Royal stuff.

It has been more than two weeks that I was nominated Queen of the WordPress World, but I’m still overwhelmed by all the support and cheers. I want to thank you all again, you are all awesome !  And to celebrate I should do something extravagant to make myself feel more royal than my usual self. Like what??????????

– Throw a party? – No, I’m not much of a party person anymore.

– Buy a crown? – No waaaaay!

– Go Royal Caribbean on Alaska Cruise? – No. Have no money, no time. Have to work and keep blogging.

– Change the color of my blood to blue? – No. I like red. Light red is the best. It means lots of oxygen in it. Cancer hates oxygen.

So in the end I decided to celebrate with Royal Jelly. Why?  You see, Royal Jelly may help me to feel a little stronger, improve my memory, and maybe even prolong my life.

Lets see, what makes some Jelly so special, that they call it Royal.

Royal Jelly is a very rich compound, concentrated food, made by worker bees exclusively for a Queen Bee. That’s all what she feeds on. Not the stuff what we humans eat. And Queen Bee lives 60 times longer than the other bees. That’s very impressive.

And this Royal Jelly is good for us too, is loaded with proteins,vitamins, lipids, glucides, hormones, minerals, enzymes, and some very unique compounds, that help with cell regeneration.

Royal Jelly benefits: brain health, asthma, hepatitis, cholesterol, insomnia, anti – aging, arthritis, gout, kidney disease, anti – inflammatory, stomach ulcers, healthy bones, antibiotic, skin disorders, cancer, fertility and more.

But taking Royal Jelly, Multivitamins and Ensure all at once would be too much of the good stuff. I have to be carefull, so I don’t overdose.

There are warnings about side effects, interactions with other medicine. So you have to ask your Health Provider for advice.

So you see, Royal Jelly is going to give me this edge, little extra confidence, which I may need in the future if someone will give me some grim prognosis…… I can always smile and think: “What do you know, I have my secret Royal Jelly extension on life”. And I may prove wrong one more Doctor, one more time in my life.

74 thoughts on “Royal stuff.

  1. You are such a wonderful person, and I continue to chuckle when your posts reflect your seriousness about being our queen! I am leaving for Quito tonight and will be in transit for several days, but a follow-up response is coming soon!
    You are the best and bring joy and wisdom to many!

  2. Thank you for dropping by my blog again! I am right royally honoured. My Dad would approve of what you are saying about royal jelly. He found it beneficial to his health and he sure was a strong and healthy man until he was nearly 90.

  3. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, especially as it led me to yours. It’s an interesting coincidence, as my morning began with an email update from a dear friend who’s just learned her brain tumor is now growing quickly. Visiting here is so hopeful and encouraging. I will keep reading about your experiences. Stay well and have a happy day!

  4. Congrats on the nomination! Being a vitamin person myself, I totally concur that Royal Jelly is the way to celebrate your royalness! Thanks for stopping by CustomBuiltbyYou….appreciate your support!

  5. You are wonderful! I love reading your posts. You have so much sincereness, humor, and a sensational positive attitude! Royal jelly sounds great too!

  6. Keep up the positive thinking. Queen of WP – now, that is an honor! Congrats! And it sounds like you have found something to go with it – Royal Jelly – fit for a queen! Thanks for stopping by my blog again!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I should definitely check out Royal Jelly for my poor daughter who suffers from ME. But as I already give her plenty of supplements, as you say I would need to be careful. I don’t know if anyone would be qualified to advise me here in Scotland! Bless the bees, and bless you too.

  8. Good afternoon Your Highness.

    I just stopped by to check up on you and your blog, which I gave a big “thumbs up” like, and to thank you for stopping by at my own blog, The Contrary Canadian.

    Take care,


  9. I am honoured that her majesty has graced this lowly peasant with a visit to his blog and liking his post. Thank you! 🙂 I have read some of your posts. Without a doubt, you are a brave and wonderful lady – it’s no wonder that you have so many worker bees. Blessings and strength!

  10. You should be really, really, exceptionally proud of yourself! Creativity in the face of adversity is a force to be reckoned with. Keep up the good work, inside and out. None of us really know how many years of life we will be blessed with – the one thing we can ALL do though is our darndest to make sure the years we have are good ones! Congratulations on having the fortitude to take your life by the horns. You are a great example to all for the importance of responsible living.

  11. Royal jelly it is! I appreciate and respect your bravery and positivity. I think I would be done in by my own outlook and personality were I diagnosed with cancer. I’m glad I found you (thanks for the likes) and look forward to the post that is the most uplifting of all; I’m praying for you!

    1. Royal Jelly is great for energy. I addition I take a tablespoon of Bee Pollen in my cereal or smoothie every other day or so. Try to buy bee pollen from local bees; it will be build your immune system to ward off local allergies.

  12. “Cancer hates oxygen.” That’s great advice. I’m going to remember that. By the way, where can someone who doesn’t have a bee hive in his back yard get some of this Royal Jelly?

  13. I was wondering the same thing. Had never heard of Royal Jelly. You’re going to have a lot of Dr.’s scratching their heads just keep pushing forward.

  14. Congratulations to you on your swift successes! I am amazed when I look at how new your blog is, and how many people are here commenting and liking your posts. Kudos to you. I saw you were hoping for five more years, I hope you have many, many more beyond that. You’ve obviously got something to share!

  15. Yes, every Queen should have a steady supply of Royal Jelly from the Royal Pantry! I’ll get them on it right away!

    The Royal Pantry Keeper

    p.s. thanks for liking the post on the Pleiadian Perceptions on Ascension on my blog ~ and my fondest wishes for you to live on and on – as long as you like.

  16. Thank you for popping by my new blog your Queenliness. I’m just sifting through your posts and was drawn to your Blogging category. As a newbie myself I’m still trying to sort through the intricacies and frustrations of learning how to do things. But I have time and I’m slogging through as I go. Please come by and visit as often as you want and I will reciprocate! You seem like one strong, funny lady!

  17. Had I known my blog was visited by royalty I would have responded much more promptly! Thank you for liking my post. It feeds my soul to know that I am connecting with wonderful people like yourself through my ramblings. I love the sense of humor and playfulness in your blog…you may now count me among your loyal subjects 🙂

  18. Your posts are just like 16 year old, cute, smiling girl, who talks about a lot of things and pours oceans of innocence, energy and freshness in front of the ones, who interact with her! Thanks for stopping at my site! Keep Blogging Mam!

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