My 65-th Birthday.

Today is my birthday. I’m 65 years old. Happy birthday to me! And I’m celebrating 65 years of my immortality. Yeah! 65 years!

That’s: 780 months, 3380 weeks, 23660 days, 567840 hours, or many, many minutes.

Basicaly, if I think about this, i could have died any time, any day of my life, 23660 times in those 65 years, but I’m still alive and O.K.

This makes me very happy and proud of myself. And this is a reason for celebration.

I’m a survivor! I have survived 65 years of living and cancer.

I Google: How long does the average person lives? And I got the answer: About 80 – 100 years if nothing happens to them. Yeah. That’s very interesting. Because  as we all know, life is dangerous. …..Risk never sleeps….. From the minute we wake-up (if we wake-up), anything can happen to us.

I’m planning to live other 5 years. I’m sure, I can do it. How? – One day at a time. What I’m planning to do? Just simple stuff: working,reading, writing, keep eating healthy foods, enjoying every day and thanking GOD every day for all the blessings. 5 years, that’s 43800 hours. That’s lots of time. But I have to remember that those hours (or minutes!) can fly by very fast. So I’m going to try every day to do something good, meaningful. 1825 good deeds. It can be done.

And I’m not saying that I’m going to live 5 more years. What I’m saying, that I’m going to do some more planning when I’m 70 years old.

My life is like driving a limo in very bad weather: IF ANYBODY CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT.

And if anybody ask me: How old are you? I’m going to tell them: I’m over 50. But how much over 50, is not anybodys business. Anyway, not everybody can understand, that I’m 65 years old, fighting cancer every day and I’m so cheerful.


1,302 thoughts on “My 65-th Birthday.

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog. It seems we both had big birthdays this year! (I turned 40 and it was sort of the impetus for the blog.) I love that even though you battle cancer, you still think to consider others with good deeds — a true warrior indeed.

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY my new blogging friend!!!! 🙂 And thank you so much for visiting and following my blog. It’s my great hope that you find something that will bless your spirit. Keep posting, I like what I have seen so far.

    Dulcinea 🙂

  2. Thanks for your recent visit. I was hoping to give you hope on this short comment. But, I realized that when you believe in God, you have more hope than anyone can give; revealing God gives hope; God is our hope – in Christ we have His unfailing love and faithfulness, always.

  3. Hi there 🙂 Thank you for always coming by for a visit. You’re always welcome anytime 😀


  4. Happy, Happy Birthday to you! God bless you with many more wonderful and blessed years.

    I also want to thank you for stopping by and following Pondered Thoughts. You are appreciated more than you know, thank you 🙂

    All good things,

  5. What a phenomenal post. So full of life and happiness and gratitude. Bless you and Happy 65th Birthday. Thank you for visiting my BrainBrewBlog. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I look forward to reading more from you. 😉

  6. What a phenomenal post. So full of life and happiness and gratitude. Bless you and Happy 6th Birthday. Thank you for visiting my BrainBrewBlog and for your “likes” on a few of the posts. I hope you find it an light, inspirational read. I look forward to reading more from you as well. 😉

  7. Wow! You certanly are an inspiration! What a great attitude towards everything that life brings, I truly admire that and wish you all the best! Looking forward to read more posts from you!

  8. Happy Birthday… Thanks for sharing. Your story is very touching. I have never experience near death. Thanks also for your word of inspiration

  9. I just came by to say thank you for liking my post, “Agradecimiento,” and for following my blog.

    And now I see why a post about gratitude would catch your eye. 😉

    I just had a birthday, too. Happy belated birthday and all good hopes and dreams to you!

  10. Happy belated birthday and you have a great attitude! I’m 51 and I hear so many complain about growing older, when in fact, our birthdays offer us a chance to celebrate another year of life. I have this outlook after losing 6 people in the last 10 years under the age of 60…life is no guarantee, so keep pluggin’ away. I also wanted to thank you for following me. I hope you continue to enjoy your visits and I will follow you, too. I wish you all the best in your journey!

  11. You were a dear to go to my blog to reply to my comment here, so I thought I’d return the favor. I had a sweet birthday this year, and I thank you! 🙂

  12. Beautiful..
    Belated Happy B’day, I hope you may have many more of them!
    You’re a free soul and that has what made me love this blog after reading only a post. 🙂

  13. Happy Birthday, happy great attitude, and happy believing in God. I’m right there with you. Thank you for following my blog. I’m going to follow yours too.

  14. Wow. Congrat’s and wishing you a wonderful birthday. I discovered your site after you made a comment on my own. Thank you by the way. It is inspirational to hear your words, particularly after hearing that you have had your challenges. It is so much about attitude and taking what we know we have, this moment, and living it in as much joy as we can. What I do know is that this is indeed all worth it, and so much of our growth here on Earth comes from painful situations we experience. Look at the person you have become!! Grateful to hear from you and I look forward to your contnued posts.

  15. I’m not even two decades old, i’m about to sit some exams and am mildly freaking out – but then i read this and life slots back into perspective. Learning to take each moment as it comes, each day as it comes and not looking back or looking too far forward – something i’v been striving to achieve and have failed at miserably. But you’ve just motivated me to keep on, and as I do it, to continue being cheerful, vibrant and happy. Thank you!!! Hope your day was phenomenal and you enjoy many more in the wide potential of all birthdays over the age of 50 🙂 Xxx

  16. Also – Proverbs 3 vs 5 and 6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understandings, but in all your ways honour Him and He will make your Paths Straight. God Bless and Shine X

  17. Happy Birthday!! God bless you and keep you in His care. Thanks so much for checking out my blog too! From California, with a hug!

  18. thanks for subscribing to my blog. I swill endeavour to make it worth your while. You’re not going to belive this but I jumped with joy when I read that you are the same age as me . We will be able to compare notes on many things.

  19. Thanks for visiting my blog,, and ‘like’ ing it! Happy B-day to you and many more. I do the Revlon 5K every year for women and cancer. I’ll think of you this May 5th and that you are a survivor! You are inspiring 🙂

  20. YAY!! The c word no longer needs to be scarey. Because of people like you who are proving everyday that it can be overcome. Not only with diet but also and even more powerfully with attitude and thoughts. Keep up the good work!!! And keep filling your mind with only life and inspiration so there’s no room for disease! Marlene

  21. Computers!!! I just sent a long lovely note and it disappeared… who knows maybe it’s heading your way but just in case I’ll re-send it as much as I remember.
    YAY!!! The c word is no longer such a scarey thing thanks to people like you who are proving that there is nothing to fear!!! The more that people overcome it the more that it will end up disappearing out of our inventory of illness… to be replaced, I hope with wellness, energy, aliveness. Yes diet helps but mostly we are learning that our attitude and thoughts are what create our reality, including our physical condition. Keep it up!!! Many blessings, Marlene

  22. Happy Belated Birthday. Thank you for liking my post. Have a wonderful day and I love your attitude towards life and aging. Renee 🙂

  23. You definitely sound like a young person to me! Happy 65th Birthday! You should start telling people you are 65 years YOUNG. I congratulate you on your winning battle against cancer. I have a couple of family members fighting the same monster, and one of them is about to lose the battle. Anyways, awesome post. Keep enjoying your youth!!

  24. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! Thank you for coming by and “liking” the grand finale of my series on “How God can use your life story.” Looking around your blog, I think you already may have figured it out. 😉 Keep up the good work!

  25. THANK YOU for visiting my “pun-ny” photoblog and leaving a “like.” I’m right behind you in age (by 2 years). I applaud your “can do” outlook. I started my Mon.-Fri. photoblog on Nov. 1, 2010, and I have never missed a weekday post! A week ago I decided I was too sedentary and started power-walking from 6:00 – 6:30 every morning in our neighborhood. We aren’t dead until we either (1) stop moving or (2) stop thinking what our next move will be.

    –John R.:

  26. Happy Belated Birthday & hope you enjoyed a blast …. it is always a blessing to be able to continue celebrating our birthdays as the years ‘sail’ by … 65 is a a great milestone in life …enjoy your life & keep on smiling 🙂

  27. Happy belated Birthday! 65 is really an achievement, I’m only 46 (damn) and my plan is to become as old as possible. Thanks for your visit and like on my blog. 🙂

  28. What an outstanding post, an outstanding attitude — you are such an inspiration! I am a follower so please keep posting!

  29. Happy Birthday, a little late ~ thanks for your ‘spill over’ it touched me. Keep blogging, you may be here another 20+ years! thanks also for liking my art. 🙂

  30. I am greeting you Happy Birthday yesterday, today and every single day thereafter!
    I also thank you for your blog which I truly enjoyed reading because you must have given me the answer to a question I have been asking since 2002.
    In that year I had a heart attack and I was a 20 seconds flat liner. I woke up from a coma five days later. Eversince I have asked the question…why am I still here?
    I think He made you give me my answer.
    You are awesome!

  31. My husband just found out he’s cancer-free, after being diagnosed with thyroid cancer last winter, having his thyroid removed and having radiation treatment. Congratulations to both of you and may you both live the rest of your life cancer-free!! What a happy birthday you must have had!

  32. お誕生日おめでとうございます(Happy Birthday)!
    ”like”ありがとうございました。oneanna65 さんのブログをお訪ねするチャンスに恵まれて嬉しいです。勇敢にガンと戦ってらっしゃるご様子、素晴らしいと思いました。

  33. I appreciate your enthusiasm and positive attitude. I am also a caner patient, just past my 1 year anniversary since diagnosis, but still recovering from treatment. Complications make recovery slow and while I have been extremely positive for the most part, days like today make it hard to stay that way. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It led me to your positive attitude, which is what I needed today.

  34. I liked Gandhi, I did. But if I were to listen to his advice: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow…,” I would never make plans for the future.

    1. I have no context for that statement from Gandhi, but I will say that it matches my own perspective. I try to live life such that if I were to die tomorrow I will be happy with how I lived. I certainly see your point, I just thought it interesting that it matches what is probably a different context.

      1. I hope my statement wasn’t in any way a downer for you on your birthday. I have no idea what point I was trying to make or why I was trying to make it here. You are a survivor and I congratulate and applaud you. I think if you can live every day giving the best of yourself to yourself and to others you will have no regrets. And when you are 70, I’d like to hear what your plans are for the next 5 years. Happy Birthday!

    2. Perhaps you only heard half the quote. The way I heard it was “Live today as if you were going to die tomorrow, and plan for tomorrow as if you were going to live a thousand years.”

  35. What an awesome Post!! Happy Be-Lated Birthday Prayers and Blessings of many…. more to come. Ty for stopping by my blog site hopefully you’ll join us I love your site how positive it is. My dad died of cancer @ 84 in 2010 he was stage 4 Kidney cancer at diagnosis but he pressed on for about another 2 years the Doctors were amazed given his age but he fought and he stayed positive until the end, an I admire that.

  36. Happy Birthday. I will reach 65 in a few months. Bitter sweet feelings about that milestone. Thanks for visiting and following David’s View.

  37. thanks for visiting AND following i appreciate your interest. i also admire your strength and courage AND wish you many more birthdays!

  38. Even though I wasn’t there to say happy birthday Happy birthday! 65 years and going strong! well done! a great feat to be proud of!

    Keep fresh – GrandScene

  39. thank you for joining my blog THE WAY TUGEAU !! and happy 65th…. having also recently turned 65 I know your celebration. I haven’t had cancer, but other ‘challenges’ and here I am…dealing happily each day, doing TONS, working, caring for others, loving and watching family grow (almost 7 grandkids) and SO apprecative. Can tell you feel that too. It’s worth the negative to get the heightened positive. And it is what it is…so go with it! right! enjoy !!

  40. i recently turned 64 – age has no dimensions – no limits – except on our bodies -i lived alone for some 20 years of a self imposed existence – how stupid – a woman recently tore down my walls of Troy and set me free – i too have had cancer – best thing that has happened to me – it took my voice and let me free to speak with creativity

  41. Happy belated 65th birthday. Mine is Sunday. Also 30+ years cancer survivor, although I prefer the term, victor. That give me the power.


  42. Hey there, happy belated birthday and thanks for checking out my blog : ) Hopefully you’ve got many, many years ahead of you!

  43. The most beautiful outcomes are results of positive energy overcoming the greatest oppositions. This is true everywhere in nature, just as it is true here. You are a beautiful person. Thanks for sharing all your messages.

  44. Happy Birthday! It is truly inspiring to see people who are dealt hands that others would cry about, and yet still manage to have better attitudes and more hope. I pray that your relationship with God can grow even stronger!

    God bless!

  45. Great post! Happy belated birthday.
    Thanks for following my blog.

    Your fighting spirit reminds me of my mom, years ago. During her chemo- a large room with patients attached to IV poles, all of them quietly reading, talking to a friend

    except for mom, with her headphones on listening to Mozart, IV pole trailing behind,

    and dancing.


  46. Golly, you seem like a spring chicken, child. After all, I am 67. Remember, the older you get, the less the rules apply. Kick out the jams!

  47. thank you for following my blog. as i was going through yours we have a couple of things in common. #1. your birthday is the same day as my daughter! #2. i to am a cancer survivor. seven years strong! even though i seem to not be able to do some of the things i use to do physically, like you, i live one day at a time. i love your upbeat, positive attitude! keep it up and keep healthy!

  48. Happy 65th, and wishes for many, many more! It’s great to connect with another fabulous woman blogger over 55! Thanks for following my blog 🙂 Hope you find it inspiring.

  49. What an amazing piece you’ve written. I wonder if you know the impact these words might have on others? I’m approaching my 50th birthday in less than 2 months. I can hardly digest this. I go frolicking through my life like I’m some kind of perennial 20-something until my joints remind me otherwise and then “BAM”. Holy cow how did I arrive here? I’m really sure how to approach this new chapter in the book of my life. Your words have given me inspiration though as I move forward into the next half century of my life, not that I plan on making it to 100. That all depends on how the next decade goes. It’s funny how now you begin to see the finality of life. When we’re younger, life is a vista without end and the end isn’t a concern. When the end begins to loom distantly on the horizon you reassess what you value and what you want to accomplish. I have to say that this causes a very sweet feeling in me of anticipation. There truly is something wonderful about moving into the later years of life, a blissful secret that can only be discovered by arriving.

    My mother is also “over 50” although just a bit more over than you are. She is also a cancer survivor and I plan on sharing this with her. Your bright optimism really is worth sharing far and wide. Simply beautiful.

  50. Late Happy Birthday! Please stay positive . We never know what life holds in store for us, but attitude affects everything. Thank you for visiting my blog. and giving me a chance to connect with you.

  51. Thank you for visiting my blog today…I sure do appreciate it! I am new to the blogging world to, just like you. Alot of learning and fun! I wanted to tell you after reading some of your posts…you are an inspiration…You rock!!!

  52. So glad we connected via blogging! Thanks for liking my “Four Going on Fourteen” post! Happy birthday EVERY day, and stay positive and thanks-filled and full of daily grace. God is good. God is love. He cares for you!

  53. Happy birthday, belatedly, and wishes for many, many more!!! Our God is THE God of love, hope, joy, and peace! He is always with you, and will carry you through your life walk. I’ll keep you in my prayers regarding your challenge with cancer. Keep smiling and blogging. Thanks for following my photog blog and liking my “Four and Almost Fourteen” post!

  54. I too am proud of my age. Not all 58 year olds are so full of a zest for life. Some have given up and are “old” at my age. Perhaps those of us who have faced our mortality appreciate and value the years under our belts. We know life is precious and can be taken from us at any time. Here’s to another 50 years!!

  55. Thank you for following my blog. It’s now May and much too late to wish you a happy birthday. But I wish you many blessings in every moment of your life. Bravo to your zest for life which many people half your age are missing on. You are an inspiration and I am glad to know you. *Hugs*

  56. Happy belated Birthday, Oneanna. In God’s time, we are always His beloved child and always young. BTW thank you for visiting my blog.

  57. Happy Belated Birthday! 🙂 Glad to have a new blogging friend. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your strength and optimism has just given me such a smile! God bless you!

  58. “Happy Belated Birthday to you! 🙂
    ¸¸.•*¨*•░H░A░P░P░Y░(¯`’•.¸ *♥♥♥* ¸.•’´¯) ░B░I░R░ T░H░D░A░Y░ (¯`’•.¸*♥♥♥*¸.•’´¯) Hope you enjoyed YOUR special day!
    ║╚╦═╦═╦═╦╦╗ ║╚╦═╦═╦═╦╦╗ ║╚╦╦═╣╚╣╚╦╝╠═╦╦╗
    ║║║╬║╬║╬║║║ ║║║╬║╬║╬║║║ ║╬║║╔╣╔╣║║╬║╬║║║
    ╚╩╩╩╣╔╣╔╩╗║ ╚╩╩╩╣╔╣╔╩╗║ ╚═╩╩╝╚═╩╩╩═╩╩╩╗║
    ¸.•*¨*•.♪♫♫♪Happy Birthday .♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ♥Happy Birthday to youuuuu ♪♫•*¨*•.¸.•*¨*•♫

  59. hi, sorry it’s kinda late to say a birth day wishes but nothing is too late, don’t you think? Wish you all the best in your life and keep spirited, good motivation. cheers

  60. someone told me that you should celebrate important birthdays as if they are a string of pearls. you have as many birthdays in that year as there are pearls on the string. I turned 60 in april and i have decided that that is how i am going to celebrate this year. every day that something wonderful happens, whether its the scent of the gardenia in the air or a visit from one of my children, or even finding the perfect book to read on the porch before summer turns the porch in to an inferno, i am going to think “happy birthday to me”. i hope your string of pearls goes on forever.
    thanks for like our blog. we are humbled by yours and laughed out loud at the fact that your blogging issues are just like ours!

  61. What a lovely story about your birthday and your approach to life!

    Thanks for visiting my blog today. All good wishes to you!


  62. Thank you so much for your ‘follow’. I am honored and delighted. I’ll be glad if I could bring the smile on your face with my art. Best wishes, light and love to you. Yelena

  63. Steady the course and fight with all you have. I will be praying for victory, and blessings of a long and healthy life.

  64. Belated Happy Birthday!! And thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post… I love seeing what my readers are writing about themselves. Your post made me laugh and really helped me put things into perspective. Keep up the great, witty writing and I’ll definitely be back for more!!

    Happy blogging 🙂

  65. A very belated happy birthday! 65 seems so far away it feels like I’ll never make it (sorry I don’t mean that rudely) but it’s people like you who keep me keeping on!

  66. WOW what a great blog. I love it. Thank you for stopping by my blog. May God bless your journey for the next 5 years and your 1825 good deeds… Love Coreen

  67. Happy belated birthday;and thanks so much for taking time to stop by my blog.With your spirit and attitude you will have many awesome days ahead of you.I’ll be 62 next month and I feel as though I’m just getting started.God bless you and the wonderful life you have ahead.

  68. Thank you for visiting and following my blog! And Happy Belated Birthday! 🙂 Thank God for another year of life–as a cancer survivor! My mom is also fought a battle with cancer and survived, and she’s still doing great! 🙂

  69. Happy birthday Anna. It makes me feel quite touched since I’m living with my husband who also has cancer.

    My wise friend told me that I need love and devotion in times of pain. Also non-detachment, meaning nothing in the world belongs to me. I keep them in mind and will have a great day. I look forward to congratulationg your 100th birthday!

  70. Anna, I like your style – thanks for the charming and inspiring commentary on life. I look forward to reading more… at least for five more years ;o)

  71. Congratulations and Happy birthday! My own father just got diagnosed and so this is very near to my heart right now. I wish you the best and many more years of health and prosperity!

  72. I’ll be turning 60 next December and no on could be more surprised than I am. “. . .life is dangerous. …..Risk never sleeps….. From the minute we wake-up (if we wake-up), anything can happen to us.” Great line. True, too. On top of that, many of us (well, at least me) took more risks than needed because we were not sure we really want to be here. Thankfully, I’ve also come to a place where I am now grateful to God for each day, whatever it brings my way. Happy belated birthday.

  73. Happy Birthday!
    You have achieved a wonderful milestone. Sixty-five years of life which I assume has been for the most part worth it. Beating cancer is another milestone, keeping it beaten will take the rest of your life. You will do it. You have the right attitude. One piece of advice though, in your battle to win, don’t forget your heart. I say this because my late wife battled with breast cancer for twenty-five years. Her battle was getting over the fear during the yearly testing to see if she was still cancer free. In her effort to beat cancer (her mother and father both died of cancer) she forgot that heart disease ran on both sides of her family. That is what killed her one month after she celebrated (barely reached) sixty-five.
    Your story is different though, in that you are positive, and definitely on the right path to a long productive and happy life. Live it without regrets.

  74. Your enthusiasm and lust for life is admirable. You’re an inspiration to us all. Keep up the positive attitude and live your life to the fullest. God Bless You.

  75. …..Risk never sleeps….. From the minute we wake-up (if we wake-up), anything can happen to us.

    U are completly right. I wish u happy and healthy long life.

    The first forty years of our life give the text, the next thirty furnish the commentary upon it, which enables us rightly to understand the true meaning and connection of the text with its moral and its beauties.

  76. Happy birthday! God never takes for granted any one that appreciates Him,exceedingly abundantly above your imaginations and desires will He do for you…wishing you long life and prosperity as keep fulfilling your essence of existence. God bless.

  77. Well, if no one has yet done it, let me say “Welcome to the world of Medicare!” You’ve survived cancer, me, well, I survived two open heart surgeries in less than three years and I’m only one year older than you (see postings on my blog). Let’s get together in five years on your seventieth and swap more medical stories! I’m looking forward to it. J.

  78. I discovered your site after you made a comment on my own… I’ve just finished reading this post, now I’m crying for joy, because you ‘re still alive and you are keeping the faith and struggling for life. You are a really positive example, thanks for sharing your thoughts in this blog.
    Belated happy birthday!
    PS:we were born on the same day! 🙂

  79. Good for you. Age is mostly what goes on between your ears anyway. Many much younger than ourselves make themselves old by worrying about age. Here’s to your next 65 years being as happy as you are right now. Stay strong.

  80. Lovin’ your birthday post! I will share this with my friend, Pat. She just turned 89. You guys just keep pluggin’ along … there’s stuff to do, people to see, blogs to write! Sending you a big hug!

  81. Happy birthday!
    I’m really happy that you found my blog and now because of that I found yours. Thanks. This post is wonderful. It’s great to know that you can go on appreciating life and thinking positive things only: life’s what you make it! Enjoy every single minute.. I know that I just found your blog but this post touched my heart and my life (because of many things that are happening right now to me) in such a way that I couldn’t just leave it there, without letting you know. Thanks and a million times, thanks!
    Greetings from Argentina, Florencia.

  82. I’m over 50 as well. One day at a time, I do need to start walking. My uncle will be a 108 this summer, I hope to see him one more time. A good dose of prayer every day helps keep me in line. Alergic to aspirin, but I do try to eat healthy and I try to take as many picture as possible.
    Take Care…

  83. Hello & belated happy birthday! I love, love, LOVE this post. So glad to connect with you and look forward to your 70th birthday post! 😉 -azita

  84. You are an inspiration, and you are truly amazing! Thank you so much for visiting my post, and for your like – I am honored!

  85. I, also, am a cancer survivor. You and I feel alike… I mean to live ‘forever’. I loved your comment about driving a limo in very bad weather… ‘if anybody can do it, I can do it’. (non-Hodgkins lymphoma)

  86. love this post and love your outlook on life. Being thankful to God every day and living each and every moment to the fullest. This moment is all we truly have! Glad you stopped by my blog as well and liked my recent post. Experience all in complete acceptance, joy, gratitude and freedom from fear is part of my daily prayer/meditation.
    wishing you much love light and JOY

  87. and another BIG thanks for following my Not in India 2012 blog. Hope you find even some small words of inspirational thought their to assist you in same small way along your own life journey…in the same way that you are inspiring and assisting others along theirs with your blog.

    much love light and joy

  88. I tip my hat to you, miss. My father died this January from cancer. He was 58. I like your 5 yr plan and am trying to do something similar with my life. I want to help people with my life. I’m not going for 5yrs though. I’m not looking that far ahead. I am not as quite as cheerful as you seem to be. But carry on. I hope you are blessed with 5 more years of life and many more. Really I appreciate you. Sincerly, eshy,

  89. I understand mortality so well. I’ve had two near death experiences! I do try to cherish every day I live, knowing that it is only by God’s grace that I’m even alive. You be blessed 🙂

  90. Thanks for visiting my blog and for the Follow. My dad is a cancer survivor too… and we (my mother and siblings) have lived with him through his years of fighting the disease and the subsequent sixteen years of his being free of cancer. So here’s to a wonderful rest of the year and to a full life cancer free.

  91. Thanks for liking my blog but more importantly, thanks for the timely reminder about how precious life is! I rejoice with you in being a survivor!

  92. A wondrously happy belated birthday. A certain other lady is celebrating a Jubilee today, but it sounds like you have the recipee to live every day and every moment as a Jubilee.

    Your visits to my blog last week meant a lot to me. Let’s keep visiting with each other often.

  93. More than 500 likes and almost 200 comments. I’m trying to imagine what a picture of your birthday cake with candles would look like. You’re very brave, and you’ve enriched all our lives by reminding us how valuable each moment of life is. Take good care, and thank you.

  94. Thanks so much for visiting my log. It is new and was created to encourage people that GOD loves them and they have special gifts and talents planted in them to accomplish all of their dreams.

    You have now inspired me to create a page to add all my prayers that gave me strength to overcome the C and other issues that life can throw at you with power of praying the word of GOD.

    Keep checking my blog out I’m adding more prayers just for you right now. Tell anyone that you know that needs the power of praying the word of GOD to visit my blog GOD and I are filling it full if inspirational and empowering content and of course his word.


  95. You have a wonderful outlook! It’s contagious. Thanks for liking my blog Kelley Hospitality where we always find the good in everything. Why not? There’s enough of the other. I look forward to reading your posts.

  96. What a cheerful, encouraging blog–no wonder you got The Sunshine Award! I wouldn’t have known about it if you hadn’t found my new blog, and left a comment. Have no idea how you found it but I’m glad you did so I could come find out about you (and all your friends!). My birthday is just six days after yours. (I always say my “sign” is not Pisces but another fish–Ichthus.) Richest blessings to all of you!

  97. Happy belated 65th birthday from one who is approaching her 67th without the battle you’re facing so courageously and with such optimism. I am in awe!

    (And thank you for liking my post about my birthday!)

  98. Belated blessed birthday from a real 65 year old great grandad 🙂

    Reciprocating the visit.

    May the unconditional love of Abba surround you on your day by day walk as a survivor and fighter.

    Shalom john (Abba’s Ragamuffin).

  99. Happy Belated Birthday, indeed! … Here’s to the next five years, plus! … I hope every day you (or I) are/am here, you/I will be blessed with pleasant memories, thoughts, and occurrences. However, I think your closing line says it all, in this unpredictable life that we LIVE. Blessings to you (and me)! Marcy

  100. “People get too soon oldt and too late schmart,” said the old German. But life’s experiences are good teachers. “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” You have much to offer. Thanks for doing it. Lloyd Johnson at NCWA.

  101. can’t even remember if I said thanks for dropping by my blog. Years mean nothing as I am up there myself. I guess it’s what we have done with them and you certainly are an inspiration. Happy Earthday!!

  102. What an amazing spirit and great sense of humour in the face of cancer! God bless you and I know your blogging is a blessing to many who read it!

    Thanks for also taking the time to drop by my blog and liking my latest post too 🙂

  103. Thank you for visiting my little blog and liking a post. I will certainly explore and follow yours. Belated happy birthday to you! I admit to being on the back side of 60! Every day is special at any age as there is no guarantee of another birthday for any of us. Best of luck to you in your fight.

  104. Belated Happy Birthday! sorry for the late greeting, and thank you for liking my blog. it is such pleasure to be liked 🙂 i will soon be having my birthday as well, and yes, i thank God for each day of existence. you take care and continue enjoying life, it is a gift from God. 🙂

  105. Thank you for visiting my blog ( and inviting me to visit yours. I love your birthday piece. You go, girl! Blessings…

  106. Happy belated birthday. You’re such an positive beautiful person and I like how u look at life. Best of luck to you and best wishes. Keep god first and everything will follow. You are on the right track and very positive and such an inspiration, God bless.

  107. I love your enthusiasm in life. Thank you for all the computation! 🙂 It was a wake up call for me. The Bible says “Seventy years are given to us! Some even live to eighty” (Psalm 90:10). So, yeah, I agree with you. Let’s live life one day at a time, giving our best and living our lives for the Lord. Thank you for liking one of my entries! May God continue to bless you! Remember that whatever you’re going through, “God is holding your hand and is there to help you” (Isaiah 41:13). 🙂

  108. I’ll be praying for your next five years, and the next five after that and so on and so forth, it’s easy to see that your life is pleasing you and our God, so bless you and thank you! Your inspiration will not fall short!

  109. Belated Happy Birthday! Your life is an inspiration, may God grant you many more years. Stay happy and enjoy your walk with God!
    PS: Thanks also for following my blog and sharing your enthusiasm and positive outlook in life, I’m greatly blessed!

  110. Hi there oneanna65! I just came in and checked my mail, what a blessing to see your “like” message there. 🙂 My mother wrote “Joy in the Midst of My Storm” and wanted to share it with everyone. Cancer is one nasty booger but it’s defeatable with faith in God, a determined mind and healthy living. I also want to wish you a happy belated birthday! There’s a scripture that reads, “Faith without works is dead.” You have the works – eating right and healthy living but I challenge to say, “I *will* live to be 70 and plus! There are no impossibilities with God. My mother lived through colon cancer in 2006 and breast cancer in 2010, never once did she doubt that she would not only survive but live long and prosper. I believe the same for you. God bless you for your positivity, love and willingness to share with all of us. I hope to see you again! ~Rebecca

  111. I feel I’ve met a soul friend. Though I don’t have cancer, I struggle with less than perfect health. You share my youngest son’s birthday (mine is only 5 days later). Thanks for your courageous and inspiring post.

  112. I just turned 64. Great inspirational piece. Been doing that “one day at a time” thing for 22 years.
    Happy Birthday.

  113. thank you for “liking” my post; WordPress in its infinite wisdom sent me to this one of yours. Now how did WP know I’m 74?

    May I suggest one thing? That you exchange “over 50” for telling your age. How else will people see that there are a variety of ways for various ages to look if we continue to be coy about our age?

  114. I’d like to add my Happy Birthday (your attitude is one we should all emulate), and to thank you for the “like” on my recent blog post, Dogs and Angels. I’ll be following you to 65 shortly, so how can I not follow your blog.

  115. Happy Birthday many days late. But what is so beautiful is that you chose to visit my blog and click the like button on a post where I quoted scripture from the bible and it was Psalm 65. God Bless to you And thanks for visiting my blog!!

  116. Happy Birthday. Love your positive attitude. May each day bring you love and happiness. From one recycled teenager (I’m over 65) to another, have a sunshiney day.

  117. Belated Happy Birthday! You GO! As long as life is good! You sound young to me. Consider juicing, I have read lots of good stuff about what juicing does for our health and vigor. I have to start myself. I am right behind you at 55. Much love and thank you for liking a post on one of my blogs!

  118. Everybody gets to be young, but not everybody gets to be old. Sounds like you are enjoying the privilege of moving toward maturity. I’ll bet you beat your cancer and live to a hundred! Hang tough!

  119. Your persistence and love of life is amazing. I wish the best for you. I am an atheist so I cannot say “God Bless”. Nevertheless, if there is a God, may he/she or it bless you.

  120. Happy 65th in April of this year; and many more. Although I have lost people dear to me to cancer, I also know several who have pushed through over 25 years of contending or remission.

  121. This short life is but a bridge, a passage to the real life. Our souls are eternal. They are having an earthly experience for a change!

    I hope you keep enjoying the rest of your life, and move peacefully to the next, with the Grace of God.

    The Soaring Eagle

    P.S. BTW, thanks for dropping by my blog and liking my last poem.

  122. Happy birthday I hope you had a wonderful day. I am a follower of yours now and look forward to your next post. Thank you so much for liking my blog I really appreciate your support. cheers Judy 🙂

  123. Wow, you are young. My grandmother is 92, my cousin I think turned 80 at her last Birthday, my Aunt S. is turning 70 and my great Aunt Mary at her deathbed in 2010 was 99. Like I said young.

  124. I really liked this most. I honestly believe that deep down in your heart and soul the person finally chooses when to pass away if they’re at full health of course. At 65 however you still have a decade or more in you so you’re a bit early! 😀

  125. You are lucky, you are indeed a survivor, you have a beautiful soul. All the best and many joyful Haaaapy Birthday to you!

    Do you know this recipe against the cancer? In my county are people who was saved and live because of it.

    Royal jelly – 4 gr.
    Acacia honey – 1,5 kg
    Ground pollen – 300 gr.
    Saline – 20 dl
    Propolis tincture – 150 gr.

  126. A very belated happy birthday, and may you still be posting “when I reach 95, I will continue to make plans” — and thanks for checking out my blog as well!

  127. Many thanks oneAnna65, for dropping by my BookLog and liking the recent post.
    Here’s my belated birthday wishes to you and all power to your blogging on how to live a healthy and good life every day.

  128. Hi there, thanks for stopping by and liking my “world” – see that we both had the same destiny behind us with cancer. A demon that I don’t want to dance again with and I have plans to live much longer then 65 – 15 months left. Please, drop by again. *smile

  129. I sure hope it’s true that 60’s are the new 50’s because I’m not very far behind you. I look forward to following your work as well Thx Fortmyersbob

  130. Happy belated Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! and also congratulations….. you are truly a survivor and will continue to be……. thanks for stopping by 🙂

  131. Bless your heart! I have a friend who beat cancer. Her story is on The Susan B. Komen website. If you want her name contact me at itsmindbloggleing. You are a survivor and I bet you’ll see 90! I’m 70 and still in good health.

  132. Well I didn’t know you when it was your birthday, so I want wish you now (with a little delay) happy birthday! 🙂

  133. More than a little late here, I know, but how about we pretend I am EARLY for next year’s birthday wish?


    Happy 65th and 2.5 months to you! And a many more to come.


  134. Happy very belated birhthday!! You and I share the same birthday 🙂 I turned 49 this last April 6th so heading to the big 5-0 next spring!! Congratulations on your battle and victory over cancer!!

  135. A late Happy birthday to you! Actually my birthday is also on the 6th of April just not the same year…much younger..
    but thanks for visiting my blog, I like yours very much, the cancer killing recipes wow…
    I would like to read more!
    have a nice wekend

  136. I love this! What an inspiration you are. I find myself thinking about how many people whose lives you must have touched and blessed throughout those 65 years!

  137. One great thing about birthdays is the more you have, the longer the celebration – a day for each year, I’ve heard. Congratulations for keeping the party going!

  138. …My life is like driving a limo in very bad weather: IF ANYBODY CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT…

    This is very, very funny and VERY uplifting!
    Sixty-five eh? And cancer? I lost my twin sister to cancer in September.

    So, mister, well, well done, and Happy Birthday!

  139. You are amazing and an encouragment to us all. Cancer effects every family. My sister-in-law has been taking chemo treatments for 8 years now. She has a very agressive breast cancer that has shown up in her lungs. The doctor wants her to remain on chemo treatment for 4 more years. She was in her early 30 when she was diagnosed. She loves God and is a fighter.
    I love your blog. You can really help lots of people. Thank you so very much for stopping by my blog. Blessing Always and may God continue to be with you!!! Diane

  140. Hi
    I found your blog when you commented on mine! You are an inspiration and yes God is so good! He is the one that gives us breath to breath everyday. i am happy I have met you

  141. I seem to be at the bottom of a very, very long list of well wishers. I’m 63 3/4 and I’m happy about the 3/4. Every day count as you well know. Thanks for stopping by my blog. This is the easy way for me to find you and learn what you are writing about. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  142. thanks for being so upbeat and positive about life and your life! that is a strong key to survival in this world—-I also noticed you mentioned God. That is the main thing.

  143. Most of exist and do not live.
    Even Existence is a Miracle as we have a shell called body which is the most complicated mechanism in the world.
    While existing is not in our hands , Living is.
    Looking at Life in its perspective where we know that Life and The world is despite us and not because of us.
    May He Grant us the wisdom to know what is important and what is not..
    Acquired possessions including relations need not contribute to our happiness in the world nor the world.
    For they owe us nothing.
    We need to live at peace with ourselves and only we can do it,
    May He bestow you with Contentment ,Peace and Tranquillity and no rancour and regrets.
    * I am sixty two.

  144. Happy Belated! Mine was the 13th of April. God Bless you and I rebuke any form of cancer in the name of Jesus. My son is also a survivor, and I give all thanks to my heavenly Father. Thank you for visiting my site. Make sure your sugar count does not rise while drinking those shakes. 🙂 Love You!

  145. Just a few words from an old song:
    “I speak life.. You’re gonna live oh my brother (my sister).
    I speak life.. You are the the head and not the tail.. You will prevail.
    I speak life.. Don’t give up the fight for your life.. You shall live and not die”..

    Life is most definitely worth fighting for..and a happy belated birthday to you. Cheers!!!

  146. Happy Belated Birthday!

    I was scrolling through a few of your posts and I love them all…with the exception of one thing.

    It seems that you believe in God because He will save you, but not because you love Him. For example, in your post “Cancer Killing Recipe,” your faith was ultimately derived from fear of death.

    I do admire the revelation that you’ve come to. We should live as healthy as possible. But, perhaps God is also keeping you alive so that you can have a deep relationship with Him & call others to Him.

    This is just a thought. Keep up the great work!

  147. Hy oneanna65! Thank you very much for reading and liking my recent post. What you are doing is such a beautiful thing, I’m sure you are helping a lot of people.
    Wish you many five-year periods to enjoy life!
    Read you soon 🙂

  148. Dear Anna! Wow – anyone who fights cancer is a hero!! I honor your journey, what you do to heal, it is so beautiful that you are sharing your story!
    Have you heard about Kris Carr and her “Crazy Sexy Cancer”? Kris is such an inspiration – there is a documentary as well about her journey and life. She is incredible!!
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog 🙂

  149. A very belated birthday to you, oneanna65! I’m cleaning out thousands of back emails and found this one! You have such an upbeat attitude and a loving heart….we all should have the same!
    You are inspiring, and I wish you the very best! I know you’ll be planning your next 20 years when you’re 70. Keep on smiling! 😉

  150. You share your birthday with younger sister who is 62 and also overcame a very nasty cancer a few years ago. I am older than you and haven’t got time to die – too many journals still to create, too many missing ones still to recover, and too many entries still to make, let alone having time to look after all my animals and land and plants and trees and I have another two years until my youngest ‘cellist leaves school. I didn’t take on any youngsters when I retired from full-time, because my Mum died suddenly at 67 and many of her pupils were traumatised. I am her final age now, but every day here is beautiful even with torrential rain, horse flies and manure collection to be done. 🙂

  151. Happy birthday young man, I raise my glass to you. Keep on fighting and don’t give up. Smile and see you’ve got so many blog followers smiling with you. You’ve made us all very happy. Go enjoy the rest of your birthday. By the way, what date is your birthday?

  152. What an amazing soul you are! You are meant to be here at this most auspicious time to share yourself with others. Your brave spirit is a light to guide others. Congratulations for stepping up to the challenge. You have won.

  153. A very belated Happy Birthday to you! You are an absolute inspiration! I’d also like to thank you personally for visiting my blog. I’m glad you liked my picture, I’m planning on writing some articles about astronomy for beginners and I hope you’ll find it interesting, maybe a new little hobby 🙂 take care!

  154. Wow! What a great post! Thanks for liking my little blog too (the Date Night Club one). I will be turning 52 on Wednesday so I intend to celebrate with fireworks! I am thrilled to play on this little planet minute by minute, quest by quest. On the rainy days, I try to remember to find the most inviting puddle to splash through. Keep up your glorious “ener-joy” (energy+joy….yes, I like to create my own vocabulary at times…wink)! We will see you still leaping great heights a decade or two from now, I am CERTAIN! Savor the day! Your playmate in Time….Tink

  155. Happy Belated Birthday! Wish you all the best!
    Keep fighting cancer and enjoying what this world has offered you!
    Eat healthy food and travel more 😉
    Cheerio from Thailand!

  156. Well done, 65 is a good innings and I hope you go on to make your century.
    My fortune teller told me I will die when I’m 67 (he said I will be eaten by a shark!). I have 11 years to go. I don’t really believe in fortune telling but the good thing about knowing when I am going to pop is that I have made sure that I fill my time productively and not waste a single day.

  157. You have been such a faithful follower of my spiritually centered poetry site, hence I felt you were due for a visit. Both my wife and I turned seventy earlier this year. My wife is a two time breast cancer “overcomer.” We work every day in our State Farm Insurance Agency of twenty-eight years in McKinney, Texas. Our life is full in communting between our McKinney home and our second home on Cedar Creek Lake in East Texas. Truly life begins at sixty-five!

  158. I wish I had read your post a long time ago… Thank you. And I am convinced that you will beat everything life throws at you. Go for it! The world should read everything you write. Hey, how about doing some painting?

  159. Your way of living is just plain awesome. I’m 67 so I can relate, though I’m not living with cancer. I send you healing energy today and every day. I wish you strength and joy. Thank you for liking one of my posts – not for the usual reasons, but because it allowed me to find you. May today be filled with interesting moments. I would welcome a personal message if you wish.
    Warm regards, Susan

  160. Happy 49 and and holding; I do not like round numbers, I know Cancer is an insidious beast it can take away ones joy and peace, but thanks to faith found and bound with grace the beast it can be fought. I had a prest come to me, as I lay in intensive care, my son its time for the last rights, Father I’m not ready yet; I have only begun this fight, now it goes no each day the war it rages but grace does win and holds the line. For each minute of ones life is a precious gift one must savor and enjoy.It is for sure our time is measured each has an appointed allotment,but its not the length of time but how we live that says the most to others.God has now blessed me with two life times divided by cancer and its Friends, and now I face the beast again stronger more sure and grateful for each day. for my life is not defined by the big C but by my faith the grace and Christ Jesus who has set me free. may you ever be more blessed and enjoy the gift..

  161. Belated Happy Birthday. Thanks for liking my post. The Word of God says that we are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. I admire your courage fight and not to live a defeated life.

  162. Reblogged this on Lion 2 Lamb and commented:
    A wonderful person filled with vitality and vigor! Very excited and honored that this amazingly breath-taking human being is still alive – inspiring and helping others around the word (and of course for reading this blog)! Thank you and God Bless, our prayers are with you always.

  163. “I HOPE FOR THE BEST IN LIFE, BUT I’M PREPARED TO FIGHT THE WORST.” That’s a fantastic attitude, we could all do with some of that.

  164. Hi Thank You for visiting my sit at .. Just would like to congratulate you , on making it a whole 65 years and” Happy Birthday!” You forgot to add minutes in a year, lol . Where that would be 525,600 minutes in a year times 65! Great to be here also!

  165. First of all congratulations on your 65th birthday, and I am hoping to get many more likes on my blog from you. At least for the next 5 years!!
    Good luck! Wishing you all the best.

  166. Belated Birthday greetings, I hope everyday is a happy one, I love your philosophy and positive thinking and happy thoughts are always good for everyone’s health 🙂

  167. Forging ahead with your kind of faith and strength, I see a lot many more happy years..God bless! 🙂 hope ur birthday was the most beautiful yet!

  168. My newly wed husband and I operate on the ’30 year plan.’ We plan to renegotiate it when we reach that day. We’re both approaching 70, so we have some life to live yet. Congrates on your 65th and on your NEXT 30 years. 🙂 IE

  169. Happy belated 65th birthday to you! You are a survivor and I know we’ll see you around for years to come! Thank you for visiting my page and liking my post about self-publishing. Good to hook up with you on WordPress.

    God’s Blessing to You.

  170. Congratulations for reaching 65 and thank you so much for this inspiring post! Everyone needs a piece of your fighting spirit and value for life. Have fun on your journey to 70 🙂
    D.N. x

  171. Well, I never had cancer, but my birthday was yesterday – so Cancers Rule! (not sure if that seems inappropriate – hope u take it the right way!)
    I really like these milestone birthdays, Here is hoping I get 40 more and you get 65 more!
    Best wishes!

  172. You have a a very inspiring blogg! I liked reading it. My mom used to have her birthday as well on the 6th of april, so for me, that’s still a special day. Unfortunately, she didn’t get to 65… That’s why I love how you approach life, it really is a blessing every day. Thank you for liking my blogg as well, I just started, but feel that this is a good thing to do :-). I Wish you all the best!

  173. Thanks for liking my blog. I have a friend who is dealing with lung cancer. She was diagnosed 2 years ago. Did chemo and had a lung removed, and her brain zapped a few times for tiny specs. She is cancer-free, for now. Every two months she gets an MRI. Every 3 months she gets a PETSCAN. She is also blogging about her life with this. I sent her your link. You have great data to share.

  174. I loved your post and it set me to thinking on many things. One: have you tried self hypnosis at all? If so, what were the results? Two: also I wonder if during a trance I could send you healing energy. There is only one way to find out so I shall begin doing so this very pm. Soar! Let me know if you feel perked up! 😉
    Light and Love and Peace,
    Steven Narbonne

  175. April 6th: That was my mother’s birth date. Happy belated birthday. So you are an Aries. Strong willed, hard working, and fun to be with. My mom was a singer until she lost her ability due to a goiter operation, but she still danced. When one of the big bands played on the radio if you were home you were dancing with Mom. I feel like I know you. Love your blog. Hope and laughter is all we need.

  176. Thank you for visiting my blog. I, too, just had a birthday, my 69th. And I too, am a cancer survivor of 29 years. I had asked God at the time for enough time to raise my children – well those children now have children plus one is a grandmother too. I know I am blessed but I also think that it is like you said, one day at a time and live each day to it fullest. Cancer is beatable, I know.

  177. Happy birthday! You have a very inspirational story. Your thoughts are very powerful. Electromagnetic waves can do anything, and having so many people using their brain power together is excellent. My birthday was at the weekend, so it was much more recent than yours. But it must be fantastic really, to have people continually reading your blog and telling you: happy birthday! When really, it has passed now. I am glad you visited my blog – I am very pleased to meet you. I want to spread happiness and I hope you enjoyed it. I will come again.

  178. Thank you for finding my newbie blog, Anna. This post is extremely touching and inspiring and I’m really looking forward to reading more. 1825 good wishes to you. Franziska

  179. I like this blog entry. Nothing is impossible for Him. I am approaching 5 years with cancer and God has strengthened me. I believe I will be completely healed by his hand. The lymphoma has been steadily shrinking without treatment.

  180. I hope your Birthday was the very Happiest and I wish you many more. You can always be assured that there are those of us older than you, still planting seeds that take 5 years to see a bloom and looking forward to the next episode life brings. Thank you for visiting my Seedscatterer blog.

  181. You’re 65, have cancer, and you take the time to read my stuff. You’re a brave woman, and I thank you for that.

  182. Go, Girl, you can beat it. Just fight it with all you have, and you sound like you are doing just that…There are a lot of folks cheering for you. A lot of folks are beating cancer today….I’ll be reading your blog when you are 80, I betcha….

  183. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post. I’m glad you did so that I could discover this amazing blog of yours. This post gave me chills as I was reading it. I can’t imagine the strength you have at 65, facing the horrors of cancer. I think you’re incredible – thank you for the gift of your inspirational words!

  184. wow, you\’re amazing!!! Not only I appreciate you stopping by my blog but this entry of yours just inspired me more than ever. You’re one heck of a proof that there is still life after or even with cancer! Thank you so much for being so brave and so positive, I guess you’re my ’angel for the day! 🙂
    That post of mine ’Seven Months Later’ is actually my own experience and feelings dealing with my mom’s breast cancer.

  185. Happy Bilated Birthday !!! to you and may all your dreams come true…! Thanks for visiting my blog (

  186. Inspiring stuff. I think the trick with any illness is simply to concentrate on taking the next step. Sometimes, trying to tackle the whole enormity of a thing can be a little overwhelming. However, by just getting the next step right, you can keep moving forwards.

    Good stuff. I’ll see you when you’re seventy.

  187. I have a friend who cured herself of kidney cancer when she was in her mid forties. She celebrated her 70th birthday last year! She did what you are doing: healthy foods, meditation, and lots of time in nature. Be well my friend…

  188. Thanks for stopping by and liking my post! All the best to you. Happy Belated Birthday. Enjoy your life and most of all, continue dancing!


  189. Such Integrity!!! I try to make it a habit to follow those in life that has: Loyalty, Honor & Respect. I walk with no one who doesn’t have the walk in them and keep my mind & heart opened to those who do. It’s an honor to have found you. Your words are message of healing and guidance. It’s exactly what God expects from us all. My day has just grown richer in meeting someone like you. God Bless you with many more birthdays and in continuing your positive walk in good health and spirits.

  190. Happy Belated Birthday – I love your attitude! Thanks so much for visiting my blog – The Inspiration Queen and know you are welcome to return at any time I will certainly be in touch with your delightful writings! Carry on!!!

  191. U r not just a fighter and a survivor but a warrior. U r ur Own heeler! If u were here I would have hugged u and yelled out “Whooooo!! U r the One!”
    it’s not easy fighting 4 ur life. I’ve seen so many fighters and cancer free people, and my mother is one of them. God bless u mum and u dear and all the survivors out there. U r an admirable ideal to us, u simple r saying ” Don’t EVER GIVE UP!!” in anything…

  192. I love your fighting spirit. A friend at church recovered from 4th stage backbone cancer.
    She is now a living testimony. One fella I know of had gum cancer and continue to preach the word of God to and is traveling to Malaysia from the UK annually. He is is late 70s. He may not travel alone anymore.

    Live it up to the best !

    Bible limits is 120 years.

  193. Happy Birthday dear. Despite of the number of days that god allows us to stay in this world, I know that you are already in the heart of all your readers for ever. Thanks for having a beautiful blog and take the time to share, I think the little things can become the brightest ones for this world, when they are made with love. Lot of blessings for you everyday.

  194. Happy Birthday! I am an over 50 cancer survivor too! I have already lived 5 years since the cancer diagnosis, so now I am working on my next 5 years. You go girl! Live life to the full! And yes, God was with me every step of this battle, just as He is with you.

  195. Thanks for your ‘like’ on my “” posts,
    Wish you long life.
    I salute to your inspirational life and courage to fight. There is lot to learn from you.I am April born too. I will never .. never forget to wish you

  196. Thank you for such a life-affirming post! Thank you for finding my blog and liking my post. I hope you will watch my Late Bloomer episodes as they are intended to be life-affirming in every way, and entertaining! My first thought in the morning and the last thought at night is “Thank you God, for this day.” I’m sharing your post with my dear friend who has had three bouts with cancer, and another friend who just got a second cancer diagnosis, and another friend who’s exhausted all treatments and is hoping for the best. Connecting with my soil is the best thing I’ve ever done for my head, so, I highly recommend growing something (plant more than one, haha!), it really gives you so much to look forward to! God Bless you!

  197. Another five years? Is that all?
    Last year I made the half century, and I decided the next fifty years are going to be different from the last fifty years. If you’re still here and breathing, you might as well take the long-term view.

  198. Oh, do I know how 65 is such a milestone! I posted a “birthday” post on my 65th birthday too. I have been spared any major illnesses so far, but have had a lot of “accidental” medical setbacks so share that experience with you to some extent. Love your positive attitude! Can I “borrow” your over-50 response? It’s so much better than my “I’m 60-something” retort if anyone dares to ask!

  199. 65? You are still a baby!!! And you only expect to live 5 years more??? Heck I’m 76 and need to live at least 4 more for my 20th Leap Year birthday when I will be 20!!!

  200. Happy birthday. Our best friend died of cancer at 66, and my husband turns that this year. He quit trying as soon as he found out. You have done so well. It’s not easy. My mom battled it multiple times, and lived to be 80 – 20 years after she had her cancerous kidney removed. Keep on thriving.

  201. Darling
    You are much more than a ‘survivor’ – which in itself is a GREAT feat, worth celebrating.

    You, my dear, are a THRIVER ( from the verb, to Thrive!).

    All the gods and goddesses bless you for your upbeat spirit and indomitable humor.

    May you continue celebrating life and your womanhood for many decades of wellness!

  202. You have such a great attitude and zest for life. You remind me of m dad, who has battled Cancer twice. I think it’s most important to have that attitude. You seriously can do anything if you believe it hard enough. If you are determined you can do it.

    My dad was told he had six months MAX when they found it the first time. He said, “No I don’t.” and through sheer will and stubbornness survived for like 28 years before it came back. This time it manifested in a lump in his throat. A new set of doctors told him that it didn’t look good.

    This time the lump was a tumor that turned out to be wrapped around his jugular. A three hour surgery turned into six. He survived that and then through sheer will and stubbornness he ignored the doctors that finally told him he couldn’t eat solid food and armed with a blender and spoon he set out to prove them wrong again. He blended everything he could find and blended the crap out of it and then gradually lessened the time amount of blending. If he choked he went back to pureeing it. That was three years ago.

    It is all in your attitude. You and everyone who reads this should keep being strong. Listen to yourself and KNOW you are stronger than a few measly cells. That doesn’t mean no fear, but it does mean facing it and walking through the fire.

  203. I am happy for your birthday!!! I spent my 55th birthday in hospital being operated on for cancer. The storm passed, I’m still standing. And will stand as long as God gives me breath. I am always so happy to hear from other survivors. Bless you and many more years of living and joy to you!!!

  204. Nice read, I am going to link you tomorrow on my webpage. Let some more people know about your perspective on life, which is interesting to say the least.


  205. It is long past the time since you have made this post, but I wanted to wish you a (belated) happy birthday, and many more to come.
    (Thank you for looking at my blog, as well.) I don’t comment very much (this is my first comment on someone else’s blog! I’m still new to WordPress), but I wanted to let you know that I found this post inspirational. I only just reached my 18th birthday, so I hope that when I am your age, I will be just as wise and life-loving – maybe I can inspire others as you have done me.

  206. Thank you for visiting my blog; I’m happy it brought me here! I love your attitude of gratitude. The older I get, the more I realize the importance of simply being thankful for so many things we often take for granted. I’m wondering if you have ever read a book by Jason Wright called “The Seventeen Second Miracle”? It had a slow start for my tastes but picked up and painted some great life lessons (with a nice little surprise twist near the end!). If you check it out, I hope you enjoy! MK

  207. Congratulations! You’ve completed 65 successful revolutions around the sun at a blistering 66,000 miles per hour, all the while surviving within an atmosphere that, relative to the size of the earth is as thick as the skin on an apple. If that doesn’t prove you can beat the odds against risk, I don’t know what does! And may you survive many more revolutions! (… including the social one to come, when the wheels come fully off the economic bus). Cheers.

  208. Wow, that is an awesome blog. Congratulations, you have done well! I think you can do 5 years. That’s my kind of plan, too: read, eat good food, study, exercise, good stuff. I am happy for you. Count today as something you’ve done good. You affected me in a good way.

  209. Belated congrats on your 65th. I turned 61 on April 10. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I became a grandfather on May 1. That really changed my goals for living as long as I can. I will do all I can, but it really is up to the Lord. Keep fighting the good fight. Five years is a good short term goal. Let’s both make that and keep right on going.

  210. Congratulations! (the “over 50” term made me think of my mom, that’s her term for her age! People like you always inspire me! I just found out that I have a tumor on my ovary by having an ultrasound of my bladder. I’m only 21, and the thought of getting a biopsy when they remove the tumor and it possibly coming up cancerous scares the living daylight out of me. By reading inspirational stories and posts by survivors such as you, it’s not as scary. Be it cancerous or not, I know I’ll make it through. Thank you. 🙂

  211. it might be too late to say happy birthday to you. but it’s never too late to thank God for having someone like you who can inspire others to embrace life no matter what, even while fighting with cancer. i love you positive energy towards life. thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post. keep on writing…

  212. Belated Happy Birthday! Stay as strong and brave as you are! Your values in life are quiet inspiring. Im quiet honored for you liking my recent post. =)

  213. Turned 65 December of 2011, not a big deal. Find what you love and do it, then it doesn’t matter if you make it another 5 years or another 25. I still ride my mountain bike and my road bike, why? Because a moving target is harder to hit! Thanks for stopping by our post and keep on keepin’ on.

  214. Your post is such an incredible shot of inspiration. Thank you for liking my blog and thank you for being you!:)

  215. Happy Birthday!!! I’m very thankful for you coming to my blog…Your the first to like it and it made my day!

    Happy Birthday again,

  216. Hello, thanks for visiting my blog. We have a lot in common. I survived cancer twice, and I too live one day at a time. I am striving to make it to 65, three more years to go, then I will have another goal. God bless you and give you strength.

  217. Congratulations! I love your idea of doing something good every day and making each day count …no matter how much time we have left. I support you with all my heart!

  218. Love your blog…love your positive attitude…love your outlook on LIFE!!!! Happy Birthday and all God’s Blessings for a long & peaceful life, so you can show the devil who’s BOSS!!!!

  219. You may have turned 65 years old, but I think your mind is still incredibly young. I love your positive attitude and fighting spirit. Good for you! Wishing you plenty of happiness every day of the week! Thank you for dropping by my blog as well!

  220. Interesting perspective – to know the number of days you’ve been on the plannet! I don’t’ keep such close track… Happy birthday!

  221. Happy Birthday. I liked your comment about how everything and every day in life is dangerous, and yet look how many people live long lives to create the average of 80 years or more? Amazing isn’t that, that we make it through the day. That’s something to celebrate every day.

  222. Congratulations and a belated Happy Birthday!! I am over 50 too but in October I turn 63. I’ll take a page from your book and I won’t say it again:) How time flies. Enjoyed your blog.

  223. Much thanks for saying that our TrueTyme clock and more is awesome. So are you!!!

    While I have not to survive cancer, I did have a multi-hour heart attack in mid January of 2006. And a quad by-pass a week later. So I cannot agree with you more about how good it is to be alive.

    Warmest regards, Yale Landsberg — and my lovely wife of forty years, Jackie

    P.S. As TrueTyme was created to give instants of micro-happiness and moments of well-being, depending on when and how ti is being used, we hope that someone as positive as you will enjoy using it in all sorts of ways!!!

  224. A belated happy birthday. I only found out about it because you liked a post on my blog today. Interesting to note that your birthday is the day before mine. Also, on my 65th birthday, I was also battling cancer. Five years later, I am a survivor with no remaining symptoms. Hope you will be too.

  225. Happy birthday and congrats on not just being a survivor but living and appreciating the very gift of every day. U do never know what’s around the corner. I’ve just from visiting my very healthy and fit 80plus mother…..who currently sports panda bear black eyes and swollen cheek from a bad fall at a railway station, running to catch a train. She’s smiling, she broke nothing and asks no sympathy…so yeh u don’t know what the next moment brings so we need to celebrate every moment.

  226. Happy Birthday! I won’t hit that one until next year but I haven’t faced what you have. It’s this a wonderful way to meet and greet people? Blogging and writing is a technology I appreciate when it allows positive sharing with others. Thanks for the like.

  227. This is a very inspirational Post and I am so glad that you visited my blog to give me a chance to join the Happy Birthday wishes! I am also over 50 and quite a bit over than you. I am finding this Journey to be challenging but the most fun I have had in my life. Meeting people like you is one of the best parts. I also have health problems, Who doesn’t, but I don’t mind fighting with whole foods, working in my veggy garden, painting, writing and making the most of life.My warmest regards to you!

  228. Thanks for liking my post and congrats and 65 years!! We are all here on a journey on this rock and each of us is on a different path with different challenges. Have you heard about fasting? (not Slim-Fast, lol) … I recommend researching fruit-fasting for health. The medical establishment has tried hard for years to suppress information on the cure for cancer, mostly successfully. Still, there are a few practitioners out there who have managed to retain the information and with the help of YouTube are finally getting it out to a new audience of DESPERATE, DISILLUSIONED, and CHRONICALLY SUFFERING souls who are searching for the cure — not just treatment of symptoms and a falsely grimm diagnosis of life expectancy.

    If you want to learn more on how to heal yourself naturally with fruits and herbs I’d suggest reading up on these topics:

    Dr. Robert Morse,
    God’s Herbs,
    Nature’s Botanical Pharmacy,
    The Great Lymphatic System, and
    Fat Sick & Nearly Dead

    … and feel free to check out my WordPress blog dedicated to health and wellness:

    These will be a good a starting point to introduce you to concepts most “Ph. D’s” have never even heard of. If you’ve made peace with your situation and are ready to leave this world, then I’d advise against doing the research … otherwise, the cure is there — it’s not snake oil either — a real cure that is proven and all you have to do is educate yourself and embrace the process.

    Good luck my friend and congratulations and your road to recovery!

    – Codeslayer2010

  229. Belated birthday wishes to you. I like your positive attitude towards life. Wish you many more years of good health and happiness. Keep writing. …and thanks for visiting my blog.

  230. Congratulations on your milestone and Happy Birthday! Yes, one never knows if they are going to be around for the next one, especially after we hit 50. So I say to you, way to go, and may you be here to blog for many, many, more to come!

  231. Happy belated birthday! Wonderful that you have learned to live one day at a time! We do not know what will happen moment to moment. We are often afraid to live life but at 55 I have been learning to put my foot in it! Now I put both feet in and face those fears that life puts in front of us. Funny when you do that most things work out just perfect! All the Best to you!

  232. Happy belated birthday also. I love the way you have years and days figured out to their numerical extractions. Your cheerful attitude is also very nice. I’m losing my father to cancer this year, and he is always annoyed when people ask him why he’s smiling all of the time, “Why should I frown, That doesn’t help anything.” is his quote.

  233. Just wanted to wish you a VERY belated Happy Birthday (but a sincere one nevertheless) and wish you many, many more happy and healthy years. Also, I wanted to thank you for reading my blog and encouraging me with your “likes”. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts and this birthday one made me pause for a moment and reflect on how lucky we are to have the chance to enjoy the things that we have and do. Will stop back here for more visits.

  234. Happy belated birthday to you. My birthday is April 9th. I turned 60 this year. A lot of good people are born in April!! You are a cancer surviver!! I used to work for a Cancer Center in Florida. There were many that were survivers.!! We had a ‘Celebration of Life’ every year and honered all the survivers. It grew every year!! Keep being happy and celebrate life every day!!

  235. May the Lord continue to bless you all the days of your life. I’m a few months late, but happy birthday anyways 🙂 Thank you for sharing your life with all us strangers out here. You inspire more than you know, I’m sure!

  236. It might be too late for a Happy Bithday – but it’s never too late for some happy blessings! So, I send you my blessings and lots of love!
    I noticed that living in the moment provides a very fulfilling experience, as it allows me to be fully present. And, anyway, it’s always now, isn’t it? So enjoy the now!

    All the best!

  237. Love this… “i could have died any time, any day of my life, 23660 times in those 65 years, but I’m still alive and O.K.” From the sounds of it, you are really living, not merely surviving. Happy belated birthday!

  238. I love the last line in your blog about being 65 – “I HOPE FOR THE BEST IN LIFE, BUT I’M PREPARED TO FIGHT THE WORST.” That says it all about who you are – A Lover and a Warrior for good health, peace, justice and good will to all. In my memoir, from which the excerpt you read on my blog site was taken, I used the same philosophy at age 23 and survived brain surgery, then was given 3 months to live – that was 59 years ago. We need to shake hands and congratulate one another, thank God for our blessings, and keep on walkin’ down the road! Keep writing and following so many of your fans. From what I see people have written you, you have more than inspired them; you have given them a precious gift of how to look at and live their lives.

  239. Wishing you a belated happy b’day!! Thanks for visiting my blog. I’ll be turning 70 in a couple of months, so perhaps I’ll post about that when the time comes. Almost didn’t make it past 21…

  240. I just read your post..thanks for liking mine..I totally agree with what you say and your motivation speaks to me..I am a Lyme lady survivor 61 this year and take things a day at a time.Enjoy each moment as it comes and give thanks for all we have is a great philosophy to live by 🙂

  241. This is the first time I have visited your blog and I’m sorry that I missed your birthday. So, here is a late birthday wish for you: “May the Lord fill your day with love and laughter, peace and good health and may it last for many, many years to come.” I know how you feel about electing to have a positive attitude while you live with cancer, except that I don’t want cancer and so I elected to trust God to get rid of it. If it’s not from Him I don’t want it, and if you have it then it’s not from Him and you don’t have to accept it, either. My passion in life now is to share the love of God with people so they will come out of the bondage of thinking that there is no cure for cancer. There is and it was given at the cross. Blessings to you. May the Lord keep you in the psalm of His hand.

  242. Well, I awaken each succeeding morning increasingly surprised at the presence of yet another day, all my own, to rue or enjoy as I choose. Each of those is a blessing and a curse but we decide which app to start and as you say, blessings are more fun than curses.

    The only curse of which I intend to complain to Management should I get the chance, is politicians…

  243. Thank you so much for sharing your feelings, and the deepest thoughts of your self-preservation. You are by far, a part of the bravest and most courageous in life. Your drive is inspiring, and your words are hope. Good post.

  244. Just saw this page; hippo birdie, however belated; this is also my Mom’s birthday, she hit 87 this year! And thanks for the nice words on my own nascent blog, finally trying to enlighten the world (or at least Americans, and maybe even a few Brits?) about our so-called ‘native language’

    Thank you for liking my blog post. I too have liked yours, this one. I also am following you with immediate effect.

  246. Happy Happy Birthday! It’s important to Celebrate your LIFE! I almost died 2 yrs. ago from a brain aneurysm, NOW everyday has a silver lining…I’m 61 so I still feel like a puppy!

    All mu best….D

  247. Happy Birthday and Congratulations on 23660 days of waking up and saying ” Oh no you don’t, today is my day and I will live it to it’s fullest the way I want too!

  248. Wow, you are amazing! Great inspiration, thank you. I was touched that you liked my Health and Well being cartoon and it has inspired me to do more like it. You have an incredible attitude and I wish you a happy 65th. x

  249. Belated happy 65th birthday =) Thank you so much for visited my blog and liked my entry. I also enjoyed yours. I am also into health issues.. I would love to read your entries more along the way.

  250. Hi oneanna65, a very very happy (belated) birthday to you!! Many, many happy returns too. Thank you for visiting my blog “Our Lovely World” and for liking my posts. Best wishes, Celine

  251. What an awesome post! may God keep you EVERY SINGLE day of the rest of your life! You are an amazing example of gratitude. Hugs xoxo

  252. Thanks for liking my blog. A belated happy birthday and I just love your attitude and outlook. thank you so much for sharing. I am right behind you.

  253. What a inspiration, thanks for liking some of my posts mainly because it lead me to your blog where I found the most honest, heart felt and interesting things I have read in ages.
    so glad you share your thoughts and I had the pleasure of reading them.

  254. “Lets live and die with Christ.” – Bro. Eli Soriano

    Yes we never know when and where our last breath would be. There is always a reason why people still have their breath, and it is better to live doing good deeds everyday. My preacher named Bro. Eli Soriano,, is also about your age.

    Thanks for liking “Home: Where Christians Belong”. Hope you can also visit and

  255. I love your blog, and thank you for peeking in at mine. And, Happy Birthday. You’re so right to celebrate your age. It’s a privilege to live long – I lost two brothers to accidents when they were far too young, and nearly lost my own life during a bank robbery shoot-out five years ago. Moment to moment, we have no idea when it will all end.

  256. Thank you for visiting my blog. Happy very belated birthday!!!!!! I love your perspective. I saw a pocture the other day online that showed a glass half full and it said the other half of the glass isn’t empty, but full of air. I like that. It’s not half empty afterall. :0)

  257. planning to plan! Love the idea. Happy Birthday (I am notorious for sending belated b-day wishes to everyone) and thanks for visiting my blog. Hoping your birthday day (and EVERY DAY) was (is) Wonderful!

  258. Congratulations on your birthday, longevity and positive, fight-back attitude. My 65th is in 4 days, and I may borrow some of your resolutions. I plan on looking around your site extensively. Your readers seem devoted. Thank you for all you do,

  259. Belated H a p p y B i r t h d a y ! (and thank you for visiting my blog).
    My dad is also over 60. He is 64 now and I wish he will stay with me until 80++ with a great mental and physical conditions. Sometimes it’s a challenge to think of one day without your beloved parents which I’m so scared…
    So I just try to prolong that worst time of my life.
    I wish you also a great great health and peaceful mind.
    H B D to you! 🙂

  260. I think you should change your second sentence to read “I am 65 years YOUNG!” And a very happy belated birthday. Wonderful to read your blog and feel life is still worth living. With that attitude I’m sure you will see out more decades!
    PS Thanks for liking my blog. 🙂

  261. Just wanted to say bravo – and yes, when something as life-changing as that happens you see life very differently. Last year I nearly found out, at the age of 41.

  262. You are an inspiration, a beacon of hope that makes most of us ashamed. You are also a fighter…this comes with your birthright, I know because I too have the same birthday…just a decade apart. CHEERS!

  263. First of all – Thank you very much for visiting my blog. Another Thank you for liking my posts. And finally, every single time when you like my post I know you are still there. Thank you for that. It is to late with the Happy Birthday wishes but it is not too late to wish you energy and passion to live and to do whatever you like. Your post is so optimistic. I like that kind of mood. God bless you! Go ahead with the next 5 years and your great projects. Good luck.

  264. Only just read your post, good luck with the next five years. I passed 65 some time ago, still having a great time. My wife and I are celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary this weekend, thanks for the like on one of my posts, and hope you have many more happy posts in you in the future.

  265. I loved this posting!
    I try to learn every day how to live better, in a simple way and choosing wisely.
    I’m an artist and a reiki practitioner, so I guess that helps me a bit 😉
    Thanks for stopping at my blog loniduekart
    I do have a spirituality and reiki healing blog, which is
    and the photo one
    Thanks again! 😉

  266. I have ten years on you. No cancer, but many other problems any of which could send me to the end. Can’t worry about that, as you do have to live what I am given, do what I can, and be grateful for where I am and how I got there.

  267. Happy Birthday to you! Thanks for liking the picture i posted on Friday, but most of all thank you for this “slap” on my face! What a wanderful person you must be! I fight depression myself all the time, but it takes people like you to make me snap out of it! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I wish you all the best and hope you keep winning!
    My best to you!

  268. Hello my fire Pig (19–) & Dragon (aka: Aires) friend. I’m sending you belated, happiest, luckiest brithday wishes for your to be luck everlasting. Thank you for surviving to share your importnat message. I hope people hear what you are saying about how you overcome daunting odds and dangerous disease. Dragons always go long, beyond realms of possible to achieve improbabilities and overcome great adversity. Live well, live happy and sharing is caring, thank you! I’m also a piggy perosna born in gold pig year 1959. That was barbie’s birth year & Hawaii’s satehood. Your year is same with Former CA Gov Arnold and Fomer 1st lady & Sec of St Hilary… to name a few pigs like you. Thier public perosna is not the perosn who they really are, they are obviously passionate, smart people. They have made history (often from thier own misery) as did you. I love that you bless your life and I bless you too! I often bless all my problems and concerns to reveal answers and solutions to me and they often do. If they don’t I give thanks for thei plight I face and ask it how I can serve it’s greater good. Peace, poise, power!! Luv & Aloha ~}!{~ thx 4 reading

  269. Every birthday is a blessing and every moment in life is appreciated. I’m sure you will make it 5 more years cancer free. Mine is in remission I guess you call it. It’s gone for now but could come back at any time. If I dwell on that though, they’d have to put me in the looney bin so I live life each day as if it could be the last…. Congrats on the birthday, somewhat belated! 😀

  270. I am way late to give you birthday wishes, but I do hope that you are still keeping your resolutions. They are an inspiration to me, so much so that I plan to use them. You are right,, every day is a gift from God. Since I am still working, I felt a twang of conscience because I am known to groan about getting up and going. I need to look at those days as gifts also. It’s just hard when one is literally a night owl!

  271. I read this today. I applaud your positive attitude. Wish you many more years of happy life. Thank you very much for visiting my blog and liking it. I am a few years older than you, but luckily have manged to be healthy by regular exercise and eating healthy. I have not given up anything but try to be moderate.

    Thanks again.

  272. Happy Birthday!

    Anna, you will not only reach 70, but you will reach 80 and indeed more!

    You just live one day at a time and let the clock take care of the rest.

    I shall be looking for your post in 5 years time Anna!

  273. Hi oneanna65!!! Thank you for visiting my blog, that gave me the opportunity of visiting yours and reading this lovely piece. Congrats on your 6-5! I have reached the bit 7-0 already and yes, me too, one battles many things to arrive. So, same as you, proud and very grateful. Brianda

  274. Thank you for visiting my post – you are my very first visitor – so doubly welcome! As a fellow cancer sufferer I subscribe to your philosophy – positive thinking and a belief in God coupled with prayer does work wonders!

  275. Oh, bummer! I missed this golden chance to say happy birthday.
    Great post though. I love the spirit, and the fact that you have escaped death over 2000 times! Hahahaaa…that cracked me up. May you live all the days of your life.

    Bless you.

  276. Wow!! Thank you for visiting my blog and reading my Sweet Pea post. Of course I had to come and see who this person was who “liked” my post and discovered that she was a courageous fighter and an inspiration! Clearly what you are sharing touches many, many people, myself included. So if you can do what you are doing…continuing to fight the good fight, I can do the same. Thanks for sharing your journey here. May peace, joy and good health be yours!! 🙂

  277. My mother takes life a day at a time and is grateful for every single morning that she finds herself still able to enjoy it. She’s a really positive person. It seems to me that that’s the philosophy that gets you through. Well done. Wishing you well.

  278. Thanks for visiting my blog. To me, the only way to peace is to find God within. I’m in my 71st year and having the adventure of my life, house sitting, with no idea what’s going to happen to me next or where I’ll live, but at least I’m providing a service, writing and painting in peace. Light and blessings to you.

  279. Happy B-day i keep telling myself i am not getting older i am like wine just keep getting better with age your best days are still ahead of you God Bless and thanks for stopping by!

  280. Happy Birthday! Your amazing! And thank you for your blog, health is very important and taking care of yourself is the number one thing you can do for your body and mind! And age is just a number, if you feel/think young you are young! All the best with your blog, and especially with your life and health!

  281. Thankfulness toward God is a very healthy thing! He provides health and deliverance.

    Have you read Eat to Live or Eat for Health? Great books I enjoyed that have a lot of anti-cancer recipes and lots of testimonials of people overcoming cancer and other diseases. Just thought I’d share!

  282. My lands. I have never seen an post with this many comments. And deservedly so. God bless you and your spunky spirit. You have more moxie than an entire village, and that is what is going to get you through this horrid disease. And not’ ‘trying to’ but DOING it, God love ya’. I understand in a different way what you are going through though not a lot of people understand why chemo is given for a disease the’e little understanding of and thus the reaction is less of understanding than confusion. (Autoimmune Disease; lupus sle, sjogren’s, ra, etc.). I am just as, well I call it stubborn. I have the case of the ‘stubborns’; while not grammatically correct, it fits the bill and has for the last 47 (48 in a few weeks) years. I thank you for stopping by my place as it led me to you.

  283. This is strange because I’ve had your blog ( like) in my folder for at least since yesterday, then today I read an article about notable people that passed away in 2012. The good news neither your name nor mine was in it.

  284. Happy Birthday and thank you for inspiring me. I got diagnosed this year, had a lot of treatment but still have more to go through all of 2013. I want to see my 65th Birthday too…. Then 70 🙂

  285. I turned 60 on April 9th – and celebrated 44 years cancer free!
    That’s a lot of days! And each one appreciated, one day at a time. It’s all anyone has, after all, right?

  286. Thank you for your affirmative response. And a belated Happy Birthday to you for your 65th. We all make a difference – no matter the length of our time here, or what we do. My mother is 88, and has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, with limited time. She like you is not wishing to make a big deal, and accepts her prognosis. Enjoy the moments in each day …

  287. From the younger generation, you are an inspiration to us all. May I have your wisdom and appreciation when I am your age.

  288. What a wonderful, inspirational post. I am so moved reading it. Thank you for liking my post or I might not have found you and been touched by you this day. A doctor told my mother during a critical visit one day that, “you know what life is all about Betty, it is about breathing in, and breathing out.” Keep breathing and enjoying your hours and hours and hours and hours into years and years and years. Again, I am so glad I found your blog.

  289. I would yell out your age and be proud of every breathing moment! From one cancer thriver to another we should be thankful every day that we are here and still get to add to the world! You visited my “Have Fun With It” blog but I invite you to visit my cancer blog… and share it with anyone you know who has been touched by cancer in some way or another! It’s supposed to give ideas and bring a little joy…

  290. Thanks for liking my you can tell, at age 69 I still enjoy every day that the good Lord gives me! This morning I did a yoga class…walked two miles yesterday…going kayaking with friends next week..but I know that every day we have is a blessing..who knows what tomorrow will bring, SO I try to exercise, eat healthy, and enjoy every day!

  291. Hi there! Thank you for visiting my blog. You said you liked my post “Aftermath of Sadness”. It is still very sad, but prayers are a very good tonic.

    I have been looking around your site and I am delighted with your sense of humor and honesty. I have decided to follow and see what else comes up. . .
    Sandy Ozanich

  292. Hi there! Firstly, thanks for dropping by and liking my blog.I’m liking what you’re doing here, too. You have a great attitude: both my parents, who are in their 70s are cancer survivors also – breast and non-Hodgkins’ respectively – and I can see first hand how important it is to take stock, celebrate one’s good fortune and keep on keepin’ on. Take care,


  293. This is months old, but it’s heartening to see such a positive life view from someone. Anyone. These days, there’s too much emphasis put on useless things, and not enough on how lucky one is to have lived past their first day.

    I hope you had a good birthday, and may you have many more to come.

  294. Oneanna65 – Congratulations on that milestone birthday!!! Soon you will be clicking up your heels to celebrate once more – but until then – I want to thank you so very much for your continued support of my blog! Your story is inspirational in itself, but your continued support and cheeriness in the face of cancer inspires me even more to create. I count your continued support as one of those 1825 good deeds – so you only have 1824 to go!!

  295. I started to try to figure out my, months,weeks, days, hours,etc. Then I said awe the heck with it because, I am what I am. The other day I went to an air show,when I pasted a lady that was going the oppisite direction, I started to say good morning when I looked at my watch saw it was 12:15PM. So I said I was going to tell you good morning but that was 15 minutes ago. I’m telling you this story because I missed your birthday, let’s just change it to “Your birthday year”. Happy Birthday Year. Before I forget thank you for visiting my blog.

  296. “Just simple stuff: working,reading, writing, keep eating healthy foods, enjoying every day and thanking GOD every day for all the blessings.”

    It’s ALL about the simple stuff. Thanking god everyday for the little things that make you happy… I just wrote a post about the importance of gratitude. I wish you many more happy birthdays!

  297. Your post reminds me of a line I like from the TV show Call the Midwife: “We have a duty to live every moment the best we can. I mean really live it. Even if it means getting hurt. Otherwise, what’s the point? We mustn’t let fear stop us.”

    A belated Happy 65th Birthday. You really are an inspiring blogger.

  298. Every day above ground is a good day. Every day is a bonus day. Each day we get is a gift and we should open it carefully or eagerly, appreciating the world around us. Your post is a gift to others. Thank you for sharing.

  299. Happy Birthday! And I look forward to reading your 70th birthday blog in 5 years. As long as I am still here to read it of course ;o)

  300. Though very belatged, but makes no difference for birthdays could be celebrated at any time anywhere if there is a longing for the same. After going through your write up, I am inspired indeed. Our Creator is surely with you.

  301. Happy Birthday! I’m so pleased to see such a positive, exuberant view on aging. My grandmother passed away from cancer a few years back and it’s always so inspiring to see others fighting it so diligently. Good luck to you! I hope you have a brilliantly beautiful 65th year and many more to come ❤

    I commend your strength of character. We need more souls like you – people who have no fear in declaring “I am 65”; I am a survivor, I am a blogger.
    I love it. You are the very first blogger I have come in contact with, who is your age, and who is vocal about it. Now that is audacity

  303. Reblogged this on MissMangue and commented:
    I like his way of celebrating life. Sometimes we do not realize how short it can be. So I’m glad there are people who remember us, and tell us that we must live it, cherish every moment.

  304. Thanks for liking my post. I just celebrated my 62nd birthday and am also a cancer survivor. But I have many other health challenges and I am inspired by your courage and indomitable optimism. I hope to be you in another 3 years! Good on ya…

  305. I’m so inspired! You’re 65 and you write blog; my parents even couldn’t do that, and they’re in their 50s! And happy birthday to you 😀

  306. Congratulations on EVERYTHING! You are what you believe so keep thinking good things and doing good things. My belief is that cancer survivors are upping the odds for all of us by building a new genetic future. Mutations are adaptations and adaptation is survival. This is a matter that I hold close to my heart. But don’t just survive, right? LIVE.

  307. Oneanna, a super happy birthday from almost 82 author Charmaine Gordon. Thanks for the like today. Please leave a comment next time while you’re busy living the good life. As for me-I’m shooting for 120 yrs so I can see my grandest granddaughter grow-up. Love, Charmaine

  308. Happy belated birthday! God bless you! And thank you for visiting my blog and for the “like”. I’m a newbie so it means a lot! As for how old we are … well, I’m a cancer survivor too and this year I’ll be forty and I plan on telling people every single year exactly how old I am because I am very grateful to be here. Every year is a celebration!

  309. Hi oneann65 Have been reading your blogs with interest. In the UK when somebody; some nosy body asks my age I answer 55 plus VAT it gets a laugh and they forget the question. I like the way you cover your subjects so positively, keep up the good work. Oh and before I forget thank you for liking my blog and finally may I wish a Happy Christmas.

    Best Wishes.

  310. Thank you for visiting my blog! And forget about numbers,this is the last we should think about. the feelings are what matters,our soul is the most important,and it doesn’t have any number sticked to it,the attitude is important. 🙂 And from what I can see,you have the best attitude,which is great. I wish you a long life,but above that,I wish you a happy life!

  311. I realize that this is a VERY belated Happy Birthday. Just recently got into the whole blogging universe. THANK YOU for reminding us to be grateful. It’s all true, any one of us could go at any time. We’re here and should be glad.

  312. Happy Birthday! I love your attitude as you embrace what life brings and seek to be thankful for what God gives each day. Inspiring! Thanks for liking my blog post the other day. I am glad to learn a bit of your story and your 65 years. God bless!

  313. You are amazing popular. Enjoy and happy birthday. By the way thanks to pass for my blog. I am new in English blogs because it is ,y second language. It means much to me that you passed and gave me like! Thanks.

  314. Every night in bed
    as we are going to sleep
    is a small death for us
    waiting to see
    the morning light again.

    And when we open our eyes
    the beating of our heart
    and the taste in our mouth
    celebrate the beginning
    of new day of life.

    Happy first 65 years of life!

    Carlos E.

  315. Life is truly a gift so keep your spirits up and see beauty at every opportunity, and good in every situation. I almost died at 12 because of a serious heart condition. Recently I had several serious car accidents, followed by complex neck surgery that have left me with permanent physical impairment. Suffering and joy, that is a peace from within can coexist together. But God provides strength in the most difficult of situations. May God bless you in every way possible.

  316. I hope you had a wonderful birthday! Like I tell all my friends, go out and do something you’ve never done before…something you always wanted to do. Don’t worry about the money, write a hot check, or max out your cards, because today is all we have. You seem like a true survivor, and even if I don’t know you, I think you have the strength to do it!!! congrats on making it to 65!!! when my youngest turned 21 I decided to go paragliding for the first time. Tandem, with a pilot, and it has become the joy of my life, soaring like an eagle along the treetops of life. My birthday wish for you is to find something that brings you just as much excitement and joy, as this does for me….and may God Watch over you til you hit the big 100 (and beyond)!!!! 🙂

  317. Thank you for such a wonderful post. It never ceases to amaze me that the most simplest of things like doing something meaningful and reading and writing make the greatest of differences in our lives and in the lives of others! Happy belated and you’re not going anywhere with a jolly good habit like that! Asante( Swahili for thank you!)


  319. Have a wonderful birthday and a Merry Christmas. And we love that you are not letting this get you down and always remember you will be in our prayers.

  320. Your attitude is an admirable one: think positive! Thanks for accessing my blog, by the way (In search of unusual destinations). And may 2013 bring lots of good things! You’re only as old…. etc.! Phil.

  321. Thanks for dropping by my blog and liking one of the book reviews.

    As a 78 year old (and counting) cancer survivor, I can relate to your story, and wish you the best.

    Keep on blogging – I’ll be visiting again from time to time.

  322. Happy Belated Birthday.Yours is an inspiring story, but you left out one factor—luck.When asking his father for advice upon college graduation, a son asked his father if he had any words of wisdom for him. The reply was “be lucky” You have been and I hope it continues to your replanning date.

  323. Great blog post from a lady with a great attitude toward life. You pretty much get what you expect; if you are pessimistic or optimistic, you likely will be right. So, choosing optimism is definitely the better choice. Personally, I’d like to live long enough to see the 22nd century. It could happen…I’d only be 153 years old in 2100. The world God gave us is so beautiful; it would be a shame to not have enough time to fully appreciate it.

  324. Hey – we are all terminal, getting, day-by-day, one day closer to the great reward. Getting to stay here in this old world was not our promised reward, now, was it?? Still, life is mostly very, very good, and I am going to enjoy all my minutes here on Earth, too, as you are doing as well. Happy birthday, and MANY MORE!!

  325. Belated Happy Birthday! I have followed your blog because I find it so very interesting! I would love to reblog the ginger post, if that would be OK with you? Thanks!! God Bless! Thanks for liking my post!!

  326. Just starting to blog, jajaja and your a whipper snapper, so am I, 61 and sooner than later will be 62. My father used to say your only as old as you feel. So am going to start feeling like I am 21 again, jajaja, Take care, have a good 2013. Thanks for reading my poems.

  327. 525,600 Minutes

    To get it down the first day
    Feels important – no, essential.
    That gives five hundred and twenty-five
    Thousand, six hundred minutes
    To attend to the tangential,
    Dedicating actions:
    I dedicate the morning walk
    To you; my makeup and my love
    Of face; commit the TV talk,
    The foods I’ll eat,
    Both veg and meat;
    Give up to you the grabbing sin,
    The appetites, my place within
    The universe.
    Now that was terse.
    Terse and pointed as a pin;
    Terse enough to set the spin
    On five two five six naught naught minutes:
    Time to get the tasks I set within them
    And win.

  328. Hello Oneanna65,

    I have felt your touch previously so I wonder if this message (cut and pasted below) is for you. I feel like I reached the end of my caregiver advocacy days.

    The goal here is to get the maximum number of Comments so these will EQUAL OR EXCEED the number of visitors. If you are willing to participate then please follow this link (, open the post, and cast your comment upon the page (sort-of like graffitti).

    Good luck to us all.


  329. Happy belated birthday, this was a beautiful post. How is your aim of doing one good and meaningful thing everyday? Are you keeping up with it? Are you currently cancer free? God bless you love.


  330. Happy Birthday to you, I am 60 tomorrow!! YAY… I dont believe in God, I believe God is a cop out for self responsibility, so I believe that our spiritual hope and belief comes from everyone, and no one and all of us… we are all what you call god, we are all part of everything and anything, so how can one entity be responsible for all that! not! Believe in yourself – and love and all will be well.

  331. Today is Jan 31st and I read your ‘My 65-th birthday post and I was revitalized. I am 52, ten months ago I was diagnosed as hypertensive with diastolic dysfunction of the heart. Since the diagnosis I have taken controll of my life How did I do it ? simple I surrounded my life to God. I changed my diet, excercised daily and remembered to be positive with prayers. In doing so I found peace, contentment and happiness. Happy belated birthday, I am very late but early enough for your 66th birthday. Thank you for stopping by.

  332. Thank you for stopping by and “liking” my current post. I do appreciate the time. I fight my COPD pretty much as you fight your cancer. I am grateful for each day, and thankful having another. Please take care and continue the good fight. — Bill

  333. Let me give you some news, you will never die, some years ago i went to a flea market, and bought a big box of books, I really did not know what was in there, inside there was a book by a british doctor who lived in the 30`s, it was a 100 copy printing (probably self funded), the point is that I read it, it gave me a very accurate picture of rural England in the 30`s, that doctor is not dead, he lives in his book, and you live here on the web, you example and your message will exist forever in the digital media, it will be posted, reposted, linked to and nobody will be able to erase you even if they dedicated a whole lifetime to do it. Thanks for being here, Happy Birthday and keep up the good work.


  334. I first came to your blog when you kindly liked one of my “newbie” posts a little while ago. When I did that, I read this post, a little while before I was about to turn 60. I found it very helpful. And on February 2, 2013, Groundhog’s Day, I gave myself a big celebration, inviting people I love. It was a wonderful experience.

    Thanks for liking another one of my posts this morning. In addition to appreciating your kindness again, I am so grateful that I came back here and read this post of yours again, exactly a week after that birthday celebration of mine.

    All the best,

  335. I too am a breast cancer survivor – 16 years – and my attitude is similar to yours although I’m planning on another 20 years. I’m 66 and have been blogging for 5 months. My life motto has become “No more regrets and no more missed opportunities”. Life is a BLAST.

    Thank you for your “Like” on my Re-Post. I’m looking forward to reading other posts of yours.

  336. what an amazing list of comments! Happy Belated Birthday to you. We aren’t guarenteed any length of a lifetime, whether we are 1 or 100 best to make the best of every day, dwell on positive things like health and beauty and try not to sweat the small stuff. In the long run, so much of the trivial things we obsess about don’t really mean a thing.

    Wishing you many happy and healthy years to come! 🙂

  337. Thanks for visiting my blog so that I could find yours! I’m just beginning my cancer journey. It is encouraging to see survivors like you having a good time despite their ailments! Happy birthday…and blessings for many more!

  338. Congratulations. First of all thank you very much for paying your gracious visit to my blog and liking my poem, ‘Time’. I, crossing 62, feel agile and lively. Your inspiring words add to my vigour. Certainly interaction with people who have tasted the fruits of so many days are ripe enough to bestow sweetness to others. Thanks again.

  339. Happy birthday. I wish you all the best. I am so proud of you. I have no words to say. I am speechless. I love your writing and i am happy that came across it. God Bless You!

  340. I love the line, “life is like driving a limo”. Awesome visual! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love the positivity I read here! Love it!

  341. Just loved your post, especially as I’m celebrating my 64th birthday next week. Happy Birthday to you! i love the positivity you display here 🙂

  342. Happy Birthday a little late, but I just linked with you today–or you me–whatever…..if you are asked how old you are, skip the over-50 stuff…just tell them you are just like your limo–the warranty hasn’t run out yet. Best…

  343. I looked at the date of this blog. I missed your 65th birthday but you have another coming up shortly. A very happy .. soon-to-be- birthday. So much better than `belated`birthday!! Thanks for visiting my blog and thanks for sharing your optimism with so many who maybe fighting the same battle.
    Thanks for visiting my blog, and may the rest of your years be long and prosperous.

    God Bless

  344. Happy Birthday!
    You Are a Fighter and a Winner!
    Please Do Not Abandon your Natural Healthy Diet
    LIVE Nutrients in Raw Foods and Fruits are Giving Life to your Body.
    Preparations in Packets in Store shelves are practically dead or synthetic.
    I too had to give it all up and i am still alive thanks to the Naturals!
    Only Life can sustain Life
    Good Luck!

  345. and here you are, nearly 66… I like your spirit! I like your attitude! I hate cancer…..

    So help me out… how did you find me? How do I find other bloggers that I might be interested in? I am very new at this… Thank you! … thanks for stopping by as ‘we’ bloggers say!

  346. Though many dark days may you encounter, always remember there is Somebody close to you, looking at you, taking care of you. Remember always that you can speak to Him. It does not mean He will take away all the pain from you, but be sure He shall take care that you can bear it and will find a way out of the struggle.

    Wishing you lots of courage and lots of moments of beauty and joy.

  347. Wow, you are probably the most by far rocking 65yrs old person I have ever met, technologically you are so updated! haha 😀 happy super belated birthday, my mom is 50 and she’s already became a granny, and i dont think my mom is as super technology as you are 🙂 btw, thanks for stopping by at my new blog, hope you could comment on it 😀

  348. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog 🙂 Love the positive attitude! I see that it’s almost time for your 66th again 😉 so wishing you God speed, much blessings and more smiles than tears in the time you have been allotted. Take care!

  349. What an inspiring blog to see! I just recently saw that you liked one of my postings on my new blog and I thought I would come check yours out. I think you represent a kind of person that we need more of. You represent someone who sees strength in community, in others, in yourself. You are someone who isn’t fearful of your reality, but rather confident in your ability to change your perspective on the negative things life throws at you. That is inspiring and I wish you nothing but the best in life. I will keep reading 🙂 Thank you for being a source of inspiration to your many readers!

  350. I admire your honesty and sincerity with your writing. I haven’t had a chance to to read anything else yet, but I hope the very best and feel that your positivity only means good things can happen from my romantic standpoint. And just incase I have heard that turmeric and cannabis has amazing healing benefits. Bless!

  351. You are as young as you feel is my motto. Instead of asking someone ‘how old are you?’ I ask ‘how young are you?” Words are powerful ! I am currently living my new best friend who 66 years young and 22 years older than me and we are having the best time ever together. As long as you have breath in your lungs you are full of life! Thanks for sharing!

  352. Happy Birthday, and I hope you have many, many more! In two days I will be 74 and I believe that every day is a gift! Stay well in mind, heart and body 🙂

  353. Your positive attitude and zest for life is so inspiring! I recently lost my uncle to cancer so it is really heartwarming for me to read about how joyful you are regardleas of having cancer. I hope you have a very special birthday. Thanks for a great post!

  354. Congratulations sir! Here’s hoping that you live for many more a year. I really like the fact that you gave thanks to God for your good health. 🙂

    1. *I am dearly sorry, please forgive me for saying sir. I should have checked out your blog page, seeing that you are a woman, before I read this post. I’ll revise my statement.

      *Congratulations mam! Here’s hoping that you live for many more a year. I really like the fact that you gave thanks to God for your good health.

  355. I love your last line- beautiful. Let’s not just lie down and roll over when hardship comes. What a great attitude and to stand on that even in the worst trials where you would be forgiven for lying down and rolling over.

  356. Happy belated birthday! As long as you stay positive, you will never lose the fight. One summer, I worked with a guy about your age who was also battling cancer, but you would never know it from his cheerful disposition. I’d ask him how he was doing and he’d smile and say, “Not so worse, Tyler, not so worse.” In these moments, his spirit transcended cancer. I’m pulling for you! Don’t count the days – instead make every moment count 🙂

  357. Happy Joyful Birthday and Halleluiah! I will be 62 in June, heart attack at 46, DDD on disability now, but living for Him. We won’t give up on life until He takes our last breath, right? I am learning and doing things I never did before and treasure life. My mother is 95 and frail, but doing her best to keep going too!

  358. Thanks for stopping by and I’m glad you liked my post. I hope you had a happy happy celebration on your special day. It’s great that you’re motivated. I have a family member who is also fighting cancer and just like you he is also taking it one day at a time. I admire people like you for that. Keep it up!

  359. Happy belated Birthday fellow Aries! I love “life is like driving a limo in very bad weather: IF ANYBODY CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT.” Only an Aries would say something so funny and truthful. xo to you.

  360. For me, 65 comes next January. I had so many things I hoped to accomplish when I was young. Now I understand how every minute was a victory. I’m hoping for many, many more victories to come. Thank you for liking my blog today. It means a great deal to me; it’s another accomplishment!

  361. Belated happy birthday! again, thanks for visiting my page and liking my blog. come and visit my blog page again! blessings!

  362. Happy Birthday! You are an inspiration. Also, thank you for reading my blog. I appreciate it. May you have many more birthdays and blessing galore.

    Dale (lensgirl53) Brandon’s mom

  363. Happy bday. You are so inspiring. I am going to start following you. I know I have not wrote about it yet. I only started last week. I have stage 4 breast cancer. It is my second fight. You inspire me! Will you be my cancer mom. ❤

  364. Happy Belated Birthday!! I really think that looking forward to the end of life positively is amazing! This is the first blog post I’ve read on your page, and it’s inspired me to walk forward in life positively! Thank you so much!! You’re amazing!

  365. Thanks for liking my blog post. I came to check yours out and how inspirational you are. Thank you for sharing a piece of yourself and shining your light in this huge online world.


  366. I have read much of your work here and I find it captivating. I see your determination in living life. You speak of life – and I speak of God giving life and giving it more abundantly. As for myself? I too am an overcomer. My life has been wrought with peril – yet, I know one very important thing – it’s a life that was given to me, that life was placed into a loving Christian home and I was raised so. God’s plan was perfect.

    I always believe that when someone is afraid of dying they’re feeling convicted for some little thing left accomplished for God our Father… For a person right with God is prepared to be with God. Looking forward to such a day. Keep on blessing and giving thanks to Jehovah God. may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless and keep you all the days of your life.

    By the way – Happy Belated!

  367. Greetings. I send you good energy and high hopes for happiness and good health and all good things always. May all the blessing of God and all life come to today and all the days of your life. Happy birthday.

  368. Thank you for checking out my blog and liking my recipe! I am new to blogging but am planning on filling it with healthy nutritious and often easy recipes. So if you are addicted to health, please come check it again! Your story is inspiring, and I agree with you, eat the foods that make cancer unhappy!! Wholesome, processed free foods. Have fun in your next 4 years!

  369. Thanks for liking my post “empty spaces equals strong mind”. A belated Happy Birthday to you. I’ve been very sad lately because of a certain situation.I’ve dealt with depression in the distant path and don’t want this sadness to spiral into something else. Reading your blog made me realize I just need to get over it. Life really is too short not to be grateful for every day. Thanks for being an inspiration. (By the way, I have two blogs. The other is “depressionsgift”)Anyway, God bless you.

  370. you and my grandmother (92) have the same birthday… happy belated birdthday to you and thank you for stopping by my blog and liking “The Walk”. the best day to you 🙂

  371. I hit the milestone of 50 on April 20th. I love your attitude and hope mine remains the same as I age “gracefully”. We all know that life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% attitude. You have a great one. My husband’s Auntie L just left us at 108 years old. She lived in her own home up until two months before she left. She played golf every day since she was 20. She hit her first hole in one when she was 102. She didn’t really get sick. She fell and decided to go in for some rehab. When she realized she probably wasn’t going to go back home she decided she had lived long enough and just cut way back on her eating and left us peacefully. She lived a wonderful life and lived how she wanted to live until the end. She was interviewed many times over the years. She was on the Ellen Show and on the Jay Leno show at 102. I was fortunate enough to meet her in 2011 when she was 107 in her home. What a gem. One month later she had sent me and my husband a wedding card with a check in it. Always giving and thinking of others, that’s was one of her secrets to a long life. She always said the secret to a long life is just to love people and love life. Sounds like you’ve already got that covered in spades.

  372. Happy Birthday too and thanks for always stopping by my blog. I just turned 71 and I wish you at least five more years. Good years. BTW, I was a nurse, and we used Ensure all the time in the hospital to round out patients nutritional needs. Good stuff.

  373. Happy Birthday – belated, that is. Sorry I’ve been remiss in reading my friends’ posts and am now catching up. You’re an inspiration to all of us – enjoying life, being proactive, and taking it all one day at a time … keep driving that limo! 🙂

  374. more than three thousand people liked this post! do you realize how much of a true queen you are?!!!!!

    i was just told of a woman who died this past week here who lived to be 120! how about that?

    i plan to do a search soon to meet her family and find out more about her life, her diet, and what she did to reach that grand age!

    you’re half way there,mas o menos!

  375. Thank you for liking my post and Happy Birthday!
    I love this post and agree completely with your philosaphy
    We have to remain optimistic even in the darkest of moments because there will always be something to be gratefull for. Very inspirational words!

  376. you are an inspiration:)… I have lost close family to the cruel claws of cancer… Looks to me as if you have all that it takes to fight this monstrosity. Will power and hope! Kudos! I will keep coming back to read what you have to say:)

  377. “…if nothing happens to them.” – if nothing happens to them, what’s the point of living?

    BTW: I have a friend who’s 75, and she describes herself as “21, with 54 years experience.” 😉

  378. Yes, time, that magic moment that slips ever so quickly into oblivion. The thought occurred to me some time ago that we only have so many ‘full moons’ to take in. By that I mean that the hallway of time has an end, and all of us, whether we are aware, have a door to walk through, thus the ‘moons’ act as a stopwatch.

    A time to consider how precious the most mundane things of life can be, yet so relevant. Hope you have many moons on your horizon.

  379. HI Oneanna,

    Happy belated birthday. I turned 65 years old in May. It’s an amazing age! I am thankful that one year after a stroke I had1 day after my 64th birthday, the Lord saw fit that I live another year. I know the Lord still has something that I can do for HIm.

    I was so glad to get a like from you. It’s always a blessing to hear from you. I know I’m late getting back to you.

  380. Hi Oneanna,

    Happy belated birthday. Happy life!

    This past May I also turned 65, yeah It’s a milestone and I know the Lord has something for me to do as long as He keeps me here.

    Thank you for the like on my blog. I am always glad when you stop by.

    I appreciate your blog, you are sharing positive things to help and encourage us to taking better care of ourselves.

  381. I have crossed 40 this year and not really expecting to reach 65 ever. The average life expectancy is much lower in the developing countries. The average age of my previous generations is about 65 so I guess I have about 25 years left 🙂 When I was young, I gave myself a target of achieving all that I want to do in my life before I am 50. I used to say it to my friends that all the years that I will get beyond 50, I will treat them as bonus year, and enjoy every moment of them to the fullest.


    Thans for liking n following my blog.
    I like the idea that the older generation embraces what's available to them. Reminds me much of my father.. who would have loved being able to blog if he was still with us!

  383. other than the fact that it was my birthday that day too, the fact that i loved the the first two posts on your home page is a reason to follow you immediately…i loved the cheerful and encouraging posts…and if you keep writing like this, i am pretty sure you can make it another 10 years at least 🙂

  384. Hello! I found you through The Duck & The Owl blog. I am blown away by your bravery, candidness and well…gratitude here. Sending you a hug from afar! And wishing you a Happy Birthday 🙂 xo

  385. Happy beLATEd birthday dear! This was a very interesting post, and I’ve learned a thing or two, too! Your stories are amazing. When you go through ups and downs, sometimes more downs than ups, it builds characte. You are a strong person because of your experience. 65 – psssh, age is nothing but a number and this is a new PRIME time for you! Enjoy your sixties to the fullest. No regrets.

    “Cultivate the habit of being grateful.”

    And, thanks for stopping by my page!

  386. I’ve been there! Or rather: I’m sitting in your boat along with several thousand others. And I wholeheartedly agree: We’ve got one life – each and every one of us – and a cancer diagnosis is something that just happens to some of us. It’
    like sailing ‘the seas of life’ and at som point some will experience the havoc of striking ground. The reason why masy be one of many: We may have chosen to navigate into dangerous waters or we might by pure chance hit on an unchartered obstacle. Unexpected, unfortunate but – it’s not the end of the world – or our lives! Not unless we let it be!

    So what’s different from yesterday? Yes, you’ve got a diagnosis. And perhaps your life may be somewhat shorter than expected? All the more reason to really live what’s left of it, wouldn’t you say? To do what you have always longed to do? See what you have wished to see. Take care of your family in a way that will ensure that you’ll always be remembered? Keep on smiling to the world end enjoy the respons you’ll be getting.
    Or quitely sit down, giving up on life? Not a chance! Keep at it!

  387. I have only read about 3 of your posts and I can already tell that you are a kind, generous, and thoughtful person. I look up to you.

  388. Loads of Love dear……
    hang in there….. u are doing amazing ….wonderfull spirit…loved to read you….live life full and complete with passion and vision, we come as humans only once make your birth worthy enough….give love, spread joy and bliss…help support to needy ….it will be come back to u one day with bright colours…
    may god bless u…..

  389. Hello! You’re the one who visited my blog, A Day to Start Again. Thanks for it. I don’t know you have…. I’m sorry for it. I’ll support you no matter what, keep enjoy your life and I hope you’ll get 10 years… no, 20 years more!
    I know that’s impossible in logic,the wise said, “nothing impossibles, “if you dream and try to get it”.
    And i….youre better than me. Keep fighting!

  390. Thank you for stopping by my blog and for sharing your story! I’m a 2 time melanoma cancer survivor. and have been caner free since July of 2004. I lost my left leg to the cancer in July of 2001. Been in a wheelchair ever since but alive and doing well. Again, thank you for sharing your story!

  391. I see you are closing in on your 67th birthday on April 6. May the Lord continue to bless your life no matter how great the challenges. These are only God’s way of helping us appreciate every day of our lives and the joy of life eternal with our Savior. I pray you will make it to April 6 this year and for many years to come. I will turn 63 on April 10. God bless you. Trust in the Lord always.

  392. Happy belated birthday!!May you have many many more in God’s love, knowledge and good health in your life. May you be blessed and may your blessings be passed on to all who come in contact with you and your loved ones! (:

  393. Hello! I really liked this post-it was funny and uplifting, especially the line, “My life is like driving a limo in very bad weather: IF ANYBODY CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT.” I really connected with the gratitude you have for life. Like most of my immature peers, I take a lot for granted and have to remember to be grateful.
    p.s. thank you for liking my post! : )

  394. So inspiring. You can’t predict the length of your life but you can live each moment to the full. 🙂 Happy birthday and thankyou for the motivation your blog provides!

  395. I was just reading your wonderful positive write up about becoming 65 back in April. I will be that age in a few days time, Your view on things is lovely and inspiring, and I thank you for it, and I wish you many more happy moments.

  396. I love your positive outlook on life, and respect you for your ability to survive so much and still be a happy person who genuinely cares for others. You are an inspiration, and I am honored that you read my blog and enjoyed it. Yours are wonderful!

  397. Leaving aside the birthday wishes which will be quite belated if I offer them now, I would like to say something about the ‘view’ you hold for life. Simply brilliant. I myself am not a sunny fellow but like a moth, get attracted towards those who are. Your piece is really motivating my lady and I want to thank you for bringing it in the public place.

  398. So nice seeing elder persons who actually enjoy their old age and look forward to the next years ahead! I’m getting so tired of hearing younger folk saying ”well, everybody dies so just enjoy life by drinking, smoking, eating whatever you like and don’t worry about the ingredients”
    Hope you had a great birthday and many many more ahead !!

  399. “What I’m saying, that I’m going to do some more planning when I’m 70 years old.”

    I love that! I’m only 50 for the sixth year in a row, but like Lady Astor, “I refuse to be older than fifty even if that makes my sons legitimate .”

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