My Heart

My heart
so many times
on so many pieces
it was impossible
to find them
so instead
waisting time
trying to find
and put it back
in one
I go on
and now
there are
so many pieces
of my heart
blown by the wind
all over the world
I don’t mind
I have
one little piece
of my heart
left for myself

by oneanna65

P.S. You know, I’m not a Poet. My Angels are back. And one of them made me write this……. πŸ™‚ ……..

71 thoughts on “My Heart

  1. Love this, I do believe you are a poet. This was beautiful, anything that inspire us and come from our hearts always it’s poetry! Thanks for the reminder that no matter how many times our heart is broken and in how many pieces is left, WE always stay with one, important piece in our own hands! Namaste β™₯

  2. This was lovely – I thought it was really clever the way the set up of the poem seems to represent how many pieces of your heart have been scattered, so many, a feeling of being disjointed, but then at the end we come back to you and peace!

  3. Write as your muse dictates. On a similar theme, 25 years ago, I constructed a poem about fragmentation, using a map that included all of the places that I had lived and traveled to which I found an attachment. For me, rather than the wind scattering the pieces of the map, I had left periods of my past at each of those locations.

  4. The thing is, a piece of heart on its own can’t possibly do too well, don’t we need all the pieces for the right pressure? Oh wait, maybe it regenerates like the tail of a lizard, that must be it. I’m just making this up as I go (and not making fun of it because I like the poem very much). I feel that way too. I lived on three continents and in five countries and I’ve unwittingly left pieces of myself everywhere and feel that I am running on one cylinder. I’ll start engaging that lizard. πŸ™‚

  5. This poem is absolutely gorgeous! The words aren’t enough to describe the soul that lives in this poetry, is amazing, thank you for sharing! Have a blessed day! Best wishes from Romania

  6. I’d say wherever this comes from it’s lovely. You are a poet I think. Thank you for posting this piece of art and for visiting and commenting on my site. All the best to you always, dear,

  7. Hiya, beautiful poem. Maybe it was those lost pieces that made the remaining one very beautiful πŸ™‚ Also, thanks for liking one of my posts.

  8. I love what you said about “You know, I’m not a Poet. My Angels are back. And one of them made me write this!” I’m not a poet either but sometimes i find when I’m in a “raw” moment or feeling deeply a poem pouts out… Keep letting your Angels write poems through you!!! They are great. And thank you for stopping by my blog πŸ™‚

  9. Thank you for stopping by, Miss Anna. Your writing is lovely. Elaine writes at a few sites I frequent and I bet you two would enjoy each other. She is a cancer survivor and blogs about that mixed with Jesus. πŸ™‚

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