to visit my blog, although it is in it’s very early stages to say the least. I’m following you from now on, blessings.


  161. Thanks for stopping by and for the like. Much appreciated. And thanks for your passion on such an important subject… so helpful for many.

  162. Thanks for visiting my blog (Organic Hispanic Mama). I have several family members who have both lost and won battles to cancer. I am always pleased to find stories of survivors. God bless!

  163. I am glad that you enjoyed my Sunday post. Please spread the word about the honorable actions of the Maikin Islanders that I spoke of. We cannot know from personal experience what they went through to protect the bodies of the slain Marines but we can accept and honor their actions.

  164. Thank you for visiting our blog. We personally identify with and appreciate your blog as we are also currently dealing with the fight against cancer in our family. Healthy living can go a long way against the fight!

  165. Greetings, thank you so much for visiting my blog (Museum of Documentary and Fiction). You are an inspiration to so many people. I feel blessed to find you here. Have a beautiful day. Michele

  166. Anna, I’m glad to have met you. I was diagnosed with melanoma in 2005 and watched my mother struggle with colon cancer from 1992 to 2010. Admire your energy and positivity, and how you have gathered others to you. The recipes and advice on TheUnchemicalChef are a result of much thinking. Best, Beth.

  167. Hi Anna, thanks for visiting & liking my post! I used to think that only older people can get cancer. Then I watched the movie 50/50, and very recently, a friend of mine in the mid-twenties of age, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I’m not saying I want to have cancer, but i think it be life-changing, in a good way, for the patient herself and the people around her. It makes you appreciate life more and realize that we’re are all mere mortals. Your positive outlook on life is inspiring, and i do hope everything turns out well for you. By the way, what kind of cancer do you have?

  168. Hi Anna I see you stop by our blog. Thank You! A warrior must learn to make every act count, since, they will only be in the world for a short while, in fact to short for witnessing all the marvels of it. Acts have power. Especially when the warrior acting knows that those acts maybe their last battle. There is a strange consuming happiness in acting with the full knowledge that whatever they do maybe their last act on earth. I am very happy that you kicked cancers butt. More marvels to witness good for you! You are an inspiration to warriors around the world. We hardly ever realize that we can cut anything out of our lives, anytime, in the blink of an eye. Good job, keep on the path with heart and don’t look back! Stay strong.

  169. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Like you I deal with a dark subject and must keep it light and informative or risk sending the few visitors i do have running away.

  170. Thank you for coming over to like my blog – especially as you feel so bad.
    But no wonder you feel so yukky – it’s Monday. You are allowed to feel yukky on Mondays!
    When else do you get the opportunity?
    And tomorrow you’ll feel great, because it’s Tuesday and you’ll be on top of the world!
    And as I have already written this week – 60 is the new 40, 40 is the new 20.
    Welcome to your teen age years.

  171. Thanks for stopping by and for the like. Much appreciated. And thank YOU for your work on such an important subject… so helpful for many.

  172. Thank you so much for visiting my blog!
    The bottom line in health is everything is energy, and the binder is love. From your blog, it sounds like you have everything you need to move forward successfully in this journey you’re on- it’s inspiring and powerful! Blessings and best wishes.

  173. hello 🙂 I just found that you have been “like” my blog for a while. It’s amazing to know someone actually follow my blog. hahaha I read some of your blog, it’s really inspired. Do you have a Facebook ? 🙂 i will like to be friend with you hahaha add me 🙂 (mansonwu0911590915@yahoo.com.tw)

  174. Thank-you for popping by my page; I had to click on yours and yes, I am so looking forward to the posts….. I have had a bit of a journey too; we all do, but I love the fact you are so open and ready to share. Your personality is refreshing! Thank-you!!

  175. Hi, thanks for dropping by my page. Your story is amazing! I’m 20 yrs old and I wish I could be as strong as you in the next 50 years of my life. All my best!


  176. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking a post! I wanted to let you know that I am hosting a giveaway for free Wildtree products (it’s an all-natural food line). Feel free to enter or refer anyone you know to enter (especially if you have any friends who want to eat healthier or have dietary restrictions). The link for the giveaway is: http://wp.me/p2wUj4-3l . Thanks again and good luck!

  177. This is the first time I have read your blog and I am inspired and touched. Keep up the good work. I too am a great advocate of healthy eating and eating to prevent cancer, so I can relate to much of what you are saying. Congratulations on doing a wonderful job. Love Kim

  178. Thanks for stopping by :). My prince was diagnosed with hairy cell leukemia the day before our wedding–over 14 years ago! He went through a week of out-patient chemo when we got back from our (short!) honeymoon & is doing great.

    He’d been diagnosed with *dozens* of food allergies just a couple of months before that, so our diet changed in a big way! (there are a lot of “healthy” foods he can’t have, so I try to make the most of the ones he can :). We’ve both been observant & found that some foods help & some foods hurt & it’s a little different for everyone (I can’t explain why dandelions make my lower arm ache & my finger joint pain went away when I started eating Swiss chard, but there you are!).

    My maternal grandmother ate lots of what they tell you *not* to eat (sugar, refined foods, snacks, etc.) and just died at home a week short of her 99th birthday–go figure! I guess God wanted her here that long no matter what she ate ;).

    Blessings on your journey to eternity! (all the way to Heaven is Heaven, according to the saints…and they should know!)

  179. Thanks for liking our post on the Satanic Destruction of Self-sustaining Communities. Your blog is a valuable resource on conquering cancer & other devastating health problems. Herbal medicine (including Pau d’Arco mentioned in your posts), infrared heat lamp therapy, wheatgrass, regular exercise to oxygenate our cells, creating our own free energy from God’s abundant resources (Sun, Wind, Fire) – these all figure into our strategy of creating a Christian socialist lifestyle. You’re on the right track…

  180. thank you for liking my post “tribute to the true power of a woman.” I appreciate your taking the time to visit my blog and I appreciate your support. Good luck with your continued blogging! Thanks again!

  181. Thank for ‘liking’ the unofficial VTC blog.
    UnVTCB’s been up since JAN 1, 2012 but I can’t seem to get any traction from the locals (about 50 or so Homeless Veterans, myself included). It would be much more interesting if I had more participation as I built it for them. However, I’ll just keep blogging-on whilst doing some more internal marketing at the center. My next little project is to make a sticky front page with simple directions for my Vet brothers and sisters to start utilizing the space.

    I re-themed it (the Un-VTC blog) a few nights back. Ask me about the raccoon! (-:

    My mom just turned 70 (July 31) and she’s a cancer/leukemia warrior – has been for 40 years. She stays positive 99% of the time. It’s all about attitude, n’est pas?. I’ll point her to your blog – see if she would like to start blogging herself.

    Once again thank you for the ‘like’. and right back at’cha

    Stay tuned for more adventures and blog-on!



    ps the misspelling of vetrerans in the URL was intentional (-;

  182. Thank you for following me. You’re my 1st. I skimmed over a few of your posts and I really admire what you’re doing. My mother died of cancer when I was 11 and I know it cannot be easy. One of the worst parts was watching what chemo does to people. Stay strong, I’ll be back your way to read more. My blog goes live on Tuesday. Thanks again and happy belated 65th! 🙂


  183. In one of your posts you said something like :”I don’t have time to die of cancer”…
    I like the way you see things, and keep thinking positive thoughts. Keep at it !

  184. Hi Anna,

    I appreciate your visit to Patriarchs, Philosophers, & Phlip Phlops and my “Measuring Up” post. It means a great deal to me. God bless your continued physical, mental, and spiritual health. I believe you are an inspiration to many.

  185. Thanks for stopping by my site again. I’m glad you liked my post on letting go. You seem like you have learned some lessons about that yourself. Thanks again!

  186. I’m very glad you took the time to read my post ‘Hero Worship’. You have a great blog here, and have a warriors heart!

    The woman I talked about in my post is my mom. She passed away almost 9 years ago. I’m happy that you kicked cancer’s ass for her 🙂

    Stay healthy, keep bloggin’


  187. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post! I will make sure to check out your blog, but so far I can only say that it is indeed very inspirational. Congratulations on your awards!

  188. Thank you for your visit to my blog 🙂 Lovely to see you and you’re always very welcome. Looking at your blog you sound like an awesome person and a true survivor for whom i have the utmost respect.

  189. Thanks for visiting my blog at thekittycityreport.wordpress.com and reading about “Miss Ginger Remembered.” She was my beautiful girl and she will be missed. It’s nice to know someone else cared enough to read about her. You are very kind.

  190. Thank you for visiting my California Dreamin’ blog and liking my Diary of a 3rd Wheel on a Family Vacation. My mother is currently fighting cancer (and kicking its butt!), so your blog has an extra special meaning to me. I wish you all the best and hope you make it to 70 and beyond. Cheers!

  191. Thank you for stopping by and liking my post on the Outside Dumb Drunk Racist blog. My mom battled cancer, you blog is inspiring.
    I have the highest respect for you!

  192. Thanks for liking one of my posts, it means a lot to me that someone wants to read what I’ve written! Your blog’s amazing, I’ve had a lot of experiences with cancer (too many, for someone of my age) although thankfully, none of them have been personal.

  193. Hi Oneanna65! Thanks for stopping by my blog; I’m delighted you liked my piece about the tart! I’ve read through some of your posts; you’re such an inspiration and a wonderful person to share your story. Do let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see me write about or try to cook! Do you have a favourite dish? Xx P

  194. Thanks for visiting my blog! I loved your words of wisdom and optimism. There can never be too much optimism in this world! Keep on going with your fight against cancer! Never give up! Best of luck to you!

  195. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Yours is really interesting – I had a mole removed in 2009 and I found out it was malignant! My doctor told me that they got everything out but I need to visit him every six months. Small price to pay. That started me thinking and I got into photography so that I could capture memories. Wishing you all the best in your blogging 🙂

  196. Thank you for visiting my blog! I learned a lot from yours particularly the one called ‘Don’t forget to breathe.’ I am a smoker and it really made me re-evaluate what I am doing to my body.

  197. Thanks for visiting my site. Could I just ask you to read the section in my blog “The China Study”. It is the Introduction to the book in full, about 7 pages, so not too long. I would value your thoughts.
    All the best and looking forward to your reply.

  198. Appreciate your taking the time to visit my blog. Enjoyed your “eat less” post. We could all stand to push back from the table a little sooner!

  199. Thank you for visiting my blog, and leaving the “like” behind! You are my very first, and I do appreciate it. I love “Don’t Forget to Breathe” – taking a deep breath forces me to slow down (at least for that moment). My husband makes fun of me because if I forget to breathe in my back-swing (golfing), I do not hit the ball well. As I get out of the cart he tells me “remember to breathe”, reminding me to slow down and give the club an opportunity the hit the ball “squarely”. Thanks for the reminder. I will slow down, breathe deeply, and enjoy the clean air at every opportunity! God Bless!

  200. I’m glad you are enjoying my blog and the recipes. Thanks for recently liking my Red Velvet Cake recipe. Not sure if you eat sweets any more, but let me know what you think of it when you try it. Thanks again for stopping by.

  201. Dear Anna,
    Thank you for visiting my blog and taking time to go through my posts. I read your blog and found it very inspiring. I am 21 years old and its people like you that make me feel – life is what you make it, so never give up. Thank you for sharing your story. Hats off to your strength. And belated happy birthday. 🙂

  202. Thank you for visiting my blog when I post new recipes! It really is a wonderful feeling to know that what I am trying to share is being read!! Hope you found some healthy inspirations or otherwise some joy in reading the recipes!

  203. Hi! Thank you for coming by and reading our blog. We are pretty new to this and appreciate your support. I’ve been reading some of your posts here, I especially enjoyed your take on birthdays!

  204. Sorry for the delayed response, thank you for taking a look at my blog and liking “Deterrence”. I would like to know why you liked it though, if you have time, I would appreciate your opinion. Blog On!

  205. Thank you for reading Our “What For” Girl. I’m glad you liked it. She has been a new spark of life for our family. I read some of your blog posts and was very impressed. Life is a blessing, and your blog reminds me that I cannot take it for granted. May God bless you from one 50+ to another 50+.

  206. Hi Anna,

    Thanks for all the “likes” you’ve posted on my blog The Dairy Free Traveler! It is gratifying to know not only that people are reading, but also who is reading, and to get to know them and their blogs as well.

    Recently, I left WordPress.com and am now self-hosting my blog at BlueHost. Mostly, it is an improvement, but one thing I am missing now is that I no longer have the ability for people to “like” my posts. I know people are reading but I don’t know who! Please if you would, leave me a comment or two to let me know that you are still reading. I promise I will do the same on your blog.

    All the best,

  207. You visited my Bayou Woman blog today and left a Like. I’m not sure how you found me, but thanks for doing that. I’ve been reading your story here, and I want to congratulate you on the WordPress awards from very caring people. I want to pat you on the back for your courage that you exhibit in every post. I love you outlook and your humor. Thank you, OneAnna65!

  208. Thanks for the nice words about my new blog; still working out the kinks, but informing a few minds about our so-called ‘native language’ in the process!

  209. Thank you for checking out my blog….and…Happiest of Birthdays to you. Do you know about taking The Birthday Week? You can take the entire week once you either 1) hit 50 and/or 2) had cancer. (these are My Rules). Celebrate life!

  210. thankyou for visiting my blog i hope you liked it. p.s Ive looked at yours and it has some good articles on
    again thanks again for liking one of my posts

  211. Thank you for visiting our blog Traveling Shipps! Have you ever seen the documentary called “Forks over Knives”. It talks about some very interesting and surprising correlations between dairy and cancer. It’s based on a gigantic study of individuals in Asian countries who eat no dairy compared with individuals in countries where dairy is considered a staple…The results of the study are STRIKING and needless to say, the study has been swept under the rug by the dairy industry.

    1. This evidence has been around for a long time, as you say, but where big money is concerned, consumer welfare is a poor second to consumerism. Long years ago, I read ‘A Gentle Way with Cancer’ by Brenda Kidman. It was very enlightening, and it featured on a BBC-Television Series, but has since got lost, although I believe there is much it contains that could be of benefit today.

  212. I’m so happy to see you come up on my likes and thanks for stopping by again and giving me several likes on my posts. If you have opinion on any thing you see I would love to hear it.

  213. I just wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and liking a few of my posts. You’ve done so a few times and I never got around to thanking you because of our relocation taking up so much time. I like what you have to say about diet killing cancer. My husband works for a health care organization, but we’ve been learning more and more about how what we put into our body is what determines our health. I’ve been going through a healing journey of my own….not cancer…but food is playing a big part of it. My husband found a book called pH Miracle by Dr. Robert O. Young. With all the reading and research you seem to like doing, you might enjoy this book. He also talks about the make up of blood and getting it healthy….a lot of the things that you touch on in your blog. He has other information from his studies that might interest or help you on your journey. He explains why certain foods ‘kill’ disease. Good luck on your journey! And once again, thanks for stopping by.

  214. Thank you for visiting my site Growth Comes. Your story is inspirational. My mother is a Breast Cancer “Overcomer” (as I like to call it instead of survivor). I will visit often…best wishes in all that you do!

  215. I hope thinking-people can influence those who persist in exploiting animals, and the environment, with their factory farming methods. I believe there are more healthy, and wholesome ways, of producing food for all; the results, like the findings about those who consume little, or no dairy-produce, could astonish the sceptics. i once read a book by Brenda Kidman called ‘A Gentle Way with Cancer ‘ which was most enlightening.

  216. Hi Anna,
    Thank you for visiting my blog & liking my post, “Are You Living Your Dream?” Wishing you all the best on your journey and continue doing the great and very important work on with your blog!

    1. Loved your passporttobliss site; I share your love of of Italy, Italian and the Italians; shared some of my happiest memories in Rovereto and Firenze, and my homes in Sussex and Carmarthen with many Italians over the years.

  217. Hey!

    This is Jennifer from Jennifer’s Hope (jennifershope.wordpress.com). I wanted to write to you to first of all thank you for following my blog, and second, I wanted to let you know that I will be announcing tomorrow that my blog has moved.

    Not many people know it yet, but the address to my new, self-hosted blog is http://www.jennifershopeblog.com.

    The site is already up and running, and I am hoping that you will take a moment to check it out. Unfortunately, because of the new site’s location, you’ll have to subscribe by email if you want to still be notified of my new posts.

    To do so, you can go to http://www.jennifershopeblog.com and you’ll find a form to enter your email into on the left sidebar below my picture.

    Thank you so much & God bless!


  218. Hi Anna,
    Thank you for visiting and liking my blog. I am very new to to all of this so feedback is extremely welcome! I hope you will take a peek at the next episode – when I’ve written it! Thanks again!

  219. Thank you so much for visited my blog frequently and liked it more than once.. it means so much and your one click encourages me so much. I would love to read more of your entries.. thank you for sharing inspirational stories =)

  220. Thanks for visiting my blog. I like what you are doing with this cancer awareness program. It is awesome. Ignorance they say is not an excuse. With this knowledege we should be able to avoid preventable cancers and cure it when infected before it becomes too late.

  221. Thank you for visiting my blog. Dealing with cancer can be painful but you have shown great courage and became an inspiration for those who are also struggling. Continue the good work. God bless and good health to you.

  222. Hello … and thanks for visiting my (fairly new) blog, I appreciate you taking the time to “drop by”. I am new to this blgging “lark” and finding my way around, especially the “tag” part.

  223. i’m sure you have lotsa resources (people) but in the remote event you want input from a couple both of whom ‘ve had cancer, and are “still kickin'” (our respective encounters are considered ‘cured’) — let me (us) know. thanks for your site!

  224. Hi! Thanks for liking my blog. 🙂 You are a very inspiring woman. Thanks for sharing. wishing you lots of blessings and light on your journey.

    light and love,
    hayley (peppersproutpress.com)

  225. Thank you for visiting me again! On 11/16 this year, God willing, I’ll be cancer free for four years. 61 big bad years old. You are an inspiration. Knowing people like you are around helps me to be brave and help others. God bless.

  226. Thank you so much for your visit- I will make sure to read the inspirational stories posted on your blog too- Cancer is something that we all need to talk about -and help each other- Please come back to see some more postings 🙂

  227. I have read through a couple of your posts. You seem to have a good attitude! Stay strong!

    Thanks for stopping by and liking my blog. I am new to blogging and out of curiosity could you tell me how you cam across it? Thanks again.

  228. It is so important to live life, and treasure every moment with those with whom we come into contact – even those who cause us grief, because we may touch, and release, that glimpse of love locked inside.

  229. i had to get a new mouse to get to the end of this page, girl! i love your spirit and your truth. i have nominated you for the “Very Inspired Blogger” award. please don’t sweat participating in it; you have a life to live. i think this may be the last time i go around the block on these awards… i just want people to know about you. thank you for continuing to visit my page. i think you’re the bee’s knees. more recipes coming up — just as soon as i get this awards post off my back! xoxo -molly

  230. Thanks for the like on my post Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places. I looked at your blog and just want to tell you I admire your courage – and the lightness that shines through your writing despite challenging situations. Keep going!

  231. Hi There! I just saw that you liked the photography page on my professional site (Allison Strauss Art & Design). I recognized your orange flower profile pic from likes you gave on my postcard blog (Snail’s Postcard Post)! Did you somehow find the art one through the postcard one, or is it total coincidence in the blogosphere? Well, thank you, and hope you’re doing wonderfully.

  232. Hi oneanna65,

    You are an amazing person. I admire people who love themselves and who know the importance of life. Keep living queen size. Lots of love to you.

    Fellow human being

  233. Hi, oneanna65. Thank you for visiting my blog. I, too, am a survivor – of breast cancer. God has blessed me with 14 years of bonus days. I thank Him and praise His name for His Grace in my life.

  234. Thank you for stopping by and liking my blog. I’m a nurse and try to take time to learn about alternative/natural medicines for myself and also to give my patients more options for pursuing treatments. I think if I lived a hundred years ago, I would have wanted to be a medicine woman. Keep up the good work.

  235. Thanks for stopping by my journal and liking my post (Ottawa: The most “wildlife unfriendly” city in Canada). I lost my brother to leukemia last year – he was only 23. It’s nice to know that people can and do beat this disease as you have!

  236. Thank you for visiting my blog! You are really an inspiration to everyone out there who is going through the same thing. I have a friend whose sister is currently battling leukemia and I can only imagine how difficult it is to keep smiling through days when she feels ill. Well, I will be showing her this blog and maybe she can get inspired by you! 🙂

  237. Thanks for reading my blog! I took a peak at yours tonight and it hit me on a very personal level. I am currently watching a family member struggle through the Cancer wars and seeing how it effects everyone in the family. I wish I could be closer to them to help. Keep spreading your inspiration and information! I hope you’ll keep reading my blog, as I will relate to yours. Thanks

  238. Thank you for liking my post. After looking at your blog, I can see why you like my post. Eating fresh is a passion of mine. Your blog touches me as my mum’s cancer has recently stabilised and your research is helpful to me.

    Take care 🙂

  239. Thanks for visiting my page. Much has been written about the health benefits of eating wild game. I hope my recipes that feature exclusively wild game (with no added antibiotics or hormones) will come in handy for you. If you don’t have a hunter in your family, ground venison and elk are available at some health food stores like Sprouts and Whole Foods.

  240. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I’m glad you liked it. Let me just say, I read your 65th birthday post and look at you go! I’m positive you are an inspiration to those around you 😀

  241. Thanks for stopping by on my art website and reading my blog – glad you liked it. Enjoyed reading yours and your show of strength in the face of adversity – stay strong!

  242. Thank-you for the social media support. I am a freelance writer. I usually write about places that are little known due to a thin marketing budget. I adore the big cities, too.

  243. Hi there, thankyou for popping by at Polly, Ive just started reading your blog and and wish you all the very best and your attitude is amazing. I lost a very dear friend to cancer two yeras ago, her positve attitude put my sometimes moaning attitude to shame. I hasten to add I also know many people on went on to fight this terrible disease, survive and carry on enjoying their lives with their families. I wish you all the best and I shall continue following your blog- Kate x

  244. Thank you so much for liking my post “Finding you.” at lessonsofadesertdiva.wordpress.com. You, out of all people, should understand what I was talking about. To not let cancer take over you, and to not lose your identity through cancer, would be a tremendous task to overcome.Your thoughts are a blessing to everyone here. Stay strong, because you lift others up through your strength.

  245. Hey Anna,

    Really glad to have you back as a repeat reader at kazzabee.com! Hope you’ve been enjoying the Kilimanjaro posts. Keep up what you’re doing.

    Stay safe,
    Kazza x

  246. Hi, thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post ‘Sometimes my screams aren’t all that silent’. I used to work for the NHS and I learnt one very valuable lesson that you too seem to have in abundance-that no matter what life throws at us, it’s our attitude that makes the difference, either positively or negatively.

  247. Thank you again for liking my post. Hope you have been keeping well. Congratulations on the plethora of awards. You certainly deserve them.

  248. Hi Anna, thanx for visiting my blog and liking my post. I will follow your blog from now on as I tend to eat a load of junk. I have got away with it on the outside as I don’t tend to put on much weight, but I do feel so tired and sluggish sometimes by the end of the day at work. God bless 😉

  249. Thank you for liking my post “Is Maximilian to Blame?” If you are thinking of using marigolds in your diet as an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, there seems to be a significant difference in the type of marigold that one uses. I have quite a few serious books on herbal healing. None goes into the specifics of the French marigold, although I know that it has the anti-bacterial/fungal properties of most marigolds, I don’t know if it has the anti-inflammatory benefits of calendula (or pot marigolds). I will post more information on calendula in the comments section of the post. Thanks again!

  250. thanks for liking my post. you may, officially, be the first person that i don’t know to read my stories. good luck moving forward. please keep reading and following. thanks again!

  251. I was recommended this blog by my cousin. I am not sure whether this
    post is written by him as nobody else know such detailed about my problem.

    You are wonderful! Thanks!

  252. I like your site and what you say, Best wishes for everything !
    I am trying to make good crafts for children, and I am pleased you like one of them, Thanks.

  253. I am trying to make things that children can make in their free time, and I really enjoy what I am doing.
    God Bless you.

  254. Hi, thank you for visiting my blog “Is it better yet?” and liking one of my posts.

    I’ve come to visit your blog and I’m glad that I have – you have so much interesting info here! I hope you’re still feeling well and making some progress. Very best wishes, Lyn x

  255. At first I just wanted to stop by and thank you for liking my “No Hope with (Digital) Dop” post, but now I just want to say that you’re awesome, your story is awesome, and I’ll be looking for more posts from you!

  256. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am so glad to see a woman with an inspirational story to share! My mother is a cancer survivor and I am currently having my own run-in with it, so it’s wonderful to hear such a great story. Hope all is well!

  257. Thank you so much for “LIKING” my blogpost “Time to Feed the Travel Bug” (http://nerdyromantic.com). I really admire your strength and humor in the face of cancer. It’s a fact: Nobody makes it out of this life alive. So while you’re here, you may as well milk it for all it is worth. Keep on keeping on!

  258. Hi Thanks for liking my post with Aberhart photos and Safran video on http:///www.collabr8.wordpress.com
    That simple gesture has brought me to your lovely blog, which is amazing, and this community of likeminded people.
    It’s extraordinary the number of inspired inspiring comments your blog receives.:-)

  259. Thanks for stopping by my page! I’ll be following your posts. My love of acupuncture and learning more about cancer care are greatly important to me. Your insight and experience would be greatly valued.

  260. Woooow…looks like nuthin’ but the coolest (and the nicest- meaning, you have that special elan and savoir faire that’s hard to miss, despite your modesty) on this page! This kind of cameraderie is…is…cancer-busting!

  261. hi thankyou for liking my blog. this is my first comment in any blog. i thought to give it a try. if this works – it means i am mastering another blogging activities : “how to make comments” happy voting day to all

  262. Thank you for stopping by our blog and liking my wine-related post: much appreciated!
    I am glad your visit made me find your blog: I admire your spirit and your strength.
    I wish you all the best.

  263. Thanks for reading my blog and liking some of my posts. This blog is awesome–inspiring and informative. It is time for me to start thinking more about health issues so I will be back to read more.

  264. thank you for liking my blog post. i really like the concept of your blog. i also had a friend who battled cancer by eating a raw diet. your blog is empowering and reminds us to be more grateful.

  265. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Cancer is one of the reasons why I write today. I wish you the best of health and recovery. I hope you research into alternative methods to treating cancer.

  266. Hello Oneanna65. Thank you so very much for “liking” John Lennon – My Brother. I hope to see you often in the days ahead. I’ll be following you momentarily. In the interim, “Keep Walking” (www.thewalkbook.com.). Make it an Ollin week.

  267. What an inspiration you are! I have used that word a couple of times since entering the ‘blog’ world, who knew there were such amazing people (like you) out there. Thank you for dropping by and I wish you all the very best, Rachel.

  268. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post. When I saw the article about Obama visiting the bookstore, I knew I had to share it. As my 60th birthday approaches, you give me much to think about–and realize that I have much to be thankful for.

  269. Thank you for visiting my blog. Can you tell me how you found it? I just set it up yesterday, so if you like it, please share it with your friends. I am all about healthy and sustainable lifestyles. Part 2 of Violet’s story will be appearing soon.

  270. Thank you for visiting my blog. Seems like you know how to face adversity, I have found that God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit alone has been the only complete and sufficient source of life and strength both in my advantages and my adversities.

  271. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I like your posts, informative and light at the same time. You’re able to make them both ways. Have a good evening, Mary

  272. Hi! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, and for the “like” on my post, “Peace”. I’m very happy that you enjoyed the post.

    Love your blog! There is so much wonderful information, and I love reading about your positive approach to everything in life.

  273. Thank you for visiting my site and liking, “A Glutton for Punishment.” Pushing forward is so important in life, making us stronger to overcome weakness. Best to you and I will return for future visits.

  274. I thank you for visiting my blog and liking the poem, ‘mind thy mind’. A writer of your standing with a following as seen above, and liking a write up is indeed worth noticing.

  275. Thank you for liking my blog post on “Enlightenment in Every Day”, I appreciate it! Best wishes for health and happiness!

  276. Thank you very much for stopping by my blog and angels will always be helping you oneanna65. U are truly blessed and your story is amazing, he would not have given you anything that you couldn’t handle for all his warriors keep faith and hold strong. There is no end for the faithful.., only a celestial continuation in his kingdom.

  277. Thank you oneanna for the “Like” for Poetry.Without.Boundaries: brighidpoetry.wordpress.com. Your blog is incredibly detailed and informative~I shall be following you, as well. I also posted your blog info on Facebook.

  278. Thanks for reading my blog.I have looked on your also and I really find it very interesting.Good luck with everything you do!

  279. Hi Anna : ) Thanks so much for the visit and the like. Much appreciated! Super awesome that you’re being a light in the struggle that you are facing.

    “Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven.” Mathew 10:32

    May you continue to shine bright for all the world to see. Many blessings on your journey.

  280. Thank you so much for stopping by and liking one of my pictures -I immensely enjoyed finding your blog and going through it! You’re an incredible inspiration and seem to have such a good energy! I love that 🙂
    WIsh you all the best, always -oh and good holidays!
    Love, Anna

  281. Thank you for passing by and ‘liking’ one of my posts, I’ll bookmark your Blog and be back again soon.
    Enjoy your holidays. 🙂

  282. Congratulations for winning the award for best blog of 2012! Thank you so much for visiting my site and liking one of my recipes. I was chuffed to bits having only been up & running for a couple of days, so a big Thank you! 🙂

  283. Hi there! Thanks so much for visiting my photography blog! I posted some pictures on there, maybe you’ll like them.

    Thanks again, God bless.
    Anna Claire,
    Owner of Anna Claire Photography

  284. What’s Happening i am new to this, I stumbled upon this I’ve found
    It absolutely helpful and it has helped me out loads. I hope
    to contribute & assist other users like its helped me.
    Good job.

  285. Anna, Thank you for following my very youthful blog. I was writing a blog about this time last year that was very much motivated by my partner and his terminal cancer diagnosis. That same experience has also contributed to my current journey in faith! Much light and love and peace to you in your own journey!

  286. Thanks for checking out my blog! “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 1:2 God’s Blessings especially in the New Year!

  287. you recently liked my blog elliedraytonblog, and I decided to change my name, but it deleted the blog- I now have a new blog called ellieruthstyle and I would be very greatful if you could like my posts and follow me! thank you very much- I really like your blog and if its possible could you please spread the word about my new blog! thanks

  288. Thank you for taking the time to like a post on my blog, and thank you for showing me your strength of character in the face of cancer (it is oddly pertinent to the story I am working on and has given me a better perspective).

    For your courage, humour, and optimism, you have my respect and greatest admiration.

  289. Thank you for visiting my blog. Pokengrits.com. I have enjoyed reading yours. Happy Belated 65th! Look forward to reading more!

  290. Thanks for stopping by my Blog and reading my poem :)I find your blog very inspiring and insightful. Wishing you the best of luck and I will be visiting you for the next 5 years and more! Keep them coming

  291. Just wanted to say thanks for visiting/liking. And more importantly, God bless you for sharing your journey and your encouragement to so many! You may never fully know the impact you’ll have. Keep up the great work! – Bill

  292. The River Run Church of the Nazarene appreciates you visiting our blog. We pray that 2013 is a year of blessings from the Lord God, for you and yours, and that you experience His presence in your life throughout the year!

  293. Hi, Thank you for stopping by my blog, I’m glad you did as it meant that I was able to find yours, you have got a truly inspirational blog and I wish you all the best in the future.

  294. Thank you for visiting my blog. I didn’t know it then, but that poem, The Glory Will Be Mine was written for you, me, and anyone who needs healing in body, mind, spirit and soul. God bless you, and I believe He already has with all your new blogging friends. Thank you for being such an inspiration.

  295. One Anna,
    I earned my pink ribbons 4+ years ago, and have been blissfully healthy since!
    I tell my family that “Only the Good die young…I have years and years to go 🙂 ”
    Kassie aka “Mom”

  296. Hi Anna,
    Thanks for checking out Xpedition.TV. I really got a lot our of writing about Jeremy Jones, as I’m not a snowboarder, but love it when people get that connected with the natural world. You too, it seems! Thanks for being a light to people who might otherwise find themselves petrified by the big C.

  297. Thank you for visiting my blog. You’re an awesome model to all of us for appreciating just being alive! Be well and happy for a very long time! And keep writing.

  298. Thanks for checking out my blog and my recent Sugar Coated Frozen Grapes! You have a very inspirational and powerful blog yourself and I look forward to following your blogging adventures.


  299. Wow! I came on your blog with the intention of reading your “about me” page and call it a day. But I ended reading most of your posts. I love your writing, there is an easy, candid, frank air about it that is so riveting and just draws the reader in. I appreciate you sharing your life and your journey. “Driving a limo in bad weather”….a few words with boundless meaning. For the few seconds spent on your blog, I am inspired by you. You are in my thoughts/prayers and I’m excited about journeying with you for the next MANY years of your life.

    PS: thank you for liking my post…..

    God bless!

  300. Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you’ll come back and see me some time during your next five years. Hope your health settles down for a lot more years.

  301. I have seen your beautiful flower in many places. Whenever I clicked on it I only seemed to come to your profile which had no blog link. I am glad I finally found your blog. 🙂

  302. Thank you for visiting my blog. Your blog is so unique and inspiring….you are one courageous woman! Wishing you the best of health and all that life has to offer! I look forward to more of your posts.

  303. thank you for visiting my site and glad you liked some of my things… I’m new to this blogging thing and glad to see someone enjoyed… in reading your page I see you have survived quite a bit and have the good attitude of pressing forward… may you continue to be blessed with long life and the rest of your days be healthy ones!!!

  304. Hi Anna,

    Thanks for looking at my blog and liking my quote! I’ve just scanned through some of your blogs and want to say that I think it’s amazing that you blog like this and share a part of your life with the world. You’re so strong and brave and I have some much love and admiration for you. I can see that you’ve touched the hearts of many, many people and you are an inspiration to us all! I hope you live for many years to come and leave your doctors astounded!

    (To quote one of my favourite characters from Fallout 3 – my favourite computer game) Keep fighting the good fight! Xx

    Much love,

    Miss Z.

  305. Thanks for visiting my blog. I turn 65 this year!! I noticed you talk about natural healing. I’ve been without drug medicines since I was 19 and have been very healthy. I am overweight but working on it. Lost 45 lbs in 2 years. I have run into achy joints this past year and have been taking ginger, tumeric and fish oils but the biggest help was asking God for healing. Praise the Lord for 46 years of recieving answers and being healed without drugs.

  306. Hi, Anna, I just came across your avatar on on my one of my blog “likes” and am happy to have done so. You write from the gut, and I like that. BTW, are you familiar with LDN, reishi extract or black cumin oil with bio-curcumin?
    Also, happy belated birthday! Mine is April 7.
    I look forward to following your blog for a long, long time.

  307. Thank you so much for stopping by our blog and liking our post, “Challenge Fear, and Emerge Victorious”. Someone in our family passed away from cancer, so we know what a struggle it is. Very soon, we will write about a tree called the “tree of life”. We wish we had known about that when they were still with us. We pray for your continued health, and many blessings. – IKB

  308. Hi! Thanks for reading my blog Roots n’ Rhythm. I’m really finding your blog interesting. Just read the article on ginger- wow! keep sharing.

  309. To echo the words of a lot of others here, thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post. I wish you the best of luck and health on your inspiring journey.

  310. Dear WordPress Follower,

    Thanks for recently liking one of my posts on SharingMom.com. I just wanted to let you know that in the near future, I will not be showing up on your WordPress Reader Feed or on Freshly Pressed. I would like to add plug-ins to my blog to make the site more user friendly and in order to do that WordPress requires that I host the blog elsewhere. The bummer is that once I change hosts I will no longer show up on your WordPress feeds.

    Since I have written articles and posted recipes that you have liked, I would be honored to have you subscribe to the blog so I don’t lose touch with you once I make the change. That way you won’t miss the great info and recipes that are scheduled to post in the coming weeks.

    I am also working on a free e-book with 10 gluten-free, dairy-free snacks and desserts. When it is ready to go live, I will post it on the site. As a subscriber, you’ll be the first to know!

    Thanks for joining me. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

  311. OneAnna65, bless your heart for stopping by http://www.chasingrabbitholes.com and liking the post about phones and relationships…. this allowed me to find you and yours and what a blessing you have given me. There is another blogger who has to move and leave a small beautiful place and, if I recall rightly, recovered herself from cancer there… She has been blessed with a new place. I’m thinking maybe that’s why you found me… this is her site and as you’ll see she has faced challenges, too. I’m letting her into your blog, too – at least this way, you may find kindred angels, eh? http://knowledgeknut.wordpress.com/2013/02/03/our-answer-to-what-should-i-do/

  312. Thank you for troubling to “like” my recent post .

    I too am a cancer survivor, though I’ve not yet made a point of it on my blog.

  313. Thank you visiting and liking my Blog.
    I had a look at some of your posts – its great to hear an account from someone who has battled with Cancer and won – i have a dear friend going through a terrible time because of this illness and its lovely that you have such positivity and optimism.

  314. Thank you so much for visiting and liking my post on my new blog, I’m amazed that you found me as I am just starting out and your blog is so amazing! You are inspirational, God bless you. The mercies of the Lord are new every morning, thank goodness for that 🙂

  315. Thank you for reading and liking my blog – I really appreciate it. I pray for continued healing in your life and God bless you abundantly. Amen

  316. Thank you for visitng my blog and liking my latest post. I shall definitely be reading yours as it seems to be very insightful into cancer and how to live and deal with it. I look forward to the reads. Thank you again,

  317. Thank you, Anna, for stopping by and reading, and liking, my latest essay in the “My Adventures with Don Quixote” series. I really appreciate that, and look forward to perusing your blog.

    In the meantime, I wish you well …

    With warm regards,


  318. Thank you for paying a visit to my blog and liking my posts!! I find your courage refreshing and inspirational. Many blessings sent your way. 🙂

    “Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” ~ Rabindranath Tagore

  319. Thank you for stopping by hisnamebpraised and liking the post concerning the problem with blame. My wife is a cancer survivor so I appreciate so much that you not only are sharing your story but also the information you share about cancer. I pray for your continued health and blessings for this blog. Doug

  320. This is great! Love Organic healing. ~The best we can do is to take from what God has given us to use anyway~ It just doesn’t get any better than that! Thanks for the like! Much love and light to you and have a blessed day!

  321. Hi there. Have you ever heard of a “little” book called “Back to Eden”? It’s by Jethro Kloss. Cancer CURES galore that are all natural/herbal based. Thanks for dropping by. Hope you get the book. There are miracle herbs available. Most modern herbalists base their studies on Kloss’s research.

  322. Hi Anna,
    I’ve decided to follow any WordPress members who commented on or liked my past posts, in an effort to be more community minded. Don’t feel compelled to hit me back, but if you do I hope you enjoy and say hi.
    bcpkid (pettiplays)

  323. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my latest post.

    My best wishes to you in your battle. It’s truly amazing that you have decided to fight this by helping so many others along the way, while remaining so positive.

  324. It is always nice to get a Like from you. I received my first Like ever from you last year in November. And its good to know you are still there.

  325. Thanks for checking out my blog! I am also a woman who deals with health issues, and is still alive and kicking by the grace of God! God bless!

  326. Thanks for visiting my new, new, new blog! I’ve never blogged before, and I don’t know a thing about how to do them, so it is really going to involve a learning curve for me! I really appreciate you taking the time to say you enjoyed my post.

  327. Just came here to Thank you for liking the guest post on RANTS which had my photos. Since I’m beginner at photography, really appreciate it. Also following your blog, now 🙂

  328. Thank you for liking my blog ppreetisingh.wordpress.com . Your blog is so optimistic and informative . I have friend whose suffering from cancer and reading your blog gives me a hope that things are going to be fine .

  329. Hi Anna, thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post, “Thunder”. LOL at last I’ve met someone older than me who has a blog. Okay, you’re not that much older than me – a little less than a year 🙂

  330. Hi, thanks for liking my blog post. I too, in time will be getting into everything I have learned about cancer and diet/lifestyle etc. Your blog is interesting.

  331. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post! I appreciate it!
    On the note of cancer, I think you are amazing for keeping such a great attitude! I have been volunteering with an organization called Nightingale’s Harvest in Toledo, Ohio that provides food for families that have a family member battling cancer. The website is: http://nightingales-harvest.org/
    Please share this – we want to help as many people as possible!
    Thank you and good luck!

  332. Happy Birthday! Wish you good health & all the happiness of life.
    Came over here to say you thanks for liking my post. But discovered an amazing lady here… So strong and beautiful at heart. Just want to say you are an inspiration to all…
    Wish you a colorful life ahead….

  333. Thanks for liking my ” braised spnicah” recipe, I’ve just created a facebook page last month, so be sure to Like and share it and more importantly, keep an eye there where you will find more wonderful recipes,
    so don’t forget to share the page among your family and friends and get everyone excited about cooking simple, delicious, healthy meals at home

    Sharing is caring, Cheers and god bless you

  334. – Jesteście pewni, Virgie damy? – spytał z powątpiewaniem von Egger.
    Opierał się o
    granicę podejrzanej szopy na podgrodziu. – Jehtem – odparł
    sir Roger, niewiele niemile, dzięki trzymanej.

  335. Hi. Thank you so much for liking my blog post. It is nice to have people stop by, especially since I just started. You blog is one I will be looking at a lot . I am into eating healthy and researching foods and additives. I have even adopted the Paleo lifestyle to help with several health issues that I have. I will likely be blogging about that as well. Thank you again.

  336. I was wondering if you ever considered changing the structure
    of your site? Its very well written; I love what youve got
    to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better.

    Youve got an awful lot of text for only having one or 2 pictures.
    Maybe you could space it out better?

  337. Thank you for stopping by simplelifeblessings.com I’ve been reading through many of your postings and love your perspective and attitude!

  338. Good for you!! I’m celebrating my 1 year blogging birthday this month too..and I’m so please you decided to stop by Ivegotconfidence and spend a minute or two with my latest blog! What a blessing you are and I’m grateful that God has been blessing you with health! Have just lost a friend to vaginal cancer on Sunday and I’m glad you are spreading the word about healthy food. Keep using the talents and gifts God’s given you and hope you’ll stop by again someday.

  339. Thank you so much for reading my blog…I am just learning how to use wordpress so all the feedback I can get is so important! Remember if you live in our area give us a call we would be more than happy to help you out!

  340. Thank you so much for taking a chance and reading the first couple chapters of my novel Being Human — I’ll make sure to post a chapter every day or so, so that you’re not left hanging!

  341. I really appreciate you liking my blog, but even more I appreciate your upbeat, glass-half-full attitude of life that appears to have a very deep spiritual basis. So glad you’re writing about your journey. God bless you on this path, and may His peace be your reality.

  342. Thanks for the like. We also love organic and are very blessed to live in an area where it is all around us and in abundant supply! And I love bees…would love to get some!

  343. Hi! Thanks for stopping by Cuppanatter! If you also make the Salted Lemons, let me know how they turn out for you, and how you use them!

  344. I know that cancer is hard but why don’t you keep writing? Maybe you could found inspiration in the sunshine, in the flowers or in some beautiful things. I wish you a healthy life and I hope you write more about things. Please, do not be shy and when you’ll do it link it to my blog. I’m a bit messy with all this names, blogs and things. Then, I’ll know you’re writing new things 🙂

  345. Thanks for liking my blog. My wife has a brother and sister who are currently fighting carcinoid cancer. We lost her mother to cancer 15 years ago. consider me another follower.

  346. Thank you for visiting my blog “I Pray 4 U” and liking my post “Hear our Prayer – Save our Children.” I hope you were able to visit the other prayers I have posted. Also, I suggest subscribing to my blog so you can receive the prayers by email. Every prayer we send up to our Lord, is one prayer closer to a world by which we all live according to God’s will! Need a little extra prayer in your life? Submit a prayer request, and I will be delighted to pray for you! Thank you again, and God Bless!

  347. Thanks for liking my post about window seats and the potentially beautiful views from them! What locations, natural or human-made, have you seen from an airplane that stands out in your mind? Also, aisle, window (or middle…)?

  348. I don’t think there’s a soul on the planet who hasn’t been touched in some way or another by cancer. I’m enjoying your site and thanks for visiting mine. I’m sending warm thoughts your way.

  349. Thanks for liking our latest post. Thanks also for sharing what’s going on with you as you live with cancer. I full well know how God can use a person in spite of sickness or disability, since I live with chronic illness and disability.

    Pastor Sharon

  350. Thank you for liking one of my recent posts. Will check in from time to time to see how things are going with you. Good luck and good health to you.

  351. Thanks for liking my blog :-0 And some say a cure lies beneath our oceans 🙂 Maybe ther reefs can give us something more then beauty 🙂

    I beat it 2 years ago 🙂 Prayers are with you 🙂

  352. Dear Anna, thank you so much for visiting my blog and liking it (Harmony Kent Author’s Blog). I am very moved by your story and think it is great that you are sharing in this way. Sending you blessings and love, Harmony!

  353. Thank you for visiting and liking my blog (livingwithmyancestors.wordpress.com). I’m sorry to read about your health issues and pray that you can find comfort and healing. You have a lot of good information here that can help inspire many. God Bless.

  354. Hi there. Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday. My writing of it has been patchy, so it’s great to know people enjoy the ones I manage to post – spurs me on to do more!

  355. What a wonderful blog! I have a number of people I will be sharing your link with. You have such a great attitude about living. Thanks for blogging on this topic that is so important. Thanks, also, for stopping by and liking a post on The Noontimes. Best wishes to you.

  356. Thanks for the like … new look! grew up with the word “raw” have continued and all my kids eat this way too … we do indulge once in awhile but appreciate all your info !

  357. thanks for dropping by our blog and liking our post.
    your blog is inspirational and informative, you have put a lot of work into it.
    keep up the good work and wishing you all the best.
    have a good day!

  358. Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my post “a treasure trove of good tidings”. your blog is inspiring and I am sending your way prayers for healing and good health.

  359. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking some posts! It is nice you want to share your experience with cancer, I am sure it is inspirational and informative for many readers. I am happy to hear that you have come so far, and hope for many blessed years for you ahead!

  360. Hello there! I saw you stopped by my less than developed blog and I just wanted to say hi! I’m glad you found me, and soon I’ll have real content… well, assuming I don’t manage to fry every electronic device in my home as I have been doing 😉

    ~ Joshua Nye

  361. Thanks for the like on my blog! You may be interested in the “adventuress galls”, I did a post on their expedition with a link to their blog where you can read more on them!

  362. Hello 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by selfconnecting, and liking our blog item: part-1-contracts-and-leavings-musings-on-our-journey-to-spain. I’m off to tour your blog now 🙂

  363. Your blog makes me wonder if it’s time for me to come out of the cancer “closet”. Here I am, poking my head out and writing to sort my thoughts (in several blog posts in draft form)! I wish you would write something about this (please let me know if you do, so I don’t miss it!)

  364. Thanks for stopping by my blog! If you have any suggestions for me as a designer or for the Cancer Information and Support Network please throw them out there. We can use all the input we can get right now. I think your blog is a great resource and I enjoy reading your posts!

    —Danielle Apple

  365. Thanks so much for checking out my new blog. It is just in the beginning stage. 🙂
    I wish you success in your journey back to health. My mom did not survive her fight against melanoma, but my boyfriend is doing well post-surgery for his. It sounds like you are really caring for yourself, and that you have a lot of supporters! Now you have another! Cheers, Ruth.

  366. Clearing diabetes in 30 seconds
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    Jonathan Thomason JonThm9@aol.com

  367. You have a lot of admirers and followers. I’m honored you “liked” my “Into War with an Empty Gun.”
    In that book, I tell of being misdiagnosed in the Korean War – my grand mal epileptic seizures being labeled by a MASH psychiatrist as a symptom of a “war neurosis” – my way if trying to get out of front line war duty. Today, 60+ years later I’m just neurotic not trying to get out of anything. Life’s tough sometimes, and crazy; it’s a challenge to make it come out right. But keep on trying and keep writing it down. You’re good at that and obviously you have a lot of fans who love you.

  368. Oneanna65,
    I’m so inspired by your courage and all the comments. It took me so long to get to the bottom so I could leave a comment myself. My mother and sister are both cancer survivors. I know the mind is so strong that it can beat any disease. You are the cure! Stay healthy and thank you for reading my blog post.

  369. hi oneanna65,

    thanks for dropping by again and enjoying my recent post.
    all the best and enjoy the weekend.


  370. Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post “Pfingstrosen frisch vom Acker / Peonies fresh from the field”. I’m still pretty new in the blogging business and happy for everyone stopping by. Wish you a wonderful summer day and all the best!

  371. Thanks so much for liking my post in my “Delightful Local Repast” blog. Enjoyed your blog greatly as well. Cheers, Rose

  372. Thank you for visiting my page at neverscenesolutions.wordless.com, and liking my post, “Trail Flying, With a Surprise Ending!” It is nice to know someone as active and, “mission oriented,” as you has a few minutes to check out my little corner of the Web. I have enjoyed reading several of your posts. Cheers!

  373. Greetings Anna,

    Thank you for visiting my blog and touching my life. The best to you on your journey and I was wondering if I could share your story on a segment on my “featured stories” section. Let me know.

  374. Thanks for liking my post on “Feast – Lobsters” I will keep you in my prayers. I think you have much courage. Carmen Aida

  375. Thank you for stopping by my flower blog. I hope my flower arrangements make you smile and feel better any day of the week.
    Also, thank you for sharing your experiences. Wishing you the best daysssssss always.

  376. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I’m looking forward to reading further your inspirational work. It definitely feels heart-felt and real.
    Thank you…

  377. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.
    Looking forward to reading further your inspiration chapters.
    Your thoughts feel not only beautiful, but real…
    Thank you again.

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  379. Thank you for visiting my blog; it helped me discover YOU. Your words describing your journey through this stage of your life are important for all to read – just as important as writing them down has been for you, I’m sure. Your recent August 1st post is wonderful to read. Sending thoughts of continuing strength and healing your way!

  380. Thank you for stopping by and liking my post. It means a lot to me 🙂 A teenager told me the other day that “age is just a number”; and I told her that the best numbers are 18 or 19. Seeing your blog, I would like to add that the numbers > 60 are equally as wonderful !

  381. Hi. I’d like to invite you to watch Zion’s Sake online. Zion’s Sake is the name of the Messianic Jewish congregation I belong too. For the past 8 or 9 weeks our services have evolved into healing services. Our website is zionsake.org.

  382. Thank you for stopping in to take a look at my photos! My husband is 3 years into a battle with neck cancer and I will be sure to have him read your blog. Even as a caretaker I can relate to so many of the things you have to say. All the best to you!

  383. Thanks for visiting BiGBodyBeautiful! I like your blog very much. Lots of great information here. You have an excellent attitude, my friend. Here’s to health and well-being, no matter our size. 🙂

  384. Hi there. Thanks so much for popping over to see my new blog The Runaway Palate, and ‘liking’ my post. I enjoyed reading your blog too. It’s such as inspiration!

  385. Thanks for liking one of my posts!

    I’ve gone through and read some of your posts, I really like the poems! Your blog is truly inspirational, I’m glad that I had the chance to see it, I’ll be checking back often for sure!

  386. Thanks for stopping by my blog and “liking” my review of “A Most Peculiar Circumstance” by Jen Turano. I hope you’ll stop by again soon! Each month we feature a Christian author with an exclusive interview and autographed book giveaway.

    I read some of your posts about your medical problems. I don’t have all your problems, but I do believe my pharmacist just fixed one….I have such terrible PAIN in my legs everyday and by night I just want to cry. He said to half my dose of Crestor and see what happens. In just one day, the pain was practically gone. I called my doc 3 days later and he said to stop it all together. Now, that does present it’s own problems. My cholesterol is fine with the medication, so I’ll go back in about 3 months to see what has happened with that. Then I’ll decide, do I want painful legs or do I want clogged arteries?

  387. You and I are alike in a few ways. I am sixty seven. I had a stroke when I was fifty two. Because of my wife’s good care and my being on a diet I have now survived. I eat humus, no salt, no sugar and no pizza. I avoid those big deli sandwiches I use to eat. Your right the pain is hard to bear but I avoided the pills, the hospitals and nursed my self back. I take like you one day at a time. In the back of my mind I remember my grandson who beat brain cancer at the age of two, and so I toughen it up. If he could do it what is my excuse. I took off ninety pounds of weight. You can read about this on my blog of today. I applaud you because you fought the battle and won, the main difference is I did it to myself and have no one to blame but me. Cancer is something I hate, it tried to rob me of my grandson. May one day we find the cure. Meanwhile hang in there as I toast your life with my coffee cup.

  388. Thank you so much for stopping by to visit my blog , and for liking my painting upon the return of my Muse! I look forward to exploring your blog in more depth, appears to be FULL of interesting reading. All the best, Suzanne

  389. Thanks for visiting my page and liking what you saw. By doing so, it gives me the opportunity to visit your site and many others. I’m new to blogging and am finding I like this inter-action very much. Thanks for your support and I look forward to following you and our inter-action.
    I am touched by your blog…you reach many and I’m sure they have touched you too. Keep it up…

  390. Thank you for liking my post of John Muir’s “Sunshine” review. I hope you find welcome diversion there and in other posts on that and my other two blogs on the menu bar. As I get your blog updates, please know that another person is thinking of you,,,and hopeful. C has been overshadowing my family for decades but that does not tell me what it’s like to have it. Just that a quiet presence helps those who do. DC

  391. Thanks for stopping by my blog today and liking my post. I was afraid folks were not interested in my “rainforests essays” – not much traffic -and I thought this might be my last one in that vein. But now I’m presently surprised to “meet” a lot of people coming out of the wood work ( out of cyberspace).
    Best wishes. I’m sending healing thoughts your way.

  392. You my dear are what we here in New Zealand call a “classic”. Simple style, elegance and beautifully built. All those things that make one timeless… I wish you well and thank you for following my blog.

  393. Anna – thanks so much for the like today. I think you’ve stopped by before, so it’s nice to see you still givin’ ’em hell. Your message about diet is so very important for everyone’s health. I wish more people knew how powerful it is to their well being.

  394. Dear Anna, thank you for liking my post. I like your blog very much. I drastically changed my life
    in May of 1988 after melanoma was removed at the last moment.

  395. Thank you for liking my blog post on starting to watch Breaking Bad. I’ll be posting more on that, but more germane to your blog, I’ll be talking tangentially about my wife’s diagnosis of breast cancer. (She’s finished her final round of chemo, so we decided to celebrate by watching a fictional someone dealing with cancer… hence Breaking Bad.)

    Best regards to you and yours, and again, thank you for liking my blog post.

  396. thanks for visiting my blog
    happy to find yours
    today i walked with friends in the cancer resource center walk/run
    we walked for friends & family who have or have had cancer
    it’s a fortunate resource in our town for a totally crappy thing
    wishing you many blessings

  397. I think you might wish to read about my grandson, he fought and won against cancer. Look at my blog under Cancer and the Miracle. I think you will find it inspiring. Good luck. Barry

  398. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post “Cat beards and giraffes”. I’ve read that reducing stress, having a good support network of family and friends and laughing every day all aid in healing.
    Also, we are energy beings and our thoughts and beliefs affect what we attract into our lives. I have found the energy healing book “Instant Healing” by Barbara J Semple useful (when I remember to do the Healing Touch Quick Steps). Also EFT/Tapping and/or “The Healing Code” by Alex Loyd and Ben Johnson should help with reducing/removing bad memories or thoughts that make you feel stressed. There are many who do EFT/Tapping but Brad Yates is good and he has lots of free videos on YouTube about health – “Healing From The Inside Out”, “Clearing Toxins” and “Emotional Issues Manifesting Physically” are just three of them. I hope this is useful to you and your followers. 🙂
    I read on one of your posts that you have diagnosed yourself after doing Google searches. Please be very careful. I made myself ill after doing the same thing. I’m not a great fan of doctors but the diagnosis she made seems to be correct. I wish you a very healthy life. 🙂

  399. Hello OneAnna, Thank you for visiting my blog, http://www.englishmanual.wordpress.com. It gave me an opportunity to explore your site. I think that you are an amazing One. I would recommend a book by Katrina Bos, “What if You Could Skip the Cancer?”, 2009, Ferne Press. Her experience with breast cancer was not typical, but she does present some interesting things to think about. I wish you all the best.

  400. You are the coolest cancerkillingrecipe keep it up life is so worth living! As i described in my post my father was diagnosed with cancer in his twenties and 3 children, 12 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren later he is still going at 80! God Bless!

  401. Having observed all of these comments and your network around the world, I am so honored that you connect with my blog. I am so glad that you were able to work through your blogging difficulties and can continue without interruption. May God’s grace abound in your life.

  402. Hi – You’ve got a great sense of humour! I posted the same entry twice! Two likes from you…it was a mistake (argh). I’m a novice at wordpress. It was meant to be at my travelogue kafkaesquecalamity.wordpress.com, but ended up at towardsresiliency.com, I was too much in a rush to figure out how to delete (!) Funny stuff. I didn’t think anybody would notice. I was sorry to hear about your fight with cancer, I hope your outlook improves daily…

  403. Thank you for dropping by my blog and liking my post about the Joan of Arc movie. You are doing an amazing thing here, hope to hear more from you. Your strength is an inspiration to us.

  404. Greetings friend! I’d like to thank you for commenting, liking or following my blog. As such I want to nominate you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award. Please go to this site: http://gardeningingreenwood.wordpress.com/2013/12/30/the-dragons-loyalty-award/ to read the rules and decide if you want to accept it or not. It’s your choice and I hope you will, but it’s up to you. Mostly I want you to know that I appreciate your loyalty to me and my writing. Thank you so much!

  405. I read a wonderful book that you may appreciate called “Dying To Be Me” by Anita Moorjani. It is related to cancer and healing. It is so inspiring and life affirming that I read it over again every few months. I hope you look it up and if you read it I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

  406. Hi Oneanna65, I was new to blogging last year and I guess I have explored hundreds of different blogs over the year – people who live in Spain, writers, photographers, foodies, book reviewers and some I struggle to define! That’s a lot of reading. And you too have read my blog, in its first year, when I was finding my way. So as a big THANK YOU for your support, I’d like to nominate you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award.
    Please click below to read more about the award:-
    Please accept this message as a gesture of gratitude, so if you don’t want to follow the award’s rules then that’s fine too!
    Many thanks, and Happy Blogging in 2014.

  407. Thank you for liking my blog post and thank you for writing a blog about being healthy and having cancer. Too many people that I know have had cancer so it’s good that you’re voicing your experience,

  408. Thank you for visitng my blog “the Middle Piddle”. And thank you for the like! Check out the fiction side of things “scenes of futures past” for various ficitons.

    Follow the puppies as they are only a temporary thing.

  409. Hi, thank you for visiting and liking my blog (www.misteamabel.wordpress.com). I very much appreciate it. As a fellow cancer survivor myself I thoroughly enjoyed reading through your posts. Cancer awareness and support is so important, so good on you for sharing your story and experience and for providing a place where people can learn and share their story also.
    God bless, Camille

  410. Thank you again for another like! While you liked my pirate kids, the puppies are real. Keep a close eye here for the Middle Piddle. (SING!: Stuck in the piddle with you!). Fostering 13 dogs to keep them from the gas man (Euthanasia pound) through the humane society has been a challenge!

  411. Hello oneanna65, thanks for liking my post ‘The Lucky Country: Part Three’. And I like your icon – it looks like a gerbera (beautiful strong colour) and I like that you are a wordpress queen of inspiration on the mission to save some lives and that you are prepared (if necessary) to slam your shoe on the table to get some action happening. Best wishes, Phil Stanfield

  412. Hi Oneanna65, thanks for liking my blog on blogging. I can see why you have been nominated for awards!! Yours is informative, light-hearted and deep all at the same time, despite what you are going through. Thank you and keep up the inspiring posts! Sarah

  413. You used to read my incognito blog, and stopped to like a post on my dog’s blog. Thank you! I love that your About page is still blank. Keep ’em guessing, yes? Cheers to you and yours.

  414. Thank you for taking the time to visit “The Cow Docs”. It’s still a bit of a work in progress, but we really appreciate when it gets noticed. You have an inspiring story here that is worth sharing. Best of luck and God bless!

  415. Right here is the right website for anyone who wishes to find out
    about this topic. You realize so much its almost tough to argue with you (not that I actually will need to…HaHa).
    You certainly put a fresh spin on a topic which has been written about for years.
    Wonderful stuff, just wonderful!

  416. Hi,

    Thank you for visiting and liking my first post. I find your blog interesting too. I hope to learn more from you as I navigate your blog. Cheers!

  417. Thanks so much for joining my Free Life Coaching Blog: A place for sharing and caring for others. Drop by anytime, reblog your posts, spark up a conversation or get (or give) some free life coaching.

  418. Hi, thank you for enjoying my blog. I see you’re concerned about health. Which is a good thing. I’ll continue to read from your blog.in the future.

  419. First of all, my Dear, I am going to call You Anna. I like to keep things on the personal level, see? But am quite astonished that You have not written anything on this page. Went through Your post, ‘I’m’ waiting, and find it really nice. Thanks for giving a like to my post. I do think We shall be more in touch. Love and Regards.

  420. Thank you for dropping by! You are funny and so full of life! I love that in people!!! Have a wonderful day! 🙂

  421. Belated happy birthday greetings. You sound like a young and vibrant 65yo. Kudos to you. I know many people who are much younger who act like geriatric patients. You have a wonderful blog and I thank you so much for continuing to read Tovarysh. We all need to help each other. Namaste.

  422. Great items from you, man. I’ve understand your stuff prior to and you are simply too
    magnificent. I really like what you have acquired here, really like what you’re stating and the best way wherein you are saying it.

    You make it enjoyable and you still care for to
    keep it sensible. I can not wait to learn far more from you.
    This is really a tremendous web site.

  423. Hi, how are you?
    You have a very interesting and insightful blog here. Something that definitely captures a reader’s attention to keep coming back for more. 🙂
    Thankyou for visiting my blog, Shocked Synapses ( http://www.nidazk.wordpress.com/ ), and for liking my post Midnight Thoughts. Your appreciation is very valued. 🙂
    Keep up your amazing blog with it’s message of hope.
    Have fun.

  424. Hi, how are you?
    You have an amazing blog, insightful and inspirational. Something that keeps a reader captivated enough to keep coming back for more.
    Thankyou for visiting my blog, Shocked Synapses, ( http://www.nidazk.wordpress.com/ )’ and liking my post, Midnight Thoughts. Your appreciation is highly valued. 🙂
    Keep up your amazing blog and it’s persona of hope.
    Have fun. 🙂

  425. Thank you for your various likes. I see from your blog that your have survived much. Power and prayers to you! You are strong, and you will be so as long as the grass shall grow.

  426. Thank you for liking my blog, having just read through some of your’s I can see you are passionate and an inspiration to many.

  427. I’m hurrying out to spend Labor Day with my son and grandkids. I looked briefly at your blog, and think we have the potential for some meaningful conversations. Thanks for liking my post. I clicked on “follow” so I’m sure I will be making some future comments.

  428. Anna, I just finished reading your book, ‘About.’ Thank you for sharing your story. I admire your resilience and faith. Congratulations on your first book and here’s wishing you many more years of blogging and books! (and, touched that you included my WordPress family award nomination)

  429. Pretty section of content. I just stumbled upon your site
    and in accession capital to assert that I acquire actually enjoyed account
    your blog posts. Any way I will be subscribing to your feeds and even I achievement you access consistently rapidly.

  430. Excellent post. I was checking continuously this blog and I’m impressed!
    Extremely helpful information particularly the last part 🙂 I care for such information a lot.
    I was seeking this certain information for a very long time.
    Thank you and best of luck.

  431. den – has now been taken down, so I’m moving over to here and also writing about much more …. will keep looking at what you write as I so agree about organic and try and keep our garden as organic as poss google

  432. Just wanted to say the biggest thank you for taking the time to read and like my post on the blog, The Vegan Ninja! Really enjoyed looking through your blog as well 🙂

  433. Hi! Thank you so much for “liking” my post. Just read your post “I’m Waiting”, and I just love your spunk. Indeed, “sometimes you have to slam your shoe on the table to get some attention”. 🙂 Best wishes to you.

  434. I have been meaning to come and say thank you for the like on one of my blog posts. Thank you!!! I love what you’re doing on your blog! =)

  435. Hi Anna, I’m flattered you liked my post about how to change people’s attitude towards worrying! I think it’s inspiring what you’re posting on your blog, I hope there’ll be more posts that you like on mine (especially as I like eating healthily so hopefully some recipes will interest you too 🙂 )
    Thanks a bunch for stopping by my page.

  436. Thank you for your inspirational blog, and for your many “likes” of my Rock the Day posts. Everyone should have some music and some poetry in every day.

  437. I have to say, you are an inspiration, Anna! Good for you, with this blog and with your book. It shows that with perseverance and positivity that ANYTHING can be done 🙂 Thanks for visiting my blog and reading my post. Your attitude and outlook on life remind me of my grandfather, who is no longer with us. I loved him dearly and aspire to be like him every day. You are a wonder—all the best xoxo

  438. Thank you for liking my post. I write just so I could unload any baggage or share my rainbows. It makes me smile to know that someone out there is really reading my posts. Your site is just so great.

  439. Good for you Oceanna65, you published your own book. I hope to do the same when my blog is finished. Thanks for visiting mine. All the best in life and keep the chin up…

  440. Thank you for visiting my blog. I see from all your correspondence that you are reaching out and touching many lives. Your personal battles have not prevented you from being supportive of others
    Kudos to you for your thoughtfulness and courage.

  441. I noticed you enjoying my blog posts. I came over to visit you. What an inspiring story you have been telling.. and so true to your self and your own voice. I am a BRCA 1 previvor. Two of my sisters fought cancer discovered as a result of finding out about our genetic mutation risk after we were all already 50 years and older. One sister would be dead today if the specialist at Brigham and Women’s in Boston had not found her ovarian cancer on the operating table. Our motto is to dance in the rain…. don’t hide away from storms.

  442. Glad you found my blog: https://claudiajtaller.com/2014/12/01/30-perfect-days-log-8-we-are-our-choices/. I write about my father’s cancer in my book 30 Perfect Days, Finding Abundance in Ordinary Life (available on Amazon), which is about how to live best through imperfect days. I’m still recovering from the trauma, and I wasn’t finding the humor in anything back then. As we all know, life is what we make it, even when the sadness of it is almost overwhelming. I try to stay God-connected, living each day as a prayer.

  443. Hello, my dear! I hope you will check out this article about dealing with the mental game of cancer, and how to get it right, as I had to research this topic for a family member, and we got it right. 🙂 http://wp.me/p4LY4k-24 And all is well now. Please if you like the Law of Attraction, use Abraham-Hicks.com and Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life. There is so much wisdom there and lots of true statements that we can all use to replace the ridiculous things we tell ourselves. We have to replace fear with love on every level of our being. Much love, and please stay in touch. I do publish a lot of health articles using positive affirmations and LOA and would love some feedback from you as well! Here’s another as well: http://wp.me/p4LY3b-1T

  444. Anna, thank you for stopping my blog, xingsings. I would love to read your book sometime. I looked through some of your posts on this blog, and you truly seem to be a strong and positive woman. Best wishes! (:

  445. Hello! I have read about you on your book page and see that you have had a “testing” life and have done well. If you read my writings you will understand why you have this life and its test and, provided what you read is meaningful to you, you your spiritual progress will increase. I wish you “bon voyage”! My writings are free to all and are accessible here https://sites.google.com/site/themilkiswhitethebook/

  446. Oneanna6- ! How absolutely Fantabulous to see your visit today – I confess to being worried about you – thanks for visiting and so happy to see your moniker in the ‘here’s who’s about’ feed! 🙂

  447. Thank you for liking my post Teddy the Terrier at education-spring.com. I’m having fun browsing your blog–and a belated Happy 68th Birthday to you!

  448. Thanks for dropping by my blog, it’s great to know people actually read our stuff. Be kind to yourself and notice the little things.

  449. Hello Anna, Thankyou for liking our story on Nikola the Greek 86yo man that we successfully treated with lung cancer (after smoking for 60yrs). May God bless you and strengthen you. We have been providing free treatment for the poor in the 3rd world (Fiji for the last 5 yrs) with amazing results worldwide for the last 35 years. There are MAJOR KEYS IN OVERCOMING to have #diseasedefeated forever! Check us out at http://www.wellnessinstitutefiji.com/. Bless you and may you stay positive even when negatives present, for as we learn to rejoice in all things then we can transform whatever situation into victory and only then can we truly overcome ALL things!. God bless!


  450. Hello! Thank you so much for liking my Spirit Sunday post today! It was such an encouragement to me. Be sure to come back as I will to your blog!
    Light and Love,

  451. Thank you for meandering by and Liking Tankas for Earth’s Children. As my About indicates, I truly believe in the power of words.
    Morning thoughts and prayers are with you on your journey.
    Blogging opens a new world at our fingertips – so happy to have you join me, if even for a moment or two. I sit here with my morning cup of coffee, so happy to meet you, and salute your courage.

  452. Hello Anna, thank you for stopping by. With the little browsing I have done already I like your blog. From the brief peek inside your book, About, I think you have a great attitude about life and its challenges.

  453. I see by all these comments that you a very busy person delving into a variety of blogs. I am glad you visited mine and sent me a like on Emotion in Song. I had forgotten it; I enjoyed the reminder! Thanks for the visit. I;ve been here before and I’ll be seeing you again..

    1. I’m doing a reply to myself because I also want to say a thank you for your like on I Love You Truly. You are kind. And obviously very concerned about health issues. You would fit my sons and their families who are good nutrition promoters. Hope I haven’t goofed up anything by getting into your reply area.

  454. Hello,
    Glad that you popped in and like my post… I have enjoyed your posts as I browsed your blogs… my wife past away some time back after 2+ years of battling cancer, she lost the battle but won the war!.. 🙂 hope all the best for you and have a wonderful day today and every day!!!!

  455. Thanks for “liking” my blog and,in so doing, introducing me to yours, and to your book. As a cancer-survivor myself…and having a good friend dealing with it right now, I shall have to get a copy of your book!

  456. Thanks for the Like on 12 Tips from Greece, and many of the other posts on Canadian Writers Abroad. I love that you find my literary site of interest amongst all the others that reach out to you.

  457. Hi there! I found your blog interesting and I’ve got something to ask you….
    I’m gathering (inviting) a bunch of very talented but not so famous bloggers to share articles to TOAC and create something better than the Huffington Post or any other news blog.
    I want you to be a part of it. Please visit our site https://yourthoughtmatters.wordpress.com/recruitments/ if this interests you.

  458. Dear Oneanna, thank you for stopping by at my blog. I am so glad that you did. Otherwise I would never have found you. I will keep you in my every day prayers and will remember you. I will keep visiting your blogg and reading what you are doing and what is going on. Don’t worry, just check mine when you have the time. God bless you, you will find his light showering upon you. I am so happy to have known you by stopping at mine today, trust me. You take care my little angel. God Bless. All our love from London/France me and my daughter! kisses.

  459. Hi,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I appreciate that. Would definitely love to show your work to my mom, who also fought bravely with cancer and I always feel proud of her 🙂 . Would be reading more of your work.

    Love, T.

  460. Madam, I feel really humbled for you visited my blog and like a post! I’m so hapPy! 🙂
    I haven’t read your ‘About’ yet, but after going through your little but very inspiring introduction and comments here, I’m so eager to do so! I wish you and your family a very joyful, healthy and magnificent year ahead! Thank you so much!!! 🙂

  461. Thank you so much for visiting A Couple of Stars and a Happy Face. It made my day and put a SMILE on my face! I’m looking forward to checking out your story, as well.

  462. Hi Anna, thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my post on Faith! Join me on my journey! I pray you draw close to God through your trial and know that He is with you and cares every step! I pray for your complete healing and peace!

  463. Thanks for liking a post on my blog. Congrats and may all things work out good for you. Thanks for inspiring me to move higher. Your words are worth reading.

  464. oneanna65 – thank you so much for all these messages of hope and encouragement. And for the great information on health and diet. I’m so glad you visited and are following DailyBiblePrayer at wordpress. May God bless you with encouragement, direction and protection as you grow in your relationship with Him through the scriptures and spending time in prayer! Be sure to click on the scriptures at the bottom to read and see what God will share with you personally! Laura

  465. Hey there!

    I’m sending you this message because you read and liked my post: “Why I Didn’t Stop at Vegetarian.” That that post was the first in a two-post series–and I just finished the second post!

    At the end of part 1, I promised that I’d send the link for part 2 to everyone who reacted to it, so here I am. ^^

    You can find “Why I Didn’t Stop at Vegetarian: Part 2” right here: https://randomactivecuriosity.wordpress.com/2018/06/16/why-i-didnt-stop-at-vegetarian-part-2/

    Thanks for your support, and have a great day!

  466. oneanna65 – than you for the like on today’s prayer. I trust you already know the feeling of being the vessel God fills. And I pray you will continue to seek His guidance, direction and help as you make choices about your life. God bless your day! Laura

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