I’m waiting.

I got no internet yet. I’m waiting. I’m posting this from my friend’s house in a snowstorm. I have to work 7 days a week but sometimes I can go out for a few hours! GREAT!!!
You see I told the old lady (she’s 20 years older than me, so she’s old – I’m not šŸ™‚ ) and I told her relatives during the interview that internet is very important to me. And I will pay for it. But they were very slow with helping me to get connected. They probably thought there is no rush, why can be so important for an average older woman, housekeeper, to get internet? They don’t know that I’m not average. I never was and I am not planning to be an average never šŸ™‚ How could I explain to those people that I am not only housekeeper but also wordpress queen of inspiration on the mission to save some lives. šŸ™‚ And that my blog and internet connections means more to me than anything else. And this always waiting got on my nerves so on 25 February I told the old lady “it looks to me that I can’t get internet connection here so I will have to go somewhere else” and I wasn’t bluffing. DON’T GO DON’T GO, I NEED YOU she said with the tears in her eyes. So I said I want to stay here with you, I really like it here and you are nice lady but as I told your family two weeks ago internet is very important to me. And I need some help with that. So she called her nephew and he called me back two hours later and said on March 5, someone will come to the house and install the internet for you. It will cost $218 for installation and $19 a month. So I said that’s fine with me, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

So this is how is goes sometimes, you have to slam your shoe on the table to get some attention. šŸ™‚ Anyway, I hate to be ignored. So now I have to wait 4 more days and I can start blogging again. Read some blogs, send some likes and smiley faces to the cyberspace.

Thank you all for your patience, God bless you all.


226 thoughts on “I’m waiting.

  1. Be encouraged, that happened to me in jan, after I finally went thru 6 customers service reps, 4 supervisors all who were useless, I just threw my hands up..screamed, yelled, and what do you know, a rep must have heard me, because he called me apologetic, I had service the next day. I need social network too. Be encouraged, hope the weather gets better soon

  2. great article šŸ˜€ , enjoy visit your blog, please help me my friend visit and coment on my website too at traveleggo.com author ubonewbie okay, !!! i will came back here again šŸ˜€

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post. I like you’re post too. YOu sound like a very determined person and that’s great. Don’t change for anyone! Have a nice weekend.
    Best, Karin

  4. Thank you for following my blog! It gave me the chance to come and discover yours. Hats off to you! Good luck with the internet connection! I don’t know what I’d do without it… Best wishes, Jennifer

  5. I love your attitude! I enjoy that you are a half-full person with a lot of spunk and hope. Thanks for liking my blog. Thanks, too, for your willingness to be genuine to who you are! Best of luck with the internet.

  6. It is March the 10th and I sure hope they came and put the internet in for you. Good for you putting your foot down, sometimes it takes some of that. šŸ™‚ Hugs

  7. Great post. Like it a lot. Reminds me that I have to put down my foot a bit more in my life…
    anywho, I’ll be back again some time when I have more of it. Sounds like I can buy some (shaking my head) all the best to you and your blog. :^)

  8. I know the feeling you had well. I don’t have the internet at my home and I’m forever at the homes of my friends doing my work. When I actually bring my laptop with me (as opposed to my Nook) I find shutting down requires about 32 updates and several hours.

  9. chuckling as I read this… I had an identical experience when I moved to my present abode. Technical issues with living in the forest at the end of the road. With some ingenuity, hardware and a chainsaw I’ve now got dependable internet, here’s hoping the same for you!

  10. I hear some of my own words in your posts, love it! Surviving cancer gives a new outlook, one of gratitude and the ability to be happy simply because you can. Keep your angels close and keep plugging away!

  11. Good luck getting everything organized. Sounds like a nightmare. It’s surprising how important the Internet (and blogging) has become to us. The computer is more important than the TV in this house.

  12. I’m an internet addict, trying to go cold turkey as often as I can. Most often only while abroad. I ignore the wi-fi allerts on my cell, leave laptop and iPad at home and… and… yeah, often cave in… šŸ™‚

    Glad you got it sorted, though!

    (Ps. Thanks for the like on my photo!)

  13. They would probably not listen, but I would explain to them how important your connection is, not because of surfing the web but because of all the friends you have made. Tell them it’s a very personal thing and very important. Anyone who is listens will get that.

  14. Good for you, standing up for what you need! About a month or so ago, my computer blinked out. I was so amazed at how much I depend on it. Finally I turned everything off, crawled under the desk (ugh) and played with the phone plug, then the router and so on. Thank heavens it blinked happily back on! Hope you’re all connected now and enjoying your new job!

  15. Thanks for your visit and like Ana ! I hope the Slurpee article cheered you up – your testimony is very moving – I will definitely keep an eye on you šŸ˜‰ Next time be my guest to leave a comment on Brandsoutsiethebox ! Bises from Paris, France.

  16. Jeeez, you wait so long and you HAVE TO PAY MONEY for installation??? Move to London, free installation, 6 months half price and they send you reminder every two weeks( if you are still not with them).
    Anyway, great blog, hope your internet do the job.
    Love your attitude WordPress Queen šŸ™‚ (“they don’t know I’m not average” – felt down from the chair!)

  17. Hold steady, good things come to those who wait – unless, of course. it’s waiting for the freakin’ internet to work. I hope all works out. I’ll send good tech feelings your way. This blogging becomes lodged in our hearts and brains like dog hairs you cant vacuum out of the car šŸ™‚

  18. I know your frustration! Living in rural south India my internet connection is poor at best (around 100kbs!) and sometimes non-existent. Having to use the internet daily for work makes this very frustrating!
    Thanks for the like!

  19. I’m so glad you put your foot…ummmm….SHOE down, and now have your Internet. My blog and Internet friends are important to me too. Good for you!

  20. Brand new to you here on WP. The loving, caring, intelligent housekeeper who loves to keep things clean, keep people happy, and serve God’s purpose. No, you are not ordinary! You rock! Thanks for catching my eye and liking my blog….Brenda šŸ™‚

  21. I know what it’s like without constant wifi as we have to come into a free wifi bar here in Spain.When house finished we will then think about getting connected. So like your blog but can’t spend much time online at present but will keep in touch by following.

  22. Never give up! Your blog is blessing to more people than you will ever meet as I have learned very few actually leave a comment and make a connection. Many will read and can be inspired by us. I pray you have a great day today in Jesus Christ name. Melody

  23. great article šŸ˜€ , enjoy visit your blog, please help me my friend visit and coment on my website too at ownerpets.com okay, !!! i will came back here again

  24. Its awesome the way you write, without any inhibition and you are an inspiration to so many of us. I love reading every post of yours and thank you for visiting my blog and liking it.

  25. Will be real glad to see when you have internet again. You have been missed. Thank you for stopping by and liking our post today. Hugs

  26. I get how fustrating it can be with no wifi networks. Good luck, oh and btw, thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post!

  27. Wow you liked one of my pictures, I checked you out, and now have me hooked!……. I have only read snippets so far but you are amazing your strength, love and compassion for others is close to my heart bless you xx And I only hope my photos and quotes can bring a little smile to your face most days xox

  28. Thanks for coming by the blog. I’ve really enjoyed reading back over your posts — what energy! Take care, and well done for the ruckus.

  29. Hi Anna, I haven’t visited in a while and what a blog post to come back to. I love it! I must visit more often. I’m glad you fought to get the internet connection! Best wishes, Dana

  30. Go girl. I too am a survivor. Not cancer, but ruptured appendix that went without diagnosis for a week. Surgeon said there is no way I could be alive. Never give up.

  31. Familiar scenario… finally got internet from the landlord, but so tenuous that if it’s raining the evergreen tree in front of the wireless device loads up with moisture, no internet.

  32. What I like the most in your post is the way of describing your persistence. What your mesadventure with your old landlady shows obviously is the gap which exists between how we see ourselves and how the others do… and sometimes it may be big! But this is the nature of freedom: everyone has their own ideas and values, has thei free will. When facing such situations now, I let go: the other can think whatever he wants about me, I regard this as an action of personal freedom that can be positive or negative (it’s their own responsability) towards me. More and more, I don’t mind naturally. I’m a white rose and let a waratah be what it is. šŸ™‚

  33. I like your post and I just want to tell you that I too hate to be ignored and that you’re not alone šŸ™‚
    I want to ask you if you’d like to participate in a blogger’s activity .. if you read my last post then you already know,, if you didn’t it’s a challenge called the Liebster Award where you should answer 11 questions then ask 11 questions to another 11 bloggers and then write 11 fun facts about yourself. so if you have time would you be interested to join ? please let me know if you are so I can give you your 11 questions šŸ™‚

  34. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking “Why women lie about their age.”
    Thank goodness you are here. I hope ypu keep writing as i enjoyed reading your posts. You are a true survivor. Be blessed.

  35. Thanks for visiting my blog and clicking “like”. Like you I was without Internet connection for more than 2 weeks – when our provider tried to install the upgrade, they inadvertently disconnected some wires, but couldn’t be bothered to fix it until I got stroppy with them. Isn’t it sad that people and organisations think they can behave like that?

    So glad you’re back online now. Keep on inspiring us…and hopefully we can repay the favour:)

  36. A belated Happy birthday I wish my last birthday was 67 šŸ™‚ I haven`t had cancer but have had a few heart attacks. I went to the UK when my Nephew contracted ALL, and the medication was horrific,I don`t know how he managed. I thank you for reading my blog, it`s strange but I have been blogging for20 years and have never had a great following. but if we do it for ourselves it doesn`t really matter.

  37. I read your about me, and I have to say I admire your spirit, and heart to help people even through your own battle. I like that you titled your blog cancer killing recipe, cause that is what hope is. Cancer may kill one’s body, but it only win’s if it destroys one’s spirit. Keep on doing what you are doing! this post made me smile

  38. Thanks for like a post. Your blog is awsome. And you are too. My auntie had cancer. This is a long fight. But everybody can win this fight. I hope you are well and i wish you the best things on the world.

  39. Totally understand the frustration of not having an internet connection. Back where my dad is posted for his job, in a remote part of India, I hardly get any good phone network. Internet is indeed a miracle there.
    But us millenials, we are lucky. Living in this world of the world wide web. šŸ™‚

  40. So glad they finally came through for you! I am totally addicted to my email! You wouldn’t know it from the 667 unseen emails on my yahoo at the moment, but I do my best to get through them every day.
    I hope you’ve got everything in good order by now. šŸ™‚

  41. I love your style! šŸ™‚ Lady if ever there was a person to whom the adjetive “Spunky” applies, girlfriend, it is YOU! your post made me laugh not once but twice aloud! [HUGE GRIN]

    I followed you “like” from my blog to yours and now I’m hooked. Keep up the spirits and thanks for visiting my blog ( http://TxCowboyDancer.com ) 5-6-7-8, Dancing my Way to a Healthy Me

    Cheers! šŸ™‚

  42. Too true! You can ask nicely and it will often get you no where, say it with intensity and it gets you everywhere. I hate that it’s become that way. The state I live in has me going straight to intensity, it’s like no help unless you’re “mean” about it. I’m glad you got your internet!

  43. First of all…you got 596 likes and 136 comments on a short entry…WOW! I haven’t even had that many visits to my blog and I don’t have any comments on anything I’ve written…so I say a sincere and hearty “congratulations” on your success. Keep bangin’ that shoe, it’s workin”!
    You have a lot information on your blog site and it is neatly organized, doesn’t intimidate me if I want to explore. Good work!

  44. Snowing?! Yikes! I want to thank you, for reading my blog and I want you to know that I enjoy your writing style. I laughed the whole time (such a drama queen) lol. I love it! keep warm and I am so glad they finally paid you some attention! šŸ™‚

  45. Well? You click like on mine, but haven’t put up anything on your own? Come on, I’m sure you’ve got something simmering on the back burner.

  46. Good for you! I certainly hope never to be ‘average’. Good luck with your new job.
    I sort of have one… it’s watching my grandchildren. Though this year it sort of changed just a tad.
    I’m up at 6 am just to post a daily – one or both are here M-F at about 6:30 am and are here until close to 5 pm. That’s in your face grama time! Well except when they nap, which isn’t always at the same time šŸ™‚

    Keep inspiring! Just last week Hubby and I got our cheeks swabbed to be on a bone marrow transplant registry. Though due to age he’ll only be on it for 6 months. But you never know.

    So my day time ‘internet time’ is limited. But gees, I know what you mean I gotta at least post my daily observance, well daily šŸ™‚

    Going to check out your post labeled ‘New Job’ …
    Hugs, Jules

  47. Hi, oneanna65. Thank you for your “like” on my blog for “Camping with God in the wilderness.” I’ve read some of your posts, and I will be praying for you during your journey through your treatments for cancer. I will also be praying for financial support. This is serious business for you, but some of your posts have a bit of humor which tickles my funny bone–(makes me laugh). Thank you for your testimony of trust, courage and strength of character. I’ll take a look at your book, too… Hope you will make a good piece of income from your efforts and your gift of writing.

  48. Was thinking about you and wanted to stop by and thank you for stopping by and liking my post. Hope you are doing well. Hugs

  49. Hi, I appreciate your stopping by at my page. What I liked even better, is your spirit. I read your topmost post. Way to go. People do take others for granted, unless they know they can’t get away with it. Speak your mind (nobody needs to guess then). šŸ™‚ Your post was a while back. Hope you’re enjoying the www. šŸ˜‰

  50. I’m so glad that it will hopefully be on soon! You’re right, you are an inspiration to so many and a font of knowledge and ideas for all. šŸ˜€ Sending you blessings and positive thoughts your way! šŸ˜€

  51. Hey, I nominated your blog for THE ONE LOVELY BLOG AWARD.
    Follow the instructions written at my blog for further action.
    Best wishes!

    Myself Khan

  52. Aaah that’s so sweet and commendable approach too. Hope that old lady is fine now, šŸ™‚ and no worries your readers aren’t going anywhere. Keep blogging. Nice maneuver to the post.

  53. We couldn’t cook our turkey because we lost electricity the night before Thanksgiving. I know what loss of electricity is like. Hope you were warm during the time it was out. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking one of my posts. Be blessed today and this week as you go about your adventure called life. Meghan

  54. I don’t know much about you and haven’t been following your blog for long. I have noticed that you’ve “liked” some of my posts though and really appreciate it. I enjoy writing a lot and am interested in perhaps getting some of my articles/short stories/poems published and was wondering if you had any advice. Also, in addition to on WordPress, I would love to find a place where I could write about anxiety and make a little money. I noticed you wrote a book (congratulations by the way!) and was wondering if you could offer any advice.

    Also, I’d like to wish you all the best with your own writing and your goal to continue to be strong and healthy! Have a great holiday!

  55. Holy Father I thank you for such souls as this. Bless This one my God that this one’s testimony might be powerful.

    May You receive those things which are rightfully yours from such as this one.

  56. No-one is ever average, we’re all totally unique! I like to slam my shoe on the table occasionally too, it shakes things up a bit….thanks for popping by. Travel safe šŸ˜€

  57. I just wanted to take time to say “Thank You” for being such a faithful follower of my Texas’ Poetry site over 2014. Since my wife is a two-time breast cancer survior, your postings hit home in every way. As a Salute to your faithfulness I am reposting this blog to my site this day of January 2nd, 2015. Blessings in your journey in 2015.

  58. Reblogged this on Texas Poetry and commented:
    This is another one of my faithful followers who is on the top of the list of my faithful followers on my poetry WordPress Blog. Since my own wife is a two-time breast cancer survior, the writer has much to say about overcoming and dealing with Cancer. Worth a read if you or someone is also dealing with this dreaded sickness.

  59. I give you what I have, it is a request to God, for His will to be done on earth, as it is Heaven, where there is no sickness, pain or sorrow. Today, January 7, 2015, I invite GOD to SHOW UP, and do His will on earth, as it is Heaven. Please let me know if He has come with His Army of Angels as He promised in Isaiah 23;9 Isa 23:9 The LORD of the Heavenly Armies has planned itā€”to neutralize all the hubris of grandeur, to discredit all the renowned men of earth. When Michael stands up in Daniel 12:1…it is to provide protection and love to ALL! This is why I INVITE HIM, to STAND UP and prove his loyalty to those are who are loyal to Him!

    Let me know how this works for you. The greatest blessing is Jesus in your heart, sharing His love for him, and healing your wounds from this world. I want say, “See you heaven and save me seat if you get there before I do!”

  60. Thank you for the like on my poem. I came over and took a look around, but when checking for your latest entry I get this post on your home page, dated last spring. I wonder how you are doing.

  61. Thank you so much for all of your visits and “likes” on my blogs. I hope you are doing very well, I miss reading posts from you. Always have you in my prayers. Hugs

  62. It is a pain in the b..t, what would we do now a days without internet?
    By the way either my medĀ“s for my broken ankle are kicking in or did I just read posted on March 1 and we are on the 22nd… I think… šŸ˜‰
    Sooner or later it works out, so donĀ“t stress out.

  63. I hope to get your paperback soon, I loved ” for every scar there is a story”. Thank you for following, I will enjoy reading your site. eajm

  64. I want to thank you very much for looking in on my blog. I hope it gave you a smile. What I see here is a lot of love. I wish all the best.

  65. Are you still waiting for a ‘good’ Internet? I can’t find a post this year, so thanks for liking my post, and being around since the start! I am so happy that you have endured.
    I send my best wishes from England, Pete.

  66. Where are you? I loved this… wordpress queen of inspiration on the mission to save some lives. amen amen amen..me tooā™„ ‘encouragement and inspiration’ Blessings and thanks so much for stopping by by blogā™„ I felt so blessed by it.ā™„

  67. Keep warm and stay patient. Maybe the snow will be gone by the time you get internet šŸ™‚ And thanks for liking my blog.

  68. We love you and I pray for you to rest and relax. Soon you will be back on-line I understand how pain and suffering causes us to push into the blog sphere to get our interaction, travel from our bed and see the world. I am praying for you to get well. Melody

  69. Happy you got the internet. My son had a bad stretch where he had so much stress and was on a lot of different antacids. That causes some people to have no acid in their stomachs at all, so now he’s on medication to restore some acid to his digestive system. He’s lost a lot of weight, and in the meantime is also taking Ensure shakes, and it’s helping. Instant Breakfast ones taste a little better, if you need a change.

  70. I also get frustrated when there is no WiFi whenever I travel. However, I try to engage in other activities such as reading books, drawing, and simply enjoying my surrounding the best way I can.

  71. I’m new to your blog and read the most recent few posts, and this one reminds me of one of my favorite books. Have you read The Elegance of the Hedgehog? There are two main characters, and one of them is a caretaker for an apartment building. The residents overlook her, see her as “just a housekeeper,” but she’s actually brilliant, funny, philosophical, and the very kind of person you’d want to sit and sip tea with all afternoon. Your voice in this post reminds me of her.

  72. I know you probably won’t see or reply to this but…. I LOVE YOUR SPUNK! I feel we have similar missions. Spread positivity, reach people and hopefully have an impact.. good luck!!

  73. Snow. Yikes! I don’t know what I would do without internet. I’d probably slam more than a shoe. O.o

  74. Oneanna65, thanks for visiting my blog acookingpotandtwistedtales and liking my article. You seem like a fun person to relate with. From your articles, they make me smile. So here is a smiley to you šŸ™‚

  75. There are people out there who don’t understand the power of the Internet. Haha they could of said it will be $599 installation and $35 a month. The answer would be the same! How do your landlords live?

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